Finally we have something new in the Kevlar scene a wide-bodied 100% Kevlar paddle with Insanity Spin and a great feel off the face so without further Ado let’s s straight into it the spartis Apollo comes in at a price of $129.99 and you can take 13 bucks off using Code STS pickle ball making this paddle just 117 bucks which to be honest.

Is an absolute freaking steal I thought for sure this paddle would be in the 15 plus price range and at $117 being 100% Dupont Kevlar with the this much feel and spin off the face I’m just very impressed to be honest the grit on the face feels like that super gritty sandpapery feeling when I first received my original 60 Ruby and wait until we.

Get to the spin category cuz this thing is ripping spin the spars Apollo is a gen to thermoformed paddle which means there’s Edge foam around the perimeter of the core which will make the Sweet Spot larger than a non- thored paddle and also increases the power and the pop of this paddle the Apollo is utilizing 100% Dupont Kevlar as the face material.

And in comparison to its competition is by far the most cost- effective Kevlar paddle so does that mean this paddle is lacking in any areas or is there really any drawback due to the price absolutely not in fact it’s quite the opposite the Apollo is a unibody construction with a core thickness of 16 mm and paddle length of 15.9 in and overall weight of.

8.1 Oz grip length of 5.3 in which the usable space is actually larger at 5.5 in the grip circumference is 4.125 in and and listen to this the average swing weight is 108 and the average twist weight is 7.45 which are insane numbers and I did confirm these numbers in my testing these numbers rival the paddl tech alwc.

And the valer Mau Forza placing the spartis Apollo as the best stock metrics of really any paddle in the space as far as twist weight and swing weight go and you’re going to hear me say this a lot in this video but all of these top tier metrics at a price of 117 bucks is pretty wild to be honest honest so I’ve been speaking with the owners of sparis.

Recently quite a bit and the original paddle they sent me had a funky handle it didn’t have exposed polymer on the sides but there was a slight bit of gap on the sides where you could sort of feel it just wasn’t totally solid all the way around I spoke to them about this and they decided to update the handle and make it completely uniform so.

If you’ve seen other reviews talking about this grip issue it has since been resolved and now feels totally premium and uniform all the way around so again props the spst for taking the time and the energy to address that that honestly really would have been my only complaint with the paddle and since fixing that I have no complaints at all as far as.

Finin goes the spartus Apollo comes in at 2318 RPM just beating out the valer Mau Forza in my testing and placing the spart Apollo as the number one highest spinning paddle I have ever tested I had a couple singular readings of over 2400 RPM which was insane to see I had a couple of those same readings with the valach 2 Forza so something about this.

Shape and waiting along with some qual quality face grit is a quality combo for spin that’s for sure so let’s compare this directly to the valer Machu Forza 16 mm which is its carbon fiber competition in the space the valer Mau Forza 16 mm comes in at 2314 RPM so right at about the same spin rate overall the mocku forza also comes in at.

An after discount price of $162 I was debating on whether to compare the Apollo to other widebody paddles but I figured you likely are wondering how this Stacks up to its Kevlar competition so let’s go ahead and relate this to the 60 Ruby at 2291 RPM and an after discount price of 180 bucks and my other favorite 100% Kor paddle.

Right now the Honolulu j2k at 2232 RPM and an after discount price of 135 bucks so as far as best bang for the buck spin wise the Apollo takes the cake at only $117 after discount code STS pickle ball this pedal is going to sell like crazy power-wise the Apollo feels a bit more all quore to me than the valer Mach 24s A6 16 mm I would place it closer in.

Field to the 14 mm Machu Forza and that it’s a touch more rigid off the face than the 16 mm vergin the 16 mm ma 2 Forza feels more plush and less Poppy and just generally quite a bit softer off the face than the Apollo so for power rating after hitting 20 servs and averaging the miles per hour in comparison to all the other battles I.

Have ever tested the Apollo comes in at an 8.7 out of 10 for power rating it definitely packs a bit more of a punch than I was expecting we also have the valer Mau Forza 16 mm at an 8.5 the sixer Ruby at a 9.6 and the Honolulu j2k at a 9.2 so for me given where it lands rating wise I would consider this at the bottom end of the all Court category.

Power-wise just enough power to rib driv and serves but not so much you’re going to be hitting the ball out on those errant shots pop wise the Apollo comes in at a very solid 8.9 I felt in hand battles and speed UPS the Apollo was wonderful extremely agile in the hand with that low swing weight and the Kevlar surface gives it some really nice.

Pop as it feels a touch more rigid to me here let’s go ahead and compare that to the valach 2 Forza 16 mm at 7.6 the 6ear Ruby at an 8.4 and the Honolulu j2k also at an 8.4 so we can see the Apollo has some really solid pop to it for hand battles and speed ups at the kitchen it’s not going to be as control oriented overall because of this for sure but.

It’s not so ridiculously poppy where it’s uncontrollable overall especially given that it’s a wide-bodied paddle there is some forgiveness there for sure The Sweet Spot on the Apollo is massive it has the same relative sweet spot as the Val 2 Forza so they both come in at 9.5 out of 10 much less harsh outside of The Sweet Spot in comparison to an.

Elongated paddle the shape of this face just feels like you’re swinging around one big sweet spot off-center dinks and drives still made their way to the desired location and the spots that would be dead on a hybrid or an elongated paddle are still usable here we also have the 60 Ruby coming in at 9.3 and the j2k at 9.3 as well so all.

Really nice sweet spot wise but the wide body definitely helps a bit more in this category lastly let’s talk about control the Apollo doesn’t have as solid of control as the Valu Forza which for me right now is the king of control the 16 mm Forza is super plush and it’s like swinging around a pillow in some ways which is nice for certain players and.

Skill levels the Apollo on the other hand like I said before lands on the lower end of all Court while still being controllable that extra pop does bring the control down but that Insanity spin definitely helps grip the ball and place your shots so for control the Apollo comes in at an 8.9 out of 10 the valer Mau Forza 16 mm comes in at the highest.

Control score right now in my testing at 9.7 and we have the 60 Ruby at a n and the Hulu j2k at a 9.2 being just a bit softer and a bit more plus than the ruby in play I think for me given the slightly popular nature of the Apollo in comparison to the j2k and the Ruby and definitely in comparison to the Mau Forza brings the control rating down.

Just a touch realistically I mean if you’re looking for the best betting for the buck right now in the space the Apollo really is it $117 for a wide-bodied 100% Dupont Kevlar paddle that plays all court has the current highest spin in my testing along with being a quality unibody thermoformed paddle I just don’t think it can be beat.

Right now from a price standpoint I think if you’re looking for a control specifically I would look into the valer Mau Forza and if you value more power while still looking for a 100% Kevlar all Court paddle I would grab the j2k from Honolulu pickle ball but if any of the metrics or aspects about this paddle appeal to you I would not hesitate to.

Grab one it really does live up to the current Hye around it if you want to see my review for the best protective eyear in the space click here make sure to subscribe for more videos just like this one and have a freaking wonderful day peace n
Use code STSPICKLEBALL to save $13 on your order
You can purchase it here:

In-depth analysis and review of the Spartus Apollo Pickleball Paddle. The new highest spinning paddle in pickleball. Accurate spin numbers, power rankings, sweet spot analysis, and control rankings. I hope you enjoy the passion I put into my reviews! If so, please consider subscribing for more detailed analysis, just like this!

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