Oh oh.

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zero good morning from Sunny San Clem California we your round of 16 women’s singles action I’m will doton joined by former Senior Pro Glenn lucy’ got Lauren straatman taking on Caitlyn Christian for a spot in the.

Quarterfinals match just getting underway here on Grand sand Court beautiful passing shot by Lauren she’s gotten off to a really fast start here Caitlyn started serving I believe and Lauren won won that point and then two points on our serve out and I’m sure Lauren would want that one.

Back kitlin to serve at 0202 nice angle volley from Caitlyn there Lauren electing to stay back on the return something that you’ll find women players do more often than men men will 99% of the time come in after their returns 1 two nice nicely play point by Lauren there very interesting it was almost.

Like a doubles point where she moved through the transition area a few steps at a time to make it to the kitchen line one and same spot in the net as she did last time and both players kind of feeling each other out early trying to get warm get into the rhythm of the match wow really nice Serve by uh Caitlyn.

Which caused a short return from Lauren and then Caitlyn on top of that made a really nice approach shot very low and it’s very hard to hit passing shots off of your shoelaces another big serve from Caitlyn Christian there gets the return err 3 2 just wide.

Out sorry Caitlyn actually started playing like seven years ago I met her at one of the first PPA Pro excuse me Pro tournaments not PPA that time and she actually made it to the finals of the tournament at that time played arena tereno in the finals and I live streamed it on my iPhone and I remember her as well.

Because she was hanging out with some of the other players that I knew and she had not checked in for the tournament yet and they were like oh can you go check in for Caitlyn and so I tried to do it and they said no that needs to be done in person Nice Shot Caitlyn I don’t know if she’s still.

Playing um tennis of course she’s still playing tennis but possibly not tournaments as of recently she stopped playing pickle ball because she was still doing really well in women’s pro tennis actually in that women’s pro tennis she actually made the uh it to number 38 in the world in women’s doubles no small feet now going fulltime.

Into pickle ball and has found her Rhythm here she got down 2 and now she’s leading 52 that will be a timeout from stratman yeah good timeout for her to take obviously um she went up two Z started really strong uh another interesting fun fact about Caitlyn is that when they had the battle of the sex’s movie which uh portrayed the event.

Where Bobby rigs played against Billy Jean King uh I believe was in the Houston Astrodome and that would have been wow God 30 years ago 40 years ago who knows uh she played she was the body double um in the movie for the actress uh who played Billy Jen King for the tennis scenes and so kind of cool little.

Fact there we go not just uh not just a star on the pickle ball court moving to the big screen as well and she’s already back on the court she’s ready to go You Can Tell She’s in full Focus staring at The Back Fence while while Lauren’s getting some advice from her boyfriend Julian Arnold and by the way Julian asked me to give a shout out to Lauren’s.

Parents who if they’re not here are I’m sure watching Hugh and Cheryl I hope it’s Cheryl now did I did he say shirely hope it’s the Hugh and Cheryl stman so very nice of him to give them a shout out instead of his own parents good boyfriend good boyfriend yeah exactly point so if it were me I’d be coming in off that return right the way she’s.

Doing it now it’s not working Caitlyn is getting up to the net every time and uh you know even if if just to switch something up here just the depth on that uh forehand up the line from Christian creating an easy put away ball yeah really nice approach shot and I think her serves are giving her easier.

Uh third shots Lux out there with an uncharacteristic mistake from Caitlyn and another break there on a missed return trying to go down the line there there where the Net’s 2 in higher and even if it was 2 in lower that one would not have gone.

Over we’ve seen that spot a few times uh just in the net off that forehand trying to again go over the higher part of the net it’s the second or third time she’s hit that same spot yes she’s got to give herself a chance by getting that fall in yeah really struggling right here um luckily it’s not a 15p pointer it’s two out of three to.

11 and there we go nice Point she hit a ball that obviously landed right on the line uh which put Caitlyn in trouble because Caitlyn clearly was letting it go hoping it was going out all right there’s another one caught her with a nice passing shot she’s back in it singles is a game of.

Streaks four eight and now it’s Lauren who’s coming into the net and Caitlyn staying back and she hit a nice volley there and I could hear Julian on the bench say smart smart it’s nice job from straatman anticipating where Christian was going to go with that backand could have gone anywhere and she stayed.

Continues for streaks streaks crazy because all of a sudden Caitlyn who basically was hardly missing anything earlier and she takes a timeout too and we’ll take one real quick from the Select Medical Orange County cup here in beautiful St Clement and players still on the benches here in.

This timeout in game one this women singles round of 16 match I’m will dotton joined by former Senior Pro Glenn Lucy we talked about it been a game of runs so far Caitlyn Christian still with the two-point Advantage but Lauren straatman with some momentum three straight points for the number five seed yes and she’s got the advantage of.

Having Julian Arnold on her bench who’s a former silver medalist on Singles at Nationals I was lucky enough to actually warm him up for the bronze match against Tyson McGuffin that would have been 2021 22 I don’t remember but so many good players have come in now it’s tough to get back there and that’s a great passing shot I.

Think Lauren is getting some advice from Julian probably to be coming in because she is coming in now and Kaitlin just hit a great passing shot there nothing you can do down the line is her Achilles heel so far6 ah and some bad luck there and really nice uh play Reset recovery by Caitlyn because Lauren had that ball and.

Then she got a bad bounce off the net which ALS also spun away from her so just that’s a killer in a game like singles where it’s already a grind and you’re really like struggling and you’re more tired and all of a sudden you get a bad bounce like that at 96 chance to serve from 69 and and you brought it up just the hands from Caitlyn Christian W.

To stay in that point and then to find a way find a put away ball on on the backand so impressive both of these players coming through uh three game battles in their matches yesterday uh Christian winning in three against Dario wal back and straatman beating Mari humberg in three games so they’ve been battle tested here so far in s clementy.

And would not be surprised if this one uh if this one follows suit it’s been competitive game of runs so far and it’s Caitlyn Christian with a game point and she’s the first one Off the Bench out of the timeout wants to try and close this one out at the first chance of asking we’ll see if.

Stratman able to Rally in this first game I’d like to see her get a good return come into to net put some pressure on Caitlyn game 11 that’s unfortunate minutes uh so we’re going to have a two-minute break between games there which gives us the good opportunities to.

Allow our sponsors to come on the air so we’ll be back here in approximately a minute and a half from the Select Medical Orange County cup PPA in s Clon the Select Medical Orange County cup presented by fitvine wines is brought to you by Select Medical the exclusive Physical Therapy partner of the PPA Tour by fitvine wines we Crush grapes you.

Crush Life by o snap grab and go wherever your taste buds take you by LifeTime your life your time by tea refill reuse refresh by vizzy a flavor for every Vibe and Yola the official paddle of the Select Medical Orange County cup and game two of this round of 16 women’s singles match about to get.

Underway Caitlyn chren taking game one 116 over Lauren stratman this top match up the five seed taken on the number nine seed we’ll see how stman responds she will serve start us off there is some wind swirling here maybe this side is the better side and that’s just a nice volley there she took Pace off the ball so it landed.

Around the kitchen line and there was no way Lauren could get it zero zero shoot Lauren had an opportunity there for a volley and just kind of M Hit It One Zer wait for the score to be called yeah Lauren’s just a little bit off got to find her Rhythm here somehow.

Too many unforced errors yeah I mean I would even consider taking an early timeout here before this game gets away from her we’ve got 3 0 we’ll see if she’s able to get a side out here get the serve back we will get a timeout there here in game two hopefully get Laura excuse me Julian.

We’ll have some magic words to give her so I’ve actually known Lauren since before she was a pro as well she used to play mixed with danne Gingrich who many of you are familiar with and um and I played some wreck games with her oh God that would have been 2018 or 2019 and the funny part was I played a couple games with her introduced myself and.

Then uh changed my shirt maybe put a different hat on or something and I came back and she’s like hi have we met before and I’m like yeah about 10 minutes ago and uh and then after that she was playing uh tournament in my area in conquered California in the Northern Bay Area um and she was really like wanting to find partners and crazy to.

Think going back now that she’s you know basically top 10 top 15 player but I was actually trying to help her find partners at that time and hook her up with uh some other Pros that I knew playing in the old days all right I’m really looking for Lauren to come back strong here do something different.

I think she’s just got to go for her returns and get in there maybe return up the middle to take away uh the angles from Caitlyn and see that was a beautiful return there right up the middle and yet she stayed back I don’t think there’s anything Caitlyn could have done with that.

Um ball that Lauren couldn’t have handled hard to attack it on the third when it’s so deep in the court yeah and especially in the middle because if you go down the line they can go crosscourt or down the line there and that was a beautiful volley if you saw that very unusual where she just.

Kind of did a push volley with her paddle facing straight down towards the court ah she got lucky that serve may have skid off the line definitely skid but the benefit of a deep serve it can hit that line and they get a new ball for the first game so this ball still may have some shine on.

It and unfortunately as I say when I play and I hit a nice shot and then the very next point I hit a not so good shot I say same guy same guy four two and smart shot there yeah just Lauren’s not going to be able to beat her playing this style right now nice when she first hit that I.

Thought that was going over beautiful curl on that ball she came around the out side of the ball and cued it shaped it so that it was going to curl into this side of the kitchen over here and head off the court oh that’s a beauty that’s a beauty anticipation there from Lauren stratman she got her first passing shot up way.

Too high and Caitlyn unfortunately for her did not put it away she just kind of put it in a spot that Lauren could get to and Lauren hit a beautiful crosscourt passing shot and just too good I think Lauren played a really nice point there really smart point and uh unfortunately Caitlyn sat on the down the line shot at the end.

There and so I played a lot of Senior Pro singles um and on that shot right there I always would have go crosscourt because it would force my opponent to run there’s no way they could sit on the crosscourt the way they can sit on the down the line and she’s just struggling I mean this is you know Lauren can play so much better.

Than this and that ball did not come up it was already a low ball and then did not come up high just good pressure on the offense there from Kaitlin Christian just finding ways to take balls and come in behind them we’re going to get a timeout here for sure if she loses one more.

point maybe not oh y she is taking a time out so get we’ll take one more short break as well and be back here at the Select Medical Orange County cup I he the it’s.

Tell pick up the paddle and get served with our pickle ball socks and here in game two Caitlyn Christian looking to close this one out make it to the quarterfinals she has an 8-3 lead over Lauren stratman coming out of the timeout we’ll see if the number five SE stratman able.

To make some adjustments and and try and get back in this game too he’s got to come in got to come in got to put some pressure on got to change something and that was a really difficult Serve by Caitlyn to do it on um even so I would try oh Lauren breathes as side Rel.

Because she did not have that shot Caitlyn hit crosscourt Lauren hit a beautiful return there and she still stayed back and that’s a really nice shot there angling towards the sideline Low by the time Caitlyn got there basically the ball was on her shoelaces nothing she.

Could do with it so hopefully a little momentum a little confidence boost for Lauren out and there’s a nice serve kind of towards the T in the middle from stratman got a got an attackable third shot off the return just hits the tape and no net love to be found on that one wow there’s a beauty that’s a 6.0.

Shot right there folks really nice low Inside Out forehand dipping took the the sliced spin from Christian shot and turned it into Top Spin what a ball 9 four that volley floats long and we’ve got Match Point here on.

The paddle of kin Christian match point 10 four and beautiful passing shot floats in and Caitlyn Christian goes on to the quarter finals and I don’t know if Lauren is still do you know if she’s still in the U mixed or the women’s in the round of.

In the uh women’s women’s doubles yes she she’ll play later today with Jana new so we’ll see her again uh here at lifetime say Clemente what do you think Glenn that Caitlyn Chris did well in that match seems like she was uh you know on the offensive at every moment uh what what was something that stood out to you I think other than that brief.

Lull there in the first game where she was up 62 and I think you know uh Lauren put together two or three point run that she was just like a machine very few unforced errors she had her game plan she was looking for an opportunity to get to the net as early as possible in each point and she hit very nice um deep uh approach shots and yeah just yeah.

Didn’t miss made very nice volleys smart volleys dropped uh a couple volleys in there that lawen so really a lot of the things that you want to see in singles you know people you shouldn’t do too many drop volleys and regular doubles but in singles they’re extremely valuable to throw in every once in a while because people are going to get a.

Lot of your shots that you’re hitting deeper in the court and there you have it Caitlyn Christian into the quarterfinals and we will switch gears men’s singles coming up next we’ve got a fun one Tyson McGuffin taking on track R and Meer this one will be fun we’ll have that coming up for you in just a few minutes stay with.

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every time someone tells you they vacation in the same place every year it should really make you wonder why travel like you mean it with IHG hotels and resorts we’re back here on Grand s Court the Select Medical Orange County cup.

Presented by fit Vine wine I’m will doton joined by former Senior Pro Glenn Lucy we’ve got a fun men’s singles matchup coming up the four seed Tyson McGuffin taking on the 21 seed Travis rhm what are you looking for in this one Glenn uh it’s it’s hard to say say what’s going to happen here Travis is definitely a great player and has had.

Some great wins uh but there’s so many new players that have come into the game I mean sometimes these uh Pro qualifiers are getting like a 100 people I don’t get it cuz singles is such a grind I hate it and uh anyway so it’s really tough out there each week you’re playing against somebody you know who you may.

Never have seen before and obviously that’s tough to do um and luckily at least Travis is still has enough points that he’s getting into the main draws with Happ to qualify Tyson comes over and give them a pat they’re good buddies and then know they were talking before the match anyway Travis is a wild card um he definitely has the capability uh.

To beat Tyson and yet Tyson is you know one of the true ogs um of the game and still Making Waves still a threat to win any tournament or at least to get on the podium and so I’m hoping for a good match which is you know what I always hope for it’s the uh the best thing two4 good match good pickle ball we’ll have R Meer.

To serve to start us off Tyson off to a great start anticipates a crosscourt passing shot and hits a short volley down the line Zer zero and lucky break there cuz Tyson hit a really nice serve I hate it when that happens you hit a good serve and the guy hits a weak return and in this case.

Ticks off the net unreachable Point beautiful forand both of these guys opting for one-handed backhand which isn’t usually the most common uh in in singles and at least nowadays interesting to see both of them sharing the court together I think still especially among the top players most of them are hitting.

A one hand and they’re running around that one-hander as Travis did on the previous point to you know hit their big forehands 01 side out and Tyson there trying to start perhaps a little cat and mouse by hitting a short third shot instead of trying to do a passing shot he rarely will go for a.

Backhand passing shot I saw him practice one in the warmup Travis took a swing at the ball there trying to hit it behind the back but even he knew the ball wasn’t close enough to get Z1 wow beautiful shot no one’s getting that one that ball.

Landed within 6 in of the line and he put a nice shape on the ball to have it curve towards the sideline just beyond the kitchen line one1 side out really nice uh volley by Travis uh Tyson hit a really nice Inside Out forehand that was dipping down into the kitchen on the other side so not an easy ball to handle one.

One wow Travis short hopped that ball and that took away some time and space from Tyson there uh who could not even get to that ball and that’s unusual Tyson will normally get a paddle on everything great point so far excited see where this one goes we saw Rett and Meer go up the line.

On the last point and then in this one he went cross court on the backand the guffin read it well nice anticipation beautiful and as always Tyson’s amazing serves got one of the best serves in the game sets up his third shots You Know Travis could not get much wood on that.

Return Point tier point about the serve does get a return error won’t complain about that 3 two point so Travis needing to find his rhythm and get on track here before this game gets away from him four two point yeah unforced errors against Tyson.

Are going to be the death of you he’s going to take advantage of everyone no nice nice and that just shows what Travis is capable there a couple really nice shots and getting the serve back two five wow beautiful shot there again Tyson not even able to get a paddle on.

It so he’s got a chance here he’s back within two three five nice nothing nothing that Travis did there wrong just Tyson just out playing him and making some nice shots Tyson not only is able to get to some tough passing shots but then somehow make a really nice.

Fleing and I saw that one coming that’s a signature shot from Tyson run Way Out ride wide where he’s basically all the way in the backhand corner and then slide a Top Spin forehand right down the line wow and that floats in and Travis did something smart there he went down the line to Tyson’s forehand Tyson a lot of times will hit his serve and.

Immediately start moving to the left getting ready to run around his backhand and so if you can put it hard in his forehand Corner uh it can give you an advantage wow and you’re not going to see too many better points than that fol that was a beautiful Point by both players and I thought Tyson had control.

There did well to kind of turn the defense into offense but retm able to finish it off with that final counter on the forehand and I missed Travis said something funny after the previous Point did you catch it I didn’t catch it 7 three good side.

Up and that one bit wide off the tape for McGuffin if you’re watching at home don’t be afraid to share and like really nice dipping passing shot there that Tyson was able to get a paddle on but caught the tape himself 47 wow laser right there from Travis RM.

Yeah really sweet shot and he hit a really difficult um dipping off speed passing shot crosscourt right before that so Tyson somehow made a really nice shot off of it wow again and he’s right back in it here with some beautiful shots if you listen closely you can hear he puts some sort of really nice spin on it.

You can hear the balls whizzing through the air even off of his serves he’s getting some tremendous amount of spin on the ball there we go Tyson sits on that one looks over towards his bench where Kyle McKenzie his friend and coach and Megan’s behind the bench sitting with uh a couple of their children.

7 six so Tyson made the save there and it just barely went over the net I’m sure Travis was holding his breath hoping there was no back SP Spin and I rarely see like Tyson give up but he knew he knew that he wasn’t going to get that one um so little fun stuff with Tyson uh I may have mentioned this yesterday but.

He was at the first tournament that ever played and that was seven was eight years ago 2017 March um the first professional tournament and that was by something called the ppf the uh Pro pickle ball Federation which did not last the year um anyway he was at the tournament and I showed up the day before people were doing wreck practice.

Games and so I was able to play some games with Tyson uh just at my first tournament right these are people that I’d only seen on video he had gotten the silver medal um in the singles at Nationals there against famous OG Marson RIS pety um anyway so all of a sudden I’m playing games with uh Tyson McGuffin and uh and that has led over the year to.

Uh tons of games he’s a great guy two um and so has been very generous a lot of him to play with me and I actually uh drilled and gave him practice for a pro tournament in Hawaii one year because everybody else was doing a pro am so uh I was all that he had left 6 seven out and just impressive to still be around and competing uh you know all.

These years later yeah after that yeah the long longevity even for Tyson you know the way this this stuff works right it’s like he’s been on top for seven years and now shots like that show you exactly why key point right here Tyson serving at 86 86 just out Tyson had a really nice.

Backand there he actually rolled one didn’t hit it too hard uh but he got caught um on his backhand side because Travis hit a really nice approach shot off the serve so he’s got an opportunity to climb back in it here sorry sorry Sor beauty beauty beauty yeah Tyson just fights off he gets over.

Gets a flat paddle on those volleys floats them deep um forcing his opponents whether it’s Travis or someone else to have to hit another shot oh he gets underneath one there and floats it long and brings McGuffin within two points of taking game one and we’ll see here if he loses this.

One he’ll probably take another timeout 96 wow Tyson sered not only deep or excuse me not only hard but he put that ball almost I thought it was going out and of course his serves have a lot of Top Spin and that just curved right in and landed somewhere near the line 10 and no.

Timeout wow just that spot for Tyson McGuffin just finds the forehand barely over the net he takes game one 116 not poorly played by Travis rhm in my opinion Glenn just too good on the forehand side from Tyson McGuffin yeah Tyson’s just uh on on fire there and real quick just to finish my story with Tyson so we were uh.

Drilling and playing some points um at the Hawaii tournament and we were on a kind of a short Court where the tennis net was behind me and Tyson serve is already difficult right so I couldn’t stand back to give myself some room um and at some point he goes are you ever going to come in and I didn’t even realize that you know I wasn’t coming in.

I was just fighting to get the returns back so I said hey why don’t you go 75% you know in your serves give me a chance um and then I can come in uh off of some of them so anyway good times back in the day all right we’ll take uh a brief minute break here from the select matter IAL Orange County cup and come back for game two.

wow it’s a new look and it’s looking real good and it’s and.

It’s okay we’re back here at the Select Medical Orange County cup PPA tournament in Beautiful s Clemente and it really is beautiful this club is really nice I’ve not been here before other than yesterday and was able to check it out it’s beautiful place just kind of nestled um into the hills and the trees and so.

Forth and before I forget I wanted to give a shout out for Travis retm to St Petersburg and the Crescent Lake Park which is where he plays and does his podcast from uh I forget exactly you know what the podcast are called something about hating tennis tennis sucks tennis sucks there we go from a former professional tennis player but we.

Love it happy to have him on the pickle ball court and Tyson is going to start off serving here in game two you got to respect the effort there for Travis rhm took a tumble and still able to get a paddle on that one yeah he was sitting there going can I get that one Z.

Wow and those High balls those are tough to you know you don’t hit too many of those balls right and the ball’s actually coming down towards your paddle as opposed to coming left to right and so really good skill there for Tyson not only to make a good play but make a great shot out of that two Z another.

One wow great point there Tyson you know you’re just getting full 110% effort you know on every point he’s just fully focused if he gets a let ball he gets a weird ball that lob it wasn’t really a lob but a mish hit by Travis that you know you know turned into a lob had tremendous Back Spin once it once it.

Bounced but Tyson was ready for anything stayed in the point and he’s off to a fast three Z start the Run continuing here for Tyson McGuffin 4-0 lead here in game two yeah Travis gets a lot of Back Spin on his returns he keeps them low but still that leads to extra tight Top Spin for Tyson who really takes advantage of it.

That serve looked long to me but Travis played it so it’s academic at this point with how much Top Spin you know it very well may have may have dropped just on the line wow and he’s just continuing the same passing shots that he had in the first game I mean and those balls are going.

Maybe an inch over the net so it’s really difficult to do anything with them that trademarked Ferrari forehand for Tyson McGuffin on B display here wow beautiful out little little hope for Travis rhm there he’s getting a lot of balls back just Tyson’s getting one more back each point except for that one out Travis put a little bit of Sid.

Spin on that serve which I like I hit about 12 different serves it’s like hey the more things you can do to mess up your opponent or try and give yourself an advantage not let them get into a Groove wow that looked like it was going out in fact it looked like it did go out but Travis nodded his head like good shot so I know it landed in in.

Fact 7 Z all right and Travis gives a nice smile they’re like hey still in this working hard we’ll see if he can get on the board here in game two decked out in a uh flashy shirt as always have to appreciate the fashion for Travis redm yeah it’s kind of subtle today oh and he gets a nice serve in.

There and Tyson FL one just a little bit wide wow beautiful and he held that and he held it and he held it because he knows Tyson is going to commit at some point and I believe Tyson started to shade the sideline just a little bit meaning he came over the sideline and Travis went behind him right foot Char Cross Point and Travis.

Hitting some really good passing shots there forcing Tyson to have to go in the kitchen people ask me some did you go in the kitchen and hit that shot I’m like how else was I going to get it you hit a really good shot oh and good luck turned into bad luck there Travis caught the.

Tape you can hear Kyle McKenzie in the background saying use it Tyson meaning take that bit of good luck there and roll with it and Tyson taking the opportunity to come over and towel off it’s a nice breeze here not as hot yet as it was yesterday point and that’s not where Travis wanted to go he’s good two feet below the top.

Of the net on that shot 83 and the dipping forehand from McGuff and getting the error if it’s not a winner it’s a very difficult shot for red Meer to try and hit while it’s coming forward 93 yeah out he got there just didn’t do what he wanted to with.

It and we’ll see if R Meer can put together a run here and try and stay in this one some work to do now or never Now or Never Tyson helps him out with an uncharacteristic when I first started playing pickle ball remember the guy learned from said never miss her turn of serve and it’s pretty.

Good wow Travis hadit a really nice uh one-handed Top Spin back and passing shot there got it up a little bit high and Tyson was able to block it back into a good spot 94 wow and that went in two and I thought Travis hit a really nice return he had a ball that was really low made it really.

Hard for Tyson to run around his back hand on but Tyson not only got there did it beautiful shot oh Tyson hit a beautiful three4 backhand topsman passing shot Travis says something funny to him he’s congratulating him and Tyson’s going to move on to the quarterfinals Travis is.

Still in both the uh mixed and the men’s and McGuffin making it to the quarterfinals 116 114 looked really solid just uh his forehand was locked in had a couple nice back hands as well anything else you noticed from that one from McGuffin that you were impressed with Glen uh he just was like a machine out there right I.

Mean he made very few unforced errors uh was really really on his game as you saw I mean he hit you know all sorts of 6.5 shots there and his his forehand passing shots were just money and he was going both you know able to go both down the line and inside out crosscourt uh his back hands he was hitting really nice little you know almost you know.

What you would consider third shot drops uh to get him up to the net and keep Travis from being able to do anything with his volleys even when he was up there so he’s looking good uh you know it’s I’m not sure who he uh has up in the next round but uh he looks very good and uh I’m sure he’s hoping for at least a Podium finish here he will be a tough.

Out for sure so with our first men singles match of the day in the books here on Grand send we will switch gears back to women singles we’ve got Millie rain taking on Rachel rorabacher should be a good one that one coming up in just a few minutes stay with us until then there’s nothing better than a game great tasty Miller Light it’s less filling.

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Association e and we’re back here on Grand San Court the Select Medical Orange County cup presented by fitvine wine I’m will doton joined by former Senior Pro Glenn Lucy we’re going back to women’s singles we’ve got a fun one coming up we’ve the number 35 seed Millan rain taking on the.

18 seed Rachel rorabacher this one should be fun uh Rachel roacher has not played a singles draw since September since uh PPA Cincinnati in 2023 so excited to have her back out on the singles court she actually Advanced uh via walkover yesterday uh against Dominique Schaefer so didn’t play that one and Rain had a big win over the.

Seven seed Paris Todd in two games 117 115 so both of these players uh looking to prove something more known for their doubles game in my opinion uh for for both of them that’s where they’ve had the most success so a lot to look forward to here Glenn I’m excited for this one yeah I’m hoping for a good match as well um I have not seen uh.

Millie rain play before uh and I don’t think I’ve seen Rachel play singles um actually either Rachel as you know really hits the ball hard so I can see that being a huge Advantage uh for her in the singles uh she wanted to give me a shout she wanted to give a shout out to her coach Damon hle one in and give more information on that.

SC and Milan hits her first approach shot a little deep one Z out and Rachel says hey I can do that too and she also floats one long what a return from Rachel roer yeah we’ll see if she plays it differently here um most of the women will stay back and hit balls from the Baseline not coming in.

But uh Rachel looks determined to get to the net and I like it there’s that power the powerful drives that you mentioned earlier Glenn on full display early in game one wow beautiful passing shot there most people most good players now have that shot where they can shape the ball and curve it on the forehand.

Towards the sideline point and I’m not sure Rachel would have been able to get that shot anyway but it did tick the net and make it impossible for Rachel to get to nice response from rain hits the forehand winner gets on the board wow beautiful get by rain there.

And then roor Barker had to run to get the ball and a lot of uh players that hit two-handers will then hit a one-hander because the reach um is better but she still tried to hit a two-hander on that and I think it made it difficult for her to make the shot point and not the shot she wanted to hit.

There as well and so uh Millie takes the lead here 3-2 32 side out Rachel gets the serve back two three and another deep nice return in the corner there and we’re all kned up at three 3 three.

Beautiful ball down the line wow really nice shot just held it long enough uh to get it up the line in the spot where Roar Boer couldn’t handle it side out looks like rain had a chance to kind of finish that one at the net had a great serve down the T really nice serve forced raciel to.

Scramble for it out and ticks the net here I feel like both players so far are trying to get their Rhythm three three point and that ball floats long off her paddle sometimes these newer paddles seem to have a mind of their own.

Wow I thought that point was over for sure Millie hit a really beautiful little drop volley maybe a little bit too long and Rachel hit that one almost off her shoelaces side out rain putting the pressure on at at the net looks like Roar Boer had a chance maybe a passing shot but just the pressure from rain made her think twice.

About that one wow out no one’s getting that one when I play with friends and they hit a shot like I’m like okay that’s a 60 shot but Rachel’s literally a 60 so when she hits it it’s automatically a 60 shot 3 four out and that ball just wide few unforced errors so far from.

Both players and I feel like the player that tightens that up a little bit can be victorious here side out and Rachel just getting enough balls back allowing Millie to make an unforced error there and the pattern continues so Millie hit a beautiful return there and I went and watched you.

Know Rachel hit what I thought would be a passing shot and realized that Millie did not come into the net so I think that doomed her in that point point and we’ve seen a few misses uh at the net for rain so far and that’s really been the difference for warer to establish a one-point lead Point time out re and she needs a time.

Out it’s three you know B basically unforced errors um on volleys and so you know she easily could be ahe 64 uh right here I was going to mention as well as Julie Johnson um Mom of JW um and Georgia Johnson comes over to help uh with Millie rain many of you may know that there’re sort of a group of uh five players who all did negotiations.

Together uh when the PPA and the MLP were signing people and Millie’s part of that group along with JW and Georgia and um and Gabe cardio and I don’t know the fifth I’m trying to remember who that was I was going to mention too that yeah when you were talking about Millie beating uh Paris Todd previously and that’s a really good win Paris Todd’s a.

Really good singles player she’s one of the few people that has a win over Anna Lee and it may have actually been at this tourament it was at this tournament in 2022 yeah so you know Paris definitely very formidable um I know there’s still some paddle controversy going on I saw some posts saying Milan’s paddle is really hot I’m not seeing it.

You know in this match she’s hitting good shots but nothing crazy and it looked like Rachel may have G given her a jump generous call there I’m not sure what you saw it was so close it was uh it’s so hard to call it out when it when it’s that close and the ball’s com that quickly either way a really good.

Break cuz obviously otherwise Rachel would be serving a 74 right here as opposed to Millie having a chance to close the gap beautiful backhand volley there what an angled was able to get hit that one out in front creating that crosscourt angle yeah Rachel’s got a strategy here clearly of returning her forehand.

Crosscourt and coming in behind them on the dece court Point again the change of Direction there from roarer on the forehand getting rain on the run and opening things up here in game one tough to hit passing shots on the Run side out and that approach shut floats long so we’re back at.

47 47 Beauty that’s a shot that you you need to see more of in singles the drop volley It’s very effective uh when your opponent is at out of position and Rachel was all the way crosscourt in the back on that one no chance to get that ball and she floats another return long.

And if she wants that one back and all of a sudden we’ve got a match here 67 67 just wide on that one so unable to tie it up 76 I didn’t see and that one just a bit wide there very close ball rain yeah it was behind the monitor.

So I couldn’t get a look at it it looked like it was going in 86 Point wow really great Point Rachel’s able to hit really great you know three4 speed shots dip um into the kitchen and create really tough volleys for her opponent and that kind of allowed her to get.

Closer into the kitchen and even W rain was still on defense and that gives her a three-point advantage two points away from taking game one yeah and Millie takes obviously necessary time out here otherwise it’s going to be 10 six if she loses the next point so a chance before excuse me a chance before uh gets to that point and.

She’s also continuing to get some coaching from Julie Johnson Julie Johnson’s a very good uh senior proom and I even see Georgia coming over now and giving uh her some advice Georgia Johnson and both of them are excellent singles players uh Georgia is often you’ll see her in the quarter semis um of women’s Pro single.

And Julie Johnson has had some good success as well in women’s Senior Pro singles um as well as you know doubles and mix but obviously she’s got some uh singles Acumen and knowledge to share with her and really not much more too that she can say that hey you know you’re just missing a few balls the net you normally would make just focus on.

Getting those balls out and successful timeout so far she’s got the serve back here and a chance to uh get closer Beauty wow she really needed that one and we’ll see if she can continue close the gap here in the latter stages of game.

One point time out receiver and now Rachel takes the time out and we’ll take one as well from the Select Medical Orange County PPA cup the select Medical Orange County cup presented by fitvine wines is brought to you by carvana serving happiness all season long by be the official wealth.

Management partner of the PPA Tour by Fela to play like a pro you need to dress like one by pickle ball Central your trusted pickle ball experts by rain clean energy for everybody by cirk we are pickle ball and by Sketchers conquer the court in comfort and we’re back uh Milly rain serving at 89 here in game one it’s.

Rachel right Rec we’re going to replay that it’s 89 I’m going to recall that score oh and the wrong score called we redo that one side out the tape my worst Nemesis in pickle ball I think that’s true for a lot of players 98 best friend for Rachel warer yeah.

Exactly it’s always it’s two sides of the same coin 10 eight out one game point saved for rain some work to do here though 8 10 point unforce errors the killer of pickle bom 9 10 Beauty and Rachel out gives a nice yell.

Come on and she’s got game point back on her paddle 10 n side out good and Rachel questioning herself how did I miss that definitely not the shot you want to hit on game point 9 10 that ball was out.

Point yeah it looked like Millie was unsure herself whether it was out but the ref confirms that it was indeed out at least from his perspective oh great shot and there’s no replay SL challenges here on Grand sand court yet something they’re working on for the future which would be a great thing to make sure that get the calls.

Right point okay and Rachel obviously really wants to close this out here be a huge advantage to be able to get the first game game point number three right here Rachel hits her approach out well wide there at least a foot maybe two 10 11 and that one stays in from rorabacher.

Able to get some Redemption goes down the line on the backhand again gets herself another game point tough way for game one to end a Miss return for Millie rain rer warer sorry unfortunate yeah unforced there there I’m sorry uh and just before we go to break here for 2 minutes in between games uh Rachel did also ask me to give.

A shout out to her parents Christy and Lyford who I assume are watching and are very excited that Rachel was able to take that first game there and also she’s got her uh boyfriend Bobby who’s sitting behind giving her some encouragement on the bench after game one and we’ll take a break for a minute and come back to the Select Medical.

Orange County PPA Cup in beautiful San Clemente California Cliff bar gives you energy energ but you get the win the most important ingredient is you imagine that becoming energy producers would be as easy as biting into an apple imagine water that is pure and.

Inexhaustible recycled and accessible everywhere in the World Imagine imagine the World of Tomorrow sustainable and desirable and we’re back game two set to get underway this women’s singles round of 16 match Milly rain to serve start us off point and Rachel floats one wide.

She’s done that a few times there she almost hit kind of inside out Sid spin on that one so it’s possible that it got away from her really nice volley there no way for Millie rain to get that ball landed not too far away from the kitchen line and not too far away from the sideline 01.

Wow Rachel hit a really nice deep ball justest on the line and I thought oh that’s going to give her control of the point and Millie hit a beautiful two-handed backhand approach shot was able to take control of the point wow and Millie really deserved that beautiful shot there another Ball by Rachel is so close to being out that.

Just hit the back of the line two Z strong start for Millie rain here in game two with three-point Advantage Asel War Bo for taking a timeout do you like the timeout uh being down three early or would you like to wait a little bit longer I do yeah I like it a lot because again all of a sudden it’s 4 Z or 5-0 and then the game’s over so I really.

Like early timeouts it’s also possible too that on a day like today where it’s hot I know even as I saw Millie rain walking over to the uh the bench that she’s huffing and puffing so you know singles is tiring right for those of you that don’t play singles you know if you’re playing Tournament level singles it’s a whole another level um of being t.

Tired and so I used to play a lot of Senior Pro singles and I would always take my timeouts and uh in fact one of my strategies was to when I knew I was going to take a timeout I would wait until the very last second so if I was serving even they would call 10 seconds you know and I would wait till the I’d count it down myself 9 8 all the way to.

Two and then I’d go timeout right so that would give me that extra 10 seconds um of time and I’m sure it drove some of my opponents crazy it’s gamesmanship you know got to do got wow beautiful and our table is positioned so we could exactly see how she shaped and hit that ball crosscourt we’re right behind her really great.

Point from both players just an amazing shot oh and that one finally goes long she’s hit a lot of balls that were close and that one was out by maybe 6 in so really great start here for Millie rain and really important now for Rachel to get the serve back get back into this wow she’s on fire right now just so hard just a great drop ball.

You’ve mentioned it you know you’d like to see it more and a very well executed one right there point and quite the response from rain here in game two lost tight game one and has put that behind her 70 point and n thought we might get another.

Timeout from Rachel 8 Z and there it is there you know got to use it nothing else you don’t want to end the game playing poorly uh I think it’s important for her to even if she doesn’t win this game to get on the board get a few points get some Rhythm back otherwise all the momentum um is.

Going to be in Milly rain’s favor uh going into game three and that’s of course assuming that uh that Rachel can’t fight back in this and of course you can always fight back especially in singles yeah especially in in singles but uh I don’t know almost more in in well I don’t know I guess it’s both equal it’s really tough to win uh points.

When you’re serving uh in singles for sure more so in the men’s game I think because they are coming in on the returns and the women’s almost every Point here we’re seeing there is some sort of back and forth going on from the Baseline so we’ll see how roor Boer responds coming out of the timeout and see if she can get the serve Back 9.

Z we have the answer she does get the serve back off R good timeout good9 that’s it ra come okay and on the board here in game two is Rachel roacher took her a little longer than I’m sure she would have liked but one n she’s on the board side out and she’s not happy with herself as.

You can imagine 91 wow some really beautiful shots from both players there and I love the lob from rain she actually got herself back in the point um and it wasn’t quite deep enough though I don’t think to follow it into the net which you should do on a lot of lobs if you’re they.

Successful point all right Rachel continuing to battle here 29 couple more points and she’s going to make Millie nervous 29 wow really nice get from Milli I thought that point was over for sure and I think perhaps Rachel didn’t close like she.

Might have wanted to on that nice shot 92 point and back hand up the line from rain gives her a game point crazy good shot crazy good shot there we go 112 we are going three here on grand stand what a response from Millie rain and players will switch.

Sides take a break what did you uh Glenn what did anything you thought that rain changed or do you think it was just playing better in that game too yeah that’s a good question she certainly had a few unforced errors there but I think that was the difference in this game that Rachel was making more unforced errors and uh I think Milly just clearly.

Had a plan to come out strong I think her good start too really helped her out because you know you know in singles especially you get down three nothing early and you’re like ah you know all of a sudden you feel like you’re at a disadvantage and the courts tilted uh in the wrong direction and so uh yeah I’m not sure she just clearly just played.

Really well made tons of good shots and Rachel definitely you know made a lot more unforced errors uh than she expected okay we’ll be back here uh in a minute from the Select Medical Orange County cup oh I have bad bunions wish they disappear laas s future me I know bunions.

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Game three getting underway here women’s singles winner onto the quarterfinals z z Oh no side out and Millie says oh no which is something I have to say way too often z z beautiful volley there point and Rachel gets the first point which I know that both players were really hoping to get.

Get a fast start good start to this game get a small lead early and hopefully grab that momentum point and she doubles her lead to two Z hit a really nice swinging two-and backhand volley there two Z point and Millie hit kind of a short.

Return there that allowed Rachel to come a nette immediately on her third shot out and gets a little bit too much air under that approach shot so Millie with a chance here to close the gap at 03 03 and another swinging volley and even though she swung at it she took something off that ball I’m not sure whether it was intentional but I’m sure.

That it fooled Millie who was expecting more pace we’re seeing Roar Boer coming into net a lot more frequently here and having some success especially on those swinging volleys and she’s got herself a 4 nothing lead we’ll see if she’s able to continue that and Millie takes a you know a good timeout obviously once.

You’re down 4-0 this is it this is game three so no game four to come back in and uh she’s starting she’s made a few unforced errors which were more something that she had in game one and that we didn’t see in game two so I think she’s just got to clean that up a little bit uh and you know give herself a chance to come back it’s interesting.

Game it’s interesting as well just the discrepancy inside because the side that Rachel warer is currently on uh each player has won their game when playing on that side and so I’m sure that might be in the back of her mind she wants to build up as big of a lead as possible before players switch sides at six kind of knowing that you know potentially.

Have more success on this on this side so we’ll uh we’ll see if that plays a role going forward here as well in this game three 4 Z Point yeah so she wanted a good return there and unfortunately got under that ball a little bit Point timeout change.

Ends okay we’re going to change ends here and we’ll stay here for that and Millie also looks noticeably tired I can see her huffing and puffing a little bit she has somebody new on the bench um who’s coaching her I do not recogniz oh that is Mari hurg okay she’s a fairly new player who I’m not that familiar with other than that I know she’s had.

Some success uh in the MLP and in general um and is she playing is Mari playing the singles as well uh Mari was playing singles she lost to Lauren stratman yesterday in three games got you but she’s playing with Georgia Johnson and women’s doubles so she’ll play later today very dangerous partnership for.

Sure yeah I saw her playing mixed yesterday a really great player and obviously so she’s got some singles background and so possibly able to offer some insights to Millie and uh she’s just can’t miss anymore balls right she’s at 6-0 here she’s got to get the serve back and not miss any more balls this.

Game that’s it ra come on come on and just some nice playing by Rachel too who’s really turned it around obviously having lost 11-2 in the last game all of a sudden now up 70 here in game three out and she’s opening the door just to track for Millie to come back here I’d like to see Millie get up to the net somehow.

07 out and that was an ambitious shot to go for there very small margin of error seven zero and really nice approach shot there that gave Rachel difficulty and she’s got the serve back she needs some points here 07 and that’s bad luck there the the.

Approach up by Rachel ticked the net and made it an even more difficult approach point and another timeout here no eight zero point and again just the pressure from Roar Boer coming into the net basically at every chance he’s getting.

And uh getting some errors on the passing shots from r 9 two points away now wow beautiful stab B there that she was able to turn into a drop volley see if that can give her any momentum 09 two really nice gets and Rachel kept the pressure on such that she could not get a third I’m surprised that she’s not.

Taking some sort of time out here 90 once it’s 10-0 come on ra running backand for ra roarer gets the air and she is at Match Point pickle match point and she does have another timeout right point game match 110 and that’ll do it yeah so she only ended up taking one timeout there and a really dominant.

Performance there by Rachel in the third game especially impressive by the fact that she was kind of blown out there in game two and she is into the quarterfinals having a good run is Rachel roacher we will see her later on in mixed doubles and women’s doubles here in s Clemente California more singles action our final singles match.

Of the day coming up we’ve got the battle of the 18-year-old Hayden Patrick taking on Quang dang that one is going to be a fun match to commentate and an even better one to watch for all you at home that one coming up in just a few moments stay with us until then sunscreen blocks up to 98% of UVB rays and helps prevent visible sun.

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To and more is on the way so when you’re ready to go go with heart go with Southwest we’re back here on grand stand court at the Select Medical Orange County cup presented by fitvine wine I’m will dotton alongside former Senior Pro Glenn.

Lucy we’ve got a treat coming up for you guys on grand stand men’s singles action we have got the number six seed Quang dang taking on the number 12 seed Hayden Patrick win battle of the 18-year-olds and uh funnily enough both of these guys have wins against Ben John’s in 2024 both of these guys on the rise and a lot to look forward to here.

How are you feeling for this match Glenn I’m excited I’m excited just like you are these are two really great upand cominging players and uh like you said they’ve both had some great wins uh I know that Hayden beat fed earlier this year as well um and so he’s just looking to put it together like he did in men’s doubles uh a couple weeks ago in.

Sacramento where he and fed won the gold in doubles and so he’s realized his potential um I’ve been playing well haven’t played much with Hayden lately but I I played with him doubles and singles back when he was about and actually almost got him in a wreck game in singles which was uh really fun and played some game one doubles against.

Him at Nationals a couple years ago here we go beautiful play uh by Hayden and he surprised uh kuang possibly there a little bit by following his passing shot in and making a really nice volley wow Hayden’s starting off on fire here uh he’s.

Matching uh kuang’s energy and speed kuang likes to hit the heck out of every ball and put pressure on you in that way and Hayden is answering that shot for shot so far nice start crazy crazy uh that’s as good as I’ve ever seen anyone play the first few points so there’s no way he can keep that up but what a great start.

For him they never say never he could continue it he cannot he cannot I told you there you go yeah no there’s just that’s he was playing like in an 8.0 level there so it’s going to drop back down to 7.0 here Z three okay back to.

8.0 kuang really hits a great serve he he holds his paddle flat facing down towards the court and forward towards his opponent gets a ton of Top Spin on the ball sorry sorry point and Hayden getting some really good luck so far and conversely of course that means bad luck for Quang there two let balls have.

Determined the outcome of two of the first few points wow wow so yeah he just took a short break there from 8.0 play and he’s right back on it just coming out I did have a chance to commentate his match yesterday against Augie on this court and he brought at that same high level looks like it.

Hasn’t uh hasn’t waned here so far Point timeout receiver 6-0 one minute and kuang takes uh we would say a quick timeout TimeWise but as far as the game goes it’s already at 6-0 here and uh Hayden is staying on the court in fact he walked all the way over to Quang side to get the ball and keep it in his.

Pocket ball obviously he feels has some magic he wants to make sure no one steals it grabs it exchanges it for anything else and uh maybe he’ll even try and sneak it in keep it for game two right of course right I would that’s crazy um yeah I think Quang who you’ll notice if you watch his matches uh his dad’s his coach and he always looks over.

To his dad after every point and I think he looked over to his dad who said hey you know time to take a time out um quang’s brother ba is ALS also watching he’s only 13 and he’s huge huge he’s like 6 feet tall 185 I had the pleasure of playing some W game doubles with him in the tournament at Sacramento really nice kid and he’s also playing time in.

The Pro qualifying 60 wow just crazy and Hayden if that serve was in if it was in it was on the very back of the line so tremendous pressure that he’s putting on him 7 side out and dang trying to kind of fire himself up gets the side out he has another chance to get on the board here we’ll get another look at that uh.

Very distinct serve 07 beautiful beautiful shot right there giving him CH giving himself a chance hopefully to climb back into this 17 point and really nice serve that I talked about earlier and that’s the the third.

Miss off the two-handed back for Hayden that’s the only shot that he’s had trouble with so far today wow and Hayden stretches once twice three times four times to win that point and on the final one I know he was struggling to stay off the kitchen line there his feet were out like at least 5T apart in a wide stance when he was.

Done side and again as on as Hayden’s forehands have been uh his backand has been struggling a little bit and that’s the fourth uh back two-handed backhand that he’s missed 27 do not sure that serve was in any way it’s really unfair that players have to.

Call the Baseline on serves because they’re having to focus on just getting those returns back on incredibly difficult serves and now on top of that they’re supposed to somehow figure out whether the ball is in or not Patrick wi says all day that’s just how he wants to hit every time dialed in two-handed back hand.

There beautiful hit a really beautiful touch shot there and then I saw him walking across the court following it figuring if Quang got to it he would go down the line with it 92 s do and that’s not the serve that he was.

Looking for there gives kuang an opportunity to climb back in here although it is 92 so it’s going to be a big mountain to climb and another little unforced error there Hayden definitely had a put away on his backand and pulled it a couple inches wide 39.

Point not sure what Hayden say at there I think he felt like he took an out ball that he should have let go and dang slowly making his way back into this game still some work to do timeout receiver 49 and Hayden smartly takes a timeout too he’s up 94 let’s break quang’s momentum even if it’s only.

A couple Point shift here from 92 to 94 and I’m noticing one of the referees coming over to pick up the ball it’s a good buddy of mine Adam McKinnon from Santa Rosa California and he’s been refereeing for a number of years and we’ve been playing and known each other for about seven years as well he’s got two sons who are both excellent players.

Uh Theo the older son who’s now at College I’m not sure he’s playing too much anymore but his uh other son will McKinnon played here and qualified for the Men’s Pro playing with another friend of mine named Ben Grant and uh they were taken out by uh noi Clee and Colin Chik uh who also won their second match yesterday and we might see them.

Today in the round of 16 believe they’ll play Ben and Colin Johns in the round of 16 I believe shik and uh and CLE will so should be a fun one to look forward to should be fun I had I had dinner with Clee at the Sacramento tournament we had a great time at of some little hole in the wall Indian restaurant and he’s a really super nice guy and fiance is also.

Very nice that’s the point you want coming out of a timeout if you’re kuang dang yeah beautiful shot there I can see Leia in the background is she perhaps our next match I’m not sure she’s bouncing up and down over on the sideline and Hayden misses another two-handed backhand wide all of them.

Have gone wide a little bit so if I was Quang that’s the shot I would be focusing on forcing Hayden to prove that he can make Patrick wi getting a little frustrated with himself make him work much easier said than done yeah and we’re probably another point away from a.

Timeout here if can win this point wow Point Tale of Two Cities here the first half of this game and the second half of this game and credit to Guang for not giving up and just keep fighting and just doing what he can do kind of weathering the storm of how fast Patrick when started this game the high.

Level he was at and no timeout so I’m surprised here as we’re now at 99 99 the favorite score of Germany 99 big hold there from Patrick WI yeah I wasn’t sure if that was in or not till he the referee said side out we’ll see who will get to game point first.

here wow what a point and that ladies and gentlemen is the shot of the day brought to you by Holland America line 99 wow wow backand maybe we should have waited one more point for the shot of the day by Holland America line huh uh that previous one was so the point of.

The day incredible Point wow game point here for kuang twang one game point saved by Patrick win yeah Peyton says not yet not yet 9 10 wow all right well we’ve got the match that we hop for here it’s 1010 so it’s going to take more than 11 to win this.

Game as Dave Fleming always enjoys pointing out at least 12 for this one so far what a match some really great points an amazing play by both players and Hayden had that ball and he faked like he was going to hit the ball Over The Back Fence and then just lightly tapped it over to Quang you can.

Appreciate the humor the theatrics t t great approach shot great B t t yeah that ball was definitely long and now he does hit it over the fence and into the bushes and that ball is gone and as much as Hayden wanted to keep that ball earlier with its magic.

Sauce he decided at this point you know what forget this ball let’s let’s get some other Mojo going here and the refs may be discussing uh maybe a warning for Patrick wi not exactly sure what the uh interesting yeah I don’t think you can you know well I yeah I mean certainly he did hit the ball you know anyway I’m glad that they I’m glad they chose to do.

Nothing here you don’t want maybe a warning you know no players but you certainly don’t want to give a point to anybody here at this point and determine the outcome of the game of course not oh wow and Hayden I thought Hayden’s return was going to float out and it landed Square on the line I mean just incredible I’m.

On the edge of my seat here t t and that goes wide yeah this is one of the best singles games I’ve ever seen so it’s very exciting to watch yeah I really really good play by both players I love the intensity from both players and they’re both making their shots hitting great.

Shots oh boy and so I thought he was going to take a timeout here that’s two missed returns in a row so very unfortunate way to close out this game here let’s go point game one goes to kuang dang overcame what was a 70 deficit I believe maybe it was n at least 70 okay well we’re going to try.

And recover as well here and then come back in a moment to the Select Medical Orange County cup the lesty and we’re still recovering here on gr s Court after what was a battle of a game one in this men’s singles round of 16 match kuang dang taking it.

1210 and will dotton here with former Senior Pro Glenn Lucy Glenn if you are Hayden patch Quin had a big lead in that game one lost it how do you kind of recover mentally from that what are you trying to tell yourself on the bench hey the key is to have a bad memory right just put that game’s gone there’s no way you can come back to that put it out of.

Your mind right if that creeps into his subconscious at all that’s going to make it difficult for him to come back but at this point even at 18 he’s a veteran Pro Player I don’t expect him to have any difficulties coming back and playing at the high level again and again too kuang is just playing Amazing right it Hayden’s not.

You know Hayden missed a few unforced erors on his twoed back end but other than that he’s playing phenomenal and that’s a great shot and Hayden made a split second decision there to not come in off the return I think that’s the first one that I’ve seen him not do and that’s just respect because kuang has just hit so many great.

Passing shots that you need to make sure you’re hitting a return that puts pressure on him side and missing a serve there I think that’s the first serve that he’s missed and he does hit a lot of really tough deep serve so as they say that’s in the budget just doesn’t want to miss one to start game.

To and that’s long and Hayden kind of gives a little stare down there to Quang like you can’t make every shot01 there it is wow and that’s a beautiful amazing shot and again he hit his passing shot and he moved in a few feet in anticipation and if he hadn’t done that there’s no way he comes up and is.

Able to get that shot out of the air and not sure I’ve seen kuang miss any returns and he finally misses one so the doors open for Hayden here at 2-1 oh just wide Patrick wi looking for that forehand had so much success with it especially early on in game one trying to dial it in.

Again one two yeah he’s got to cut out any unforced errors here kuang’s not going to give him an inch two two side out and he got a break there I don’t think his return was as good as he might have liked um but Guang missed uh a rare a passing shot there.

Two two was out I thought it was clearly wide and I didn’t see Hayden challenge it so not sure why there was two two any disagreement so haen again feels like that ball was going to go wide and uh did not let it go.

Though 32 side out and that’s second missed twohand backhand passing shot by Quang so maybe Hayden’s found a spot that he can go to there which is a short and low ball to quang’s two-hander wow and another amazing Point by both players both just playing really.

Well and someone has to win the point 3 2 and that’s just a great shot um hayen may be looking to get his um returns a little bit deeper but both these guys hitting really great serves so much easier said than done just got to do the best that you can.

It’s also with how much Top Spin was on that forehand it may have looked like it was going to go long with how high it was over the net but of course with that extreme grip from dang just stays in beautiful and again going low to the backhand side um you know got him the advantage in the point and still he had.

To hit three more really good volleys that backand was died in for dong in game one but he’s making some more errors here in the second game and that ball goes just wide timeout receiver and 3 four one minute Quang takes a timeout and we’ll take one ourselves and come back to the Select.

Medical Orange County Cup every time time someone tells you they vacation in the same place every year it should really make you wonder why travel like you mean it with IHG hotels and resorts I’m not actually a stereotypical senior I just play one in cheesy health.

Insurance commercials in real life I have Huma because they see me listen to what I need it’s refreshing human pick up and players coming out of the timeout here early on in game two Hayden Patrick went serving to kuang dang at 34 will dotton joined by former Senior Pro Glenn Lucy and Glenn this match has lived up.

To the hype so far two and uh excited for what game two has in store we’ll see if uh Patrick wi can write the ship and potentially send this one to game three 3 four I’m hoping I’m hoping side out and excellent Shots by both players and Quang making the last one was just able to kind of catch it right in The Sweet Spot on the backand and get.

Out in front of it and create the angle four three yep and even Hayden on that one claps on his paddle for Quang just too good a shot and again he’s being hampered by the fact that kuang is just hitting really good serves and it’s making it difficult for him to get a return that’s deep with.

Pace and in this case even to get a return that stays in the court 63 so Hayden really needs to do something here to stay in this point another deep serve off the padd receiver 73 one minute and a four-point Advantage now for kuang dong he can see a potential two game victory in.

Sight yeah and Hayden’s got to dig deep he does not he’s not getting any coaching from anybody I can see him just sitting there and just kind of thinking about things and as a friend I used to play with used to say what happened to 92 and that’s sort of what he’s thinking back to it’s like hey it’s up 9-2 in the first game see.

Travis retm in the background there strutting across the court like he owns the place maybe he does with his fashion he certainly does he does plus I know he’s made a tidy profit off his MLP team that he owns the Florida smash at the Challenger level of course after this will be our last singles match of the day after this we.

Switch over to mixed double so you’ll want to stay with us for more Grand sand action after this match finishes a full day of pickle ball here at lifetime s Clen I don’t know that he was going to be able to get that one anyway but taking off the tape there is certainly something that Hayden did not need.

83 wow yeah quang’s just a tough guy to play against he’s constantly putting pressure on you there’s no you know millisecond that you have for a break of just to take a breath he’s coming he’s coming he’s coming and you’ve just got to be ready and Hayden’s been ready it’s.

Just at some point you can only save so many balls 93 out and a brief glimmer of hope here for Hayden he’s got the serve back so maybe he can get some big serves in there get a couple points trying to find that level that he started the match with uh they gave him that big lead in.

Game one needs to find it here9 great shot great shot and I think Hayden purposely knocks the ball over into the corner give himself a little chance to gather up some strategy figure out something 49 49 wow there we go if Quang can come back in game one Hayden can come back in.

Game two dials in the two-handed backhand crisp winner to cut the lead to four 5 night I’m going to recall you have five here we go 59 wow okay the momentum is clearly shifted.

Here and quang’s going to take a time outen got a little routine going he’s been going to his towel each time in between points he again kicks the ball over into the corner so that’s also part of his pattern and Riley Newman goes and picks it up and throws it back so not sure what’s going on there a little subterfuge from uh Riley Newman and even.

The ref my buddy Adam looks over like hey are you messing with uh Hayden’s strategy here Hayden comes back he looks over at Riley and they’ll have a uh nice conversation between two Pros walking over to him gives him a fist bump says hey don’t touch that ball again though okay.

And their buddies Hayden by the way very nice humble uh young man uh just a really great kid uh can’t say enough good things about him second zero time outs time he can continue to Rally here in game two serving at 69 69 wow wow and you could hear the mic there I heard Hayden say let’s go.

Baby an appropriate response after a shot like that mirroring game one here at this point right big lead by one player the other player all of a sudden turning on the heat coming back Hayden again taking a slow walk into the corner kicking the ball over there 79 side out okay well as you know in pickle ball at.

Least for the time being without rally scoring you don’t lose a point on your serve so score stays at 79 Hayden comes over again goes the towel he’s staying in a routine I like that he’s doing staying with what works here slowly walking over to his spot there night7 killing the momentum for kuang.

Oh boy and hit him really nice recovery volleys there but kuang as we’ve been talking about just keeps the pressure on and now Hayden hits the ball over into quang’s corner so he’s definitely got a strategy going here of trying to maximize uh the time in between points and not allow kuang to get in any sort of Rhythm whatsoever I think that was.

Part of what helped him in game one beautiful Point beautiful Point really smart one of those drop volleys that we talked about earlier and of course Quang is lightning fast he got to it but it did give Hayden the advantage in the point and Hayden taking a little walk he’s back to the towel here he’s right next to us slowly walks back to the.

Serving spot so he’s he killing a good 10 or 15 seconds in between every Point love it wow out mat point just too good there from from dang just read the passing shots from Patrick win and able to get out in front of that last one yeah I I feel like Hayden on those maybe has to.

Try and drop one at quang’s feet try and get to hit a ball off the bounce cuz he’s just too quick and he’s getting to all those volleys and then hitting them across Court oh if you heard Hayden there said no missed it just had to remind him he’s not wrong he’s not wrong it’s factual.

Statement from Hayden Patrick oh and he takes his short amount of time between points here what that’s what right side out match point and both those balls were too high and he knows it and another chance here for dong to close it out beautiful hanging tough hanging.

Tough long as he doesn’t lose L another point on Quang serve he’s good to go and that’s that shot I was talking about he tried to drop one in there and unfortunately he could not get it to bounce which would have been key there to getting into that point he was trying to get into the cat and mouse there pyen back to the towel again stick with what.

Works 10 seven wow God it’s just so exciting to see these amazing points and Hayden just whiskers away from losing and just puts together these incredible series of shots and so excited to watch so privileged to be here right on the court.

Watching this oh eventually gets a Mis return cuts the deficit to two again both of these guys 18 years old so great for the future of the sport and one point away from tying it up is Hayden Patrick win a big Point coming up here 910 yeah the.

Biggest Point yeah he really wanted that one he did not he he held up on his serve a little bit on that one and it gave Quang the chance to hit uh a deeper return that he would have liked and it put Hayden in a tough position there you know I still expect him to make that shot n out of 10 times but unfortunately.

There he did not 10 n oh that’s wanted to throw his paddle there and I can’t blame him that was a shot off the tape he’s been getting those tough bleys all day long and now he was the chance was taken away from him uh to be able to do it tough way to close out.

But cannot complain for the quality of pickle ball that we just had the privilege of witnessing here on grand stand kuang dang takes it 1210 119 books his spot in the quarterfinals what a year in singles it has been for the 18-year-old from Vietnam we will see him back in singles action tomorrow now we will switch gears mix doubles coming up.

Next on Grand sand Court we’ll have a fun one Katherine Pento Christian aan taking on Hurricane Tyro black and Dylan Frasier that one coming up here in just a few moments we’ll have that one and should be a lot of fun stay with us pick up the paddle and get served with our pickle ball socks.

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hey we’re back here on Grand S cour at the Select Medical Orange County cup presented by fitvine wine just an update for scheduling so we just finished all of our singles matches mixed doubles is up next and that first match will feature Katherine prto Christian alsan.

Taking on Hurricane Tyro black and Dylan Frasier that match is uh will not start until 2:00 p.m. local Pacific time uh just for the progressive draw format so we’ve got a bit of a break in the Stream here but we will be back at 2 p.m. local Pacific time for that first mixed doubles match of the day should be a good one you won’t want to miss it.

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Exciting I did a little dance trust me financing my car with carvana was super smooth Finance your next car with carvana today and back here on grand stand court at the Select Medical Orange County cup presented by fit fine wine I’m will doton joined by former Senior Pro Glenn.

Lucy we’ve got mixed doubles our first mixed doubles match of the day here on Grand sand and it should be an absolute treat we’ve got the number seven seeds Katherine Pento and Christian ason taking on the number 10 seeds hurricane Ty black and Dylan Frasier and honestly Glenn this match feels like it should be a quarterfinal even a semi-final with.

The caliber of players on this court but here we are in the round of 16 what are you most looking forward to about this match uh good question good question so they’re the number one seed sevens seven seven okay seven and 10 yeah I thought you said one and I was like that I mean I I do consider them you know a possible like gold medal match favorite because.

Christian just game has just improved over and over again and obviously you either need to put Catherine at number two or number three depending on your opin opinion of Anna brigh versus her game uh but I just like every match I’m just hoping for a really good game I love Tyra black both her game and her as a person really super cool uh nice gal.

With a great game who’s taken the pickle ball World by storm and Dylan Fraser is one of the nicest guys in the world as well so uh hard hard not to root for those guys and boom right down the middle there when I first started playing they say the middle solv the riddle and I’m sure you’ve heard that before have.

Certainly heard that proves true even at the pro level oh and almost we see Christian alsan with the Bert like to see that 02 another Bert from chrisen Aon and Catherine says hey I don’t play the left here two and she found herself there.

Though after Christian poached and she switched and Christian imposing his will earlier taking over in the middle you’re going to see him do that all game that’s mixed for you Dylan uh doesn’t quite do it as much and if he does it’s more subtle and Tyra really nice hand so far getting a couple attacks by Christian back but in this case she popped it up.

Just a little bit and he was able to put it away wow almost yeah they got to figure out a way of keeping Christian out of the game and one suggestion I always have is keeping him honest going behind him so that he’s not able to just hang out in the middle so much frer puts that one away on the.

Angle yeah and that’s one where he went behind him too you know Christian’s going to be covering middle there that’s what good players do and if somebody hits it behind you and hits a winner you just say good shot 212 and off the tape and then did it go in did it not they called it in.

312 wow yeah this is a clinic here in Al Al player mixed he is just taking whatever he can and Catherine is happy to let him do it of course kathern prto usually playing mixed doubles this year with Jack sock but sock not playing out here in Southern California so this is the second time that alsan and brento have.

Played together they actually took a game off of uh Ben Johns and an Lee Waters at uh in Phoenix at Desert Ridge open earlier this year so very dangerous team for sure and a third partt of the match looked like or two depending on how you’re scoring them but he hit the tape on that one and I think Catherine may have been kind of close to the.

Kitchen line there messed him up just a little bit and Dylan was not fooled by that one she got a little bit closer to the middle I think than she wanted to as opposed to trying to get that ball on his right hip second sir 3 42.

And Dylan coming over into the middle doing his best Christian Alshon impersonation there and winning a point and it’s at 44 even though I feel like early on that Alshon and parento have had the better of the action more aggression from Dylan Fraser paying off yeah you have to do it as the male player in mixed you just have.

To 542 and Catherine stepping in for an Ernie there and unfortunately kind of a flat volley that floated long and and uh so they’re taking an early timeout here they had some early momentum going up 41 maybe 41 Y and obviously Five Points in a row that’s a good spot for a timeout they’re talking it over on the bench uh.

Katherine’s coach and life partner Athena is behind the bench but she’s not saying anything right now and I think Lee Waters who is also there so you got two of the best coaches in the game um is now mentioning a couple things for them so we’ll see if they can uh make some adjustments no Lee Waters has been coaching Christian alsan so.

Telling him what she’s noticing early on in this match and don’t want to forget about hurricane Ty black and Dylan Frasier they’ve been playing together for most of this season had some really good results had a good run in Sacramento I believe to the semis quarterfinals so very dangerous opponent here on grand stand.

Great get there by Dylan that kept them in the point uh a lot of these Pros are smart and they go for big angles because pickle ball you just can’t hit it that hard maybe 60 M hour and so these guys can get those back and so if you’re able to put it off the court it’s a huge Advantage Fraser trying to apply pressure again but Pento ready with the.

Counter I think there was a net ticker in there as well that may have affected that oh second and so Catherine’s missed a few shots early here you know balls that she’s attacking or trying to put away and I’m sure that’ll settle down.

She left the ball up just a little bit there and that’s all Dylan Fraser needed he slid over to his right and uh got some nice Top Spin on a semi swinging volley there that caught Christian 741 second serve Christian seems to have slowed his aggression a little bit he’s not hanging.

Out right on that Center Line as much I’m not sure why as he was really successful with that early in this game side out there we go right as you say it kind of moves into a bit of bit more of an aggressive position there 71 second ser and that’s a nice return there and it’s tough a lot of times for the woman player in the mix to know hey.

Is my partner going to try and take that ball that’s sort of in the middle or not and all of a sudden okay he’s letting it go and now last minute she has to make a good shot Christian there tried to do his own shake and bake and he hit a nice shot but you know Tyra black had a really nice counter there.

741 second serve serve is long Dylan’s not happy about that 742 and both teams seem to be somewhat stuck on their respective scores here we’ll see who can make the first move second Ser yeah a few unforced errors from both sides that are keeping them stuck on four and seven.

472 sorry do and that’s a second time she’s kind of gone for a little Inside Out shot there I don’t think it’s going to work anyway I think Dylan’s sitting on that which would be a forehand for him 741 second I think what you said earlier about going behind alsan uh we’re seeing black do that a little bit and having.

Some success kind of almost got it past him on that even though they ended up losing that point yeah I don’t think I don’t think you’re going to get it past but you are going to keep him honest you know because obviously if he comes too far over the middle uh then you might get it past him out and really nice attack there he.

Came over almost all the way to Catherine’s sideline and uh caught Dylan up high a little bit 471 point so Dylan has missed a serve and now a return in the same game and uh that’s very rare event second and that’s another rare.

Event there Catherine could literally hit a 100 dinks in a row 572 I’ve seen her do it it’s infectious out there it’s weird it’s not what you’re used to seeing from from any of these players no Dylan missing a dink a return a serve and a serve all the same game it’s a reverse.

Lottery ticket 672 wow point and Christian hit five really good shots there and they got five back but not the six and all of a sudden they’ve tied it back up at seven now so whichever team can cut down on the unforced error hopefully to zero 772 I feel like it’s going to win this game.

Wow amazing pickle ball from everyone involved on there the hands from everyone yeah just amazing resets that point should have been over at least five times somewhere in that early attack Dylan I think hit five balls in a row and five really good balls even hit an inside out overhead 82.

To alon’s backhand and in the middle of that last Point Catherine actually went to that shot that she missed twice in a row sort of the Inside Out forehand Vol attack and she made it this time but Dylan was ready for it and that’s just bad luck you hating.

Pick a ball I’m in favor of just redoing those points how about no I’m just kidding okay I was like huh in wck play when it goes against me I’m like or on courts that you play where you get bad bounces I’m like come on let’s just replay these when you get that bad bounce or 881 but only in wck play and only when you’re.

Losing there exact yes exactly thank you for clearing it actually my biggest pet peeve is the courts they do and they’re beautiful and the lines they didn’t put sand in pain any sort of grit in them and so you’ve got these lines and the ball hits the line and it just skids right off and you have no chance to get it and a lot of.

Times it’s a you know be a nice easy ball maybe even a dead dink that you have and it still it skids off the line and it’s just weird that you still have companies that are putting together pickle ball courts that are like that so I believe that uh Katherine and Christian took a timeout and obviously they feel like hey at 89 they don’t want.

It to go to 810 uh we’re seeing a good game here but certainly more unforced errors and uncharacteristic of all these guys every one of these players you know drills and hits 100 dinks in a row uh and now they’re you they’re missing balls that they ordinarily wouldn’t and so uh definitely that’s going to be a huge.

Factor here down the stretch of this game and i’ imagine some of those uh erors will you know work themselves out as we get deeper into this match and settle in two uh Pento and Frasier having played singles earlier so kind of having switch from going singles now playing mixed doubles a whole different ball game 981.

A difficult transition to make good point oh beautiful beautiful yeah there’s that shot you talked about where Tyra went down the line earlier and she did it at a really good point here and the great part about it was she kept it low uh there was nothing he could do with it the best he was going to do on that was.

Get it back into play which of course he did but it won the point for them because it gave them slight uh 1081 advantage in the point game point second serve one game point saved there we go and Christian with an emphatic yeah 1082 118 two minutes little bad luck there well still a good first game lots of.

Amazing points there and uh again Katherine and Christian have two great coaches on the bench okay two-minute break here we’ll take a quick one ourselves from the Select Medical Orange County cup.

L Ro POS sunscreen blocks up to 98% of UVB rays and helps prevent visible sun damage the only sunscreen with cello Shield UVA UVB Protection Plus antioxidants L Ro POS the official sunscreen of the professional pickle ball Association pick up the paddle and get served with our pickle ball socks.

And we’re in the middle of games one and two here on Grand sand Court the 10 seeds hurricane Tyro black Dylan Frasier took game one over kathern preno and Christian alson 118 a tightly contested game I’m will dotton joined by former Senior Pro Glenn Lucy and a lot to look forward to here in game two and a quick shout out to.

Bobby Thompson who’s that he’s a friend of Dylan frasers I asked him who he wanted to give a shout out to that’s who he mentioned Bobby Thompson there we go it’s a good friend to give uh you’re doing your due dilig as a friend to give your other friend shout out a chance on stream.

Point great Point great gets there but I think Dylan hit his volley long one Z1 second thir one2 W and you’ll have to listen for the referee to give the score our scoreboard is glitching here at the moment it’s just still showing 98 from game one we’ve got all our top crack technicians.

On it it is correct on the stream though so we’re good thank thankfully for the stream just uh in here in person on person scoreboards 32 out 031 second so a really good start here.

For Christian and Catherine exactly what they were hoping for this game represents an elimination game for them if they don’t win it out and aan looked like he wanted to Ernie that but well done by him to let it fall wide 31 point and just some bad luck so far.

For Fraser and black who are missing some shots they normally would not point and they’re definitely targeting Tyra with drives there and she’s having some trouble with Christian’s drives a lot of times in a situation like this um if the woman can hit good drives then she would try and take those balls and.

Then Christian goes in you know and looks for a shake and bake uh but in this case you know he’s got the really solid drive and so he’s hitting them hard at Tyra and then either Katherine’s looking for something or Christian’s kind of following his own drives in uh try and go for something so uh it’s five yeah 5- Z so definitely Dylan and uh.

Tyra want to get something going here get a couple points on the board climb back into this game before it gets out of hand and another uh tidbit for Christian Aon this is actually his first tournament uh since Atlanta he missed the Texas open and the uh Sacramento open as well as MLP DC uh dealing with some medical issues found out had some.

Some allergies to Soy eggs and uh some other stuff he was talking about on his social media had to have surgery so glad to see him back competing here uh on the PPA tour definitely one of the stars and continues to make his mark on the sport yeah he actually had an operation some sort unknown exactly what.

That was ah and he’s still recovering he said so um obviously well enough to play 6 high level pickle ball also not playing single tournament probably helps keep his energy up a little bit yeah I’m not sure singles probably couldn’t have.

Done second second and Catherine missing another rare shot start out and Dylan sneaking over there to take a drive that was directed at Tyra 061 second Tyra by the way is playing with pickle paddle p i k KL have not.

Seen too many of those but obviously something that’s working for her and she has a partnership with them side out she also asked me to mention two of her other sponsors which are Halo and Reebok 61 and that one works that’s the one that.

She went for twice didn’t get third got it but lost the point but that attack worked and it did so because it came more into Dylan’s body 71 second and Catherine expected Christian to take that ball he did not so the last second she took a stab at it 72 side out and the serve Back to Black and.

Frasier some work to do though now or never now or never they got to get something here 071 and that stayed in did stay in wow great shot yeah from below the net put a tremendous amount of Top Spin on there beautiful shot.

Wow great gets by Dylan but no match for Alan’s great shots and you saw his athleticism there I don’t know if we’d call that a Bert but he certainly came over and went about 10 ft in the air to hit that overhead one of the best best athletes we’ve got on tour certainly showing that there.

Wow great get by Alshon and then the second one he let it go and it landed in so nothing you can do about that we saw the uh the lob from Pento but black able to get that one on the back hand side another great point on really good shots and good resets and gets by both teams hands battle certainly heating up here in game two one of the reasons why we.

Love mixed doubles so many fastpac rout 071 I’m sorry and a piece of plastic blows onto the court the referee puts it in the cooler all right here we go players 071 what a spot from Dylan.

Frasier finds the back corner yeah somehow Dylan needs to be able to hit more balls they are really working Tyra 1 minute in this one one minute time out and we’ll take one two from the Select Medical Orange County PPA cup.

A I’m will doton with Glenn Lucy former Senior Pro enjoying the action here at lifetime s Clemen and what a match it’s been so far for our F first mixed doubles match of the day here on grand stand yeah definitely some of the top.

Players in the game obviously I mean I I would consider Christian to be a top 10 player right now and uh Dylan is certainly a top 10 player and Tyra right there at number 10 somewhere and Dylan taking over in the middle and you said that’s going to be the key for them going forward we’ll see if he looks to be more aggressive yeah I.

Think it is you know they’re just targeting Tyra and she’s playing well but Fraser coming alive puts that one away on the angle and it was really the those resets from black that kind of helped set him up and and kept the point alive for him to take.

Over 371 second ser and a rare third shot Miss from Dylan still got a second serve hopefully get another Point go Andy surprised C well maybe not surprised her but certainly did something a little uncharacteristic hit a nice hard forand drive that she missed.

oh too much Christian alson what a point yeah they just could not get the ball to Catherine and they tried and they tried and he just kept his reach is incredible right and he kept reaching over with that forehand and just barely hitting it off the end of his paddle 71 and making shots that were just too difficult to.

Control and that’s unfortunate for any fans of Frasier and black out there and I’m sure it’s many of you second and that’s swing and a miss finally for Christian there on one maybe a hole in the paddle as we say I’m looking I’m looking yeah and speaking of Christian’s paddle.

He’s wanted me to mention that he’s playing with the paddl tech bantom TKO and quote unquote he said it’s the best legal paddle so bit of a joke there with all the controversy about which paddles are legal or too hot too much spin too much deflection deaminate too quickly sure you’ve heard all the stories about it.

A crazy good point and the last shot was so good I think it hit her in the belly she didn’t even get a paddle on it and game point here for Paro and alot wow great L there haven’t seen too many lobs this game that was definitely the best one so far they get the serve back chance to hopefully climb back a couple points into this.

Game 411 nice speed up there and a good spot and speaking of the paddles too we got four different paddles out there three different paddle companies obviously they all work for the players out there par 10 one and if you.

Follow any of the YouTube stuff by Zay natil he played recently with Jack Monroe and they played a couple 5’s and they played with wooden paddles I’ll finish the story in a second second and anyway Zayn and Jack beat two very good 50 players playing with wooden paddles.

Um1 so sometimes which paddle you’re playing with can be overemphasized point game really bad luck there ball ticked off the net and reminds me of the singles match earlier that Hayden lost lost on a net ball okay there’ll be a two-minute break here between games and we’ll take one as well we’re here at the Select Medical Orange County PPA Cup in.

Beautiful San Clemente California introducing Sketcher pickle ball the official Footwear of the carvana PPA tour they’re Ultra lightweight and responsive for incredible speed they have Goodyear rubber out with a specialized pickle ball design for increased side to side stability and.

Agility plus they feature shock absorbing foam and Sketcher famous relaxed fit design for incredible Comfort game after game conquer the court in Comfort Sketcher pickle ball the official Footwear of the carvana PPA tour at be we offer a different more holistic approach to wealth management with your.

Career family friends and Community finding time for you and making sure your family’s Financial plans are on track can be a real challenge at be our financial advisers get it we’ll partner with you to create a unique financial plan and coordinate with your legal and tax advisers to bring it all together so.

You have more time for what matters most play hard for fun to win to live whatever your play there’s penetra joint and muscle cream to let you play on deep penetrating relief without greasiness irritation or unpleasant odor inspired by nature and.

100% guaranteed try penetra and play on we’re going to game three here on grand stand Court mix doubles winner of this one onto the quarterfinals we’ve got the seven seeds kathern penzo and Christian aan taking on Hurricane Ty black Dylan Fraser the 10 seeds will doton joined by.

Former Senior Pro Glenn Lucy what a battle it’s been so far Glenn been a great game great game obviously Dylan and Tyra prevailed in the first game and Christian and Catherine came out Gang Busters in the second game and uh pretty much dominated that game they got out to a big lead and then just kind of coasted along I’m sure Dylan and Tyra have some.

Fresh strategies to use and again hopefully one of those is just to get Dylan more involved in the game get him to take more chances in the middle put more pressure on Katherine hitting crosscourt dinks to uh uh Tyra time in 02 and Christian to be fair has caught him.

A couple times with that speed up but certainly Dylan’s not thinking about anything else but the fact that it’s coming great get and Dylan has one of the best counters in the game I mean there’s a reason that people don’t speed up against Dylan and JW just bad luck there there was a net.

Ticker there that uh don’t know exactly how it affected the point but I know it affected Dylan negatively because he was right in it do you see that so little controversy it was definitely out in fact I don’t even think it was.

Close at all one1 and he gets him tags him great Point Katherine made some great saves resets on that point she’s just really a master at it really f fun to watch Leia Jansen sneaking through the court ref perhaps waiting for her to get to the other.

Side two the ATP from Catherine Pento gets the job done what a shot yeah I don’t know if we’ve seen one yet in this game but Tyra just got the ball a little bit too.

Wide if you’re playing against highle players you just cannot hit that ball too far crosscourt um 0 two one beauty Beauty and yeah I feel like she could use that a little bit more often you know if even if she’s not attacking which she did on that ball you know every five or six balls or so hey.

At least hit one uh down the line there because every time she hits the ball he’s making a move towards the middle even if it’s slight in anticipation of a possible attackable ball and boom goes to Dynamite Dylan comes in there and hits three shots in a row all within about one second and puts.

The final one away with an exclamation point kned up at two early in third game oh and yeah I felt like that ball was a little bit too low to go for and he caught the tape with it wow the defense from razor in Black what a point yeah there was one there that.

Dylan got that I don’t know how he got it and that’s partially because there’s a screen here on the desk so I I missed the actual point of contact but I was like that ball is going to be put away and it was not sometimes you just got to put the paddle down and hope it’s in the right spot and that’s a nice attack and I see.

Connor Paro has joined the crowd here founder of the PPA and still a crucial member and that reminds me I knew his dad when we were kids and he said his dad’s here at the tournament so I need to find him after this match through the middle goes pareno we’ve seen her went for that shot a few.

Times in game one missed it and finds it that point to give her team a one-point Advantage yeah that one was a little different because it was a high ball that she could attack as opposed to sort of just a misdirect and that’s the first ball I’ve seen Catherine not reset in a while and there’ve been many balls all as.

Difficult as that one was wow too much defense Dyan keeps going to the well and coming up with something crazy cuz Christian smartly is keeps going behind him and keeps going at a really sharp angle uh.

Crosscourt very exciting great game here in game three and there we see it again so love it from Tyra she’s being really smart there and an opportune moments going down the line receivers 41 minut and I think she’s catching Christian leaning just a little bit uh I was just thinking about.

Katherine parenta so I met her at Nationals 2017 it was the last year um that they had it in Arizona it had quite a run there and I actually played against her and her coachlife partner Athena um at that time and Catherine maybe at that time was maybe a top you know 15 player so it’s just kind of cool to remember back to times before people.

Were sort of the Pinnacles uh of the sport that they are now and it’s just amazing how she’s worked on her game and become obviously at least one of the top three females in the game and the standard partner for uh Anna Lee Waters uh I saw Lee Wat ERS by the way today as well and I talked to her she was warming up Christian alchon for this.

Match I said when are you coming back and she said I’m not so not sure if there’s been any announcement in that regard yet but she was apparently is not going to be playing you know at least on a regular basis I know that her and Anna Lee actually won a little tournament uh not a little tournament there was a there was some tournament I think and.

Then the US Open as well right yes uh which they won together but but obviously most of the top players were not in there but I saw her warming up with Christian and giving as good as she got I was really impressed with how well she was hitting the ball and she was you know hitting the ball hard attacking him getting him to work on his resets and.

Then doing resets on her own I mean like 30 40 balls in a row 431 big point out of the timeout for parento and also brings up second serve looking to get the side out 4 32 side out and Dylan reached out as that ball came over his shoulder thinking maybe to help it over.

The net 3 41 but I don’t think that’s legal anymore wow and let’s go back to dinking an incredible point from everyone involved and you hate to see it end with the with a with a net cord yeah no that’s brutal brutal right you work really hard on that it’s funny.

On that last point I was watching Dylan’s face as the two ladies were dinking back and forth and he’s just totally intense just totally focused waiting for anything that he can go steal impose himself in the point 4 31 second sir so as most of you know the.

Players are stacking meaning they’re keeping uh the mail in the ad court and they’re still checking each time even though they’re doing it every time you’re seeing the player saying hey is this good this is what I’m doing side out I honestly think it’s it becomes you know even if you know which side you’re going to be on just becomes.

Part of a routine you know pre- serve routine or pre return routine just one final check to make sure you’re both on the same pages I mean whenever I do it and I play with a buddy of mine Jim Jenkins all the time who’s a lefty so we always stack and you know all of a sudden you’re not concentrating for a second.

And I played a lot of mixed doubles you know Senior Pro back in the day and if you didn’t and that was one of the rules hey we need to check every time every time every time you know make sure that we’re in the right spot because in those days if you weren’t in the right spot you lost the.

Point and regardless of that it happen many times and sometimes more often in certain matches where it just killed you you know you’re playing a 15p pointer1 so that goes out but again we’re going to want to take away Tyra black caught him caught Christian going.

Down the line again and Dylan just missed the uh followup on that so that may be a key here especially in such a tight match we’re 4-4 in the third game both teams playing well this game has been progressing very slowly compared to games one and two just shows you just how hard it is to come by points at this.

Level when both teams are on as Fraser finishes another point yeah that’s going to be key here which which which man can impose himself more get take away some shots and do something with them yeah beautiful and so that’s the first one that she went down the line.

And so I’m sure Dylan was again looking for the forehand which she’s done six seven times prior to this so really smart play and that’s the way it works set them up for that I mean he didn’t even get a paddle on that he didn’t even try to go for it point and tied up.

Again cannot get any closer here in game three just got that a little high Catherine’s allowed to make a mistake every once in a while too and it’s a ball length mistake I mean just barely a little bit too high allowing him to attack it.

Good sequence there from Fraser yep he’s just again that’s where he’s taking a chance attacking figuring he’s going to win that battle most of the time time out change in 651 one minute and that’s a ball that d they’re a little bit uh too much and it’s hard to tell sometimes like where’s that ball.

Going to land you want to take away time and space if you can by taking a ball out of the air but all of a sudden that ball dips a little bit more than you want it to and now you’re having trouble just getting that ball back up then but that’s a rare Miss by Christian Alshon as well right he’s played really really well especially after the long break.

Where you might expect him to have some rust or something like that uh very impressed with how he’s playing I think he’s playing you know almost perfect perfect uh pickle ball here and so they’re down one point here uh still anybody’s game it’s always nice to go into the the uh side switch with the lead and so I’m sure Dylan and uh Tyra.

Are excited about that especially especially good to be on a on a first serve as well uh you know it’s a little different to get on there when you’re on a there’s a lot if you’re on your second serve there’s a lot of pressure to you know try and get at least one more point but they’ve got two serves to work with here so 15s they’ll be extra motivated.

To uh try and extend their lead totally totally by the way Katherine asked me to mention a couple people that she’s in partnership with that she’s super grateful for and that’s Sketchers and cerk and obviously Dylan’s playing with the cerk as well definitely Quality Equipment 651.

so finds the middle there yeah and I love it you know again she struggled earlier we pointed that out she didn’t say hey you know what I’m not hitting that any shot anymore she knows that’s one of her bread and butter shots and she knew that it would come back to her I think you mentioned earlier that.

They would settle in and she sure did oh and smart play there by Tyro Catherine was way off the court but she just went for a little bit too much so many birs or attempted birs from Christian Aon today I don’t know if I’ve seen that many ever in a single match whenever I play in a match where somebody in the other side is success.

Poaching consistently I’m like hey stay on your side or to his partner hey tell him stay on his side and there that’s Dylan setting up Tyra he attacked Christian and Christian got a good shot back but Ty was just sitting on that two-handed backand as every.

Woman Pro seems to do H second and Dylan’s not going to miss too many of those as a friend likes to say to me he makes that 10 out of nine times and another nice little shot down the line I think that you know affected uh the outcome of that point and a two-point Advantage now for black and.

Fraser in the driver’s seat for sure and there it is I just focused on Christian alsan that entire point just to see what he was doing and he’s just constantly looking waiting for a ball that’s just a little bit too high and I also noticed him stay down the line a couple times where he was worried Tyra might speed one up down the.

Line wow and that time that’s the first time she’s done that this game where she attacked him um at all I think and uh she caught him a little bit and even though he was on it uh he hit it long and there Christian G excuse me uh Katherine getting the best of Dylan.

There on that one she’s got great hands world class obviously I think good pressure there from frager going back to that last Point really nice job from Pento to slide right to take that backhand counter yeah that’s one thing I’d like to be able to do more of myself you know it’s you got to anticipate and move out.

Of the way and I don’t do it and Dylan’s ready for that one and one little tip too is when you do attack somebody be ready for the ball to go out a lot of people hit out balls on the next shot because they’re desperately scrambling to counter it just how many putaway shots do you have.

To hit to win a point against these guys and Christian everywhere so to Christian I say stay on your side 862 oh right out just like with my own shots I felt like that was just going to be slightly short I think that’s the second third Miss third we’ve seen from Frasier in.

This game three second 682 wow Christian seemed like he went 20 ft into the air there to get that one and it was at least 10 really Amazing Leap up there smashed that.

Ball that’s one that Catherine wants back as well as she’s played that was a mistake there left that ball too high 871 missed return at a tough time for Christian aan timeout receivers 971 one minute not too surprising there to get a timeout.

Black and Frasier within two points here two points WI from making the quarterfinals and if you’re looking ahead to the next match wondering who’s coming up we’ve got Jesse Irvine or Irvin I’m sorry and Tyler L are playing against Paris Todd and Tyson McGuffin so that promises to be another exciting match do you like ernes well Tyler L.

Loves your guy uh Tyler Tyler L another great guy he’s been around since the beginning I’ve known him for seven years years and uh one time they didn’t have Senior Pro at a tournament and so I played in the regular Pro Division and actually played against Tyler and another OG who’s just coming out with uh pickle ball.

Instructional material Susie Anderson so some of you from the old days might remember um that name but anyway it’s always fun to watch uh Tyler Al play and we’ve got 15 seconds here down the home stretch 97 so advantage Tyra and Dylan here are they on a one or a two do we know I believe they are on a one yes they’re on a one time.

In 971 point and what’s the word for that touche because that’s the word that Catherine has used at least three times to Perfection and again for the first time Tyra just pulled that out of her bag oh and that ball came up over us and.

Over the fence I think and Tyra just I don’t think it’s here I think it went over no did it go on the umbrella and the ball Dylan is coming over the ball went over the fence ball went over yeah Dylan came over looking at at my partner here saying Hey where’s my ball and promise I didn’t take it and another Match Point here.

Incredible point that was incredible 102 this is why we watch oh and again Tyra goes down the line and Dylan actually had a ball that he could attack and just missed it so life life for Christian and Catherine no and Catherine really nice counter there Tyra went to the well once more and.

Attacked her tough to attack crosscourt oh and she was in the right position for it too she got the uh scorpion her pancake or maybe a uh combined version of those two in the middle of those two but she could not get it over the net what a response here for Pento and.

Alson they saved two match points and then they win three points in a row on their serve they’re still on a one and we’ll get a timeout here from black and Fraser what a response from the number seven seeds yeah they just hung in there and obviously there were two match points I believe so uh Anything could happen in those I mean a little bit of.

Bad luck to Creeps in um in those situations um yeah you can see I can see Katherine’s breathing hard so I know she’s working really hard um out there especially late in game three the sun fully fully exposed not really a ton of shade on the court at this point fully operational Sun we have here 1010 so that means 11’s not going to do it here.

We’re going to need to go to at least 12 we we we call this bonus pickle ball here that we’re going to get points Beyond 10 uh certainly not complaining with the with the caliber of this match zero time out this is a great match this is everything that we hop for and um yeah I’m surprised there 10-7.

It just looked cuz I believe it was a 1071 it was 1071 101 now 10101 and honestly just some bad luck for Dylan he’s Miss three different balls hit the tape you know on balls that he makes and you know almost never misses match point and Dylan wisely I’m sure it was tough for him to do.

Let a ball go just long from Christian so again match point and obviously 11 two tyr and Dylan need this one what a finish and Christian aan Catherine Pento somehow find a way to win this one in game three 1210 wow yeah that was an incredible point I’m just sad that it’s over and I.

Feel you have to feel bad for somebody and I feel bad for Tyron Dylan they had that game in hand there and even in that last Point tyr made one of the best gets I’ve ever seen on a ball there she made a great get and then she made an impossible get on the second one and that ball just barely went over the net for a perfect reset and so I was hoping.

They’d be able to tie it there and keep this game going but alas it was not meant to be and we’ll have Katherine pero and Christian aan in the quarterfinals tomorrow they’ll take on the winner of the match between Tina pizik and Deco bar versus Eda Wright and Hunter John that one coming up later and that is.

Going to do it for Glenn Lucy and myself on the mic this afternoon thanks so much for spending part of your Thursday with us it’s been a lot of good pickle ball and uh more action coming up from grandstand Court in San clementy thanks so much for joining us it’s been really fun thank you guys so much for listening and we got Michelle esel and Adam Hill.

Coming up two tremendous talents really fun people and knowledgeable and so hopefully enjoy their commentary as well all right more pickle ball coming up after this Ro POS sunscreen blocks up to 98% of UVB rays and helps prevent visible sun damage the only sunscreen with cello Shield UVA UVB Protection Plus.

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Looking real good it’s a new look and it’s looking real good it’s a new and it’s looking real good welcome ladies and gentlemen we are here on grand stand Court where we’re going to have an epic mix double matchup between Tyler LOM and Jesse Irvin versus Paris Todd and Tyson McGuffin we are in the round of 16 both teams are looking.

For a spot in the quarterfinals tomorrow so it’s going to be an epic matchup we are here at the Select Medical Orange County cup presented by fit Vine wine this is Michelle esel I’m joined with Adam Hill he’s going to be our color commentator bringing you some tips and some uh strategies behind what these Pros are doing Adam thanks for joining.

Yeah excited to be here Michelle I’m excited for this match just a four great players and can’t wait to see what they bring out today aggressive play from Tyler long one and then a nice high one for Harris Dodd yeah she’ll take that any time right it’s a comfortable.

Spot 011 off the net show me wow great play great Pati from Tyler to let that one drop and then just pick a spot there in the middle instead of trying to step in and go for too much.

Dialing in that drop as Paris Todd was aggressive on the last side out one2 and tling Jesse IR couldn’t quite get up to that kitchen line tell me how important a third shot is in this game it is everything Michelle I mean you have to get established at the line the team that sits there is the one that’s.

Going to win Paris Todd sets herself up for that backhand in the middle yeah and one thing you’ll see here with this team with Tyler and Jesse Jesse doesn’t like to come out of the stocks so she doesn’t want to try to unwind so she’s going to stay on that side and Tyler over there on the left a little more unusual and.

Then they they Pro me wrong there right but she’d been saying there which so we might see Tyler a little bit more on the left side rather than his preferred right so why would Jesse not want to switch on the serf yeah we’ll wait till after this one great yeah it’s just the the respect for the drive right so between Paris and.

Tyson both of them can hit the ball well and if you’re trying to trying to unwind out of that sack and and try to come over you can get caught in transition there and really be under pressure from the very beginning so back to the stack from Jesse Irvin this time a beautiful.

Third you got it right here come on Jesse looking heavenward she thought she was on that one she had it in the pressure from McGuffin and Todd for the side out yeah and interesting so they’re they’re returning most everything to Tyler right really respecting his ability to poach at the net so returning to him to try to keep.

Him back see if they continue to do that throughout this match Tyler come on and now McGuffin and Todd trying to find their group on those third yeah 2 great communication from Tyler long for the side out only down by one early on in this.

Game go Jesse IR working the point right Jesse just really patient over there me just so so steady dinking on her backand right there she can comfortably do that for a long time in the pis just a little high there at the end SK her off the line especially after such a great dig.

Early in that one two Tyson and Paris doing a great job there to keep Jesse pinned behind the Baseline very difficult to get a ball down from there allowing Tyson and Paris to keep them under pressure Tyson McGuffin coming in with that forehand.

Volley Paris finding a great spot there on Tyler’s forehand 3 two that silky backhand crosscourt sometimes it’s not 100% all the time and that’s what makes this a chess game sneaky little backhand flick from Jesse Irvin pulling out a little offense.

To go with that defense ability that she has very nice two and again right Tyson catching Jesse coming in so getting her in transition just that awkward height for the ball makes it tough good spot by Tyson so you could see the S being so big that Tyler loon decides to stay back on the return on that.

One held his position right yeah absolutely had a short return and recognized it knew that coming in was probably going to be trouble sneaky attack from the guffin it does that little windmill the paddle holds that shot for a long time it’s hard to predict where it’s going to go and catches Jesse holds.

It uh yeah I really like the hold because then it’s like you’re kind of a deer in headlight out there where are they going what are they going to do with that they can do anything yeah for players at home that one thing you can really do to instantly make your game a little bit more deceptive just when you have time you.

Always have a little bit more time to hit the ball than you think hold that paddle behind it freeze your opponent a little bit then pick a new spot just makes that attack even better early preparation gets you to the roow level let’s go great advice from Adam see that they’re looking for an exact spot in Paris Todd what do you.

Think Adam yeah it looks like that inside foot is their is their target and that was a patient game right there wow what a point yeah a grindy rally by all the players finding that moment there at the end well done by all 632 yeah let’s go come on a nice dink.

There by Jessie a really heavy cut that just skitted really hard on Paris made that a challenging ball then she left it up and Jesse able to put that or Tyler able to put that away good combo though between the team looking for the ATP but Todd did not have it not quite enough angle there all right down by two on this side.

Out can they close the gap here Jesse Irving 5 61 wow big coach from Irvin unwinding the stat gets Tyler in trouble yeah on that one they they switched and he found himself on that on that left side and then Paris recognizing that right very smart finds that awkward spot.

On him not as many reps on that side found a good moment and you see Jesse Irvin push off the of the line there is that a wind factor maybe the ball’s blowing in or are they just doing a really good job of playing pressure on that dink I think that they’re definitely getting it that really in between ball that’s sliding.

Into her so she’s in in between whether to take it out of the air or take it off the bounce good dinking by Tyson especially yes Jesse there on the right just finds that early speed up on kind of a sitting dink right that drop just sat up not a lot on it kind of a dead drop and justess able to take.

Advantage you know it’s so tough to see it on the screen or at home like what kind of ball is bouncing high enough or low you know you don’t see that at home but here live view you get a really good uh view of that and it’s good that you mention why they attack and why you know sometimes they go into a dink you know the balance is just it’s just that much.

Higher right just the tiniest Marin make the at this LEL that’s the that’s hard right for these athletes if you give them just the slightest window they can absolutely punish you for that shot so fun to see all right Irvin L down by two on this timeout we’re going to go ahead and take a time out ourselves we’ll be right back here at the Select Medical OC.

Cup presented by fit fine wi the game ch he welcome back to the Select Medical Orange County cup presented by fit Vine wine we are here in the round of 16 day you got a little bit of singles early on.

We’re here in mixed doubles we’re going to come back with uh men’s and women’s after this match but here we are down by two Jesse Irving to serve good hands battle there everybody in it but um just at the end there just a little bit too much for for Tyler to get on top of see if they can get one here 52.

O Paris got what she wanted she did I think think she felt like that point was over on her paddle but you know for Tyler and for Jesse there that one more ball right Michelle I mean just make him hit one more ball there might there might be a mistake there that’s all it takes if you’re ready for that hand battle and if you’re prepared Anything.

Could Happen oh no Paris Todd a little late on that shot but another point for LOM and Irvin tying it up2 off net and that backhand flip from Irvin again ISC shot yeah like it’s a big Roar from Jesse right just hit that clean winner such a great feeling to get that.

In there you know it’s interesting Michelle that that dink that Tyler makes just really flat so he just kind of keeps there very unattackable can also be very annoying to play against right because it’s just always feels like there’s something there and he just keeps it away it’s really nice and another time out called from Todd.

McGuffin they did take a one serve possession away but they were looking to take both and now they’re down by one so this is their second timeout no more timeouts and Ty and Jesse Irvin looking like they’ve settled in they they’re making more shots and uh yeah what what do McGuffin and Todd need to do yeah they’re definitely starting to find.

Their patterns right and like you said earlier really finding that inside foot of Paris and I I think um you know James Ignat just talked about this right because he played with Ben in Sacramento and said hey like playing the right side I found out that it’s actually really uncomfortable and annoying when you get dinked on that inside foot over and over.

And it doesn’t seem like much that little ball that’s just a little bit annoying on right there can be difficult and we’ve seen a couple of couple of dinks that have come back up from Paris there so we’ll see if Tyler and Jesse stay on that and for for Tyson and Paris they need to find a way to get Tyson I think a bit more involved in there to.

Really take over the point I would definitely agree and we are back in at game number one Tyler LOM the side out finally after a few points there and McGuffin and Todd now down by one trying to get back into this game number one Tyson McGuffin coming over like you said oh but the law goes out I like it I.

Like it Adam you’re calling it there he is he’s trying to figure out a way to take a little bit more and that’s and that’s what we wanted to see you know know just a little bit more patience found the spot again and get the side out there it is again and you just it’s.

Hard cuz you bring it all the way back across go straight up the line just puts it in a tough spot six in the lead just wide tailing a little frustrated there again on his third still trying to dial it in in the late end of game number off the net again Harris Todd found something new.

Tell me about it yeah so on that one too she pushed Tyler wide and then Tyler tried to bring the ball back wide against her and then she in the middle as he was coming back it’s well played to get him moving around uh-oh and because of that it gives them just a little bit more men went him here so now they’re head by one on the side.

Out yes let’s go come on Tyler’s confusion there might have might have confused Paris as he said you me me you okay I’ll go 92 the drive is just long from a guffin come on right here good leave from Jesse I mean one ball out right there it was not it was not far out but a great eye from her and Tyler Lon Jesse Irvin will.

Go ahead and take their second time out here in game number one don’t go anywhere you’re not going to want to miss the rest of this match being an adult because bringing a fruit platter to a party takes on a whole new meaning don’t tell anyone is door simply spiked it’s getting.

Juicy better Senor I’m not actually a stereotypical senior I just play one in cheesy health insurance commercials in real life I have Huma because they see me listen to what I need it’s refreshing.

Ro welcome back to the Select Medical Orange County cup presented by fit Vine wi we are here at the beautiful Lifetime Fitness in San clemmen California my favorite venue of the tour and Tyler LOM looking to tie things up and possibly take game number one what a spot from the.

Guffin 892 and that return is just long we traded him right so Jesse hit one out for them now Paris hit one out so they’re kind of even now I heard a little bit in the timeout Kyle McKenzie giving Paris and Tyson some advice and it said to Paris you know try to get behind Tyler a.

Little bit more and that’s what she just did right there yes and that’s great advice that’s something I saw as well this one a little impatient there from Paris Tyler and Jesse going to switch here great return there on the switch very.

That deep well done by Tyler there all tied up it’s the same pattern you can see the change that P has made really thinking now to Tyler’s right foot right on that outside and trying to make him kind of stretch and hit that backand cut Dink and then looking for anything to be up.

That she can then attack down the middle Jesse Iran speeds up the ball Cross Court and the guffin is there to sit on it come on let’s go that diagonal speed up is a little dangerous right because it it kind of exposes your partner you bring that across and then they can put the angle back behind your partner very.

Difficult to defend great crosscourt angle dink by Paris to you got it come on that time finding Jesse on the on the right there getting that same ball behind her and that does it for McGuffin and Todd game number one in the books 119 that’s as close as you could get here folks.

We’re going to come back with game number two here at the Select Medical Orange County cup presented by bit Vine wine don’t go anywhere up to 98% of UVB rays and helps prevent visible sun damage the only sunscreen with cello Shield UVA VB Protection Plus antioxidants L Ro POS the official sunscreen of the.

Professional pickle ball Association welcome back we are here at the lifetime San Clemente facility how gorgeous is it here you live here don’t you Adam I do I live here this is my hometown and my home Club so it’s such a.

Pleasure and a privilege to be able to teach here and to play here uh I mean every day we walk in we have a view of the ocean then we play some pickle ball it’s 72° all the time it’s just it’s glorious living the life and now having the pro pickle ball event here um with the PPA I’m sure the members love also having that you know.

Perk of being able to watch the best pickle ball they do absolutely it is a definitely a perk of being here and then we also get it again in December that’s right for the PPA Championship so very very richly blessed here so much fun all right we’re here in game number two Paris TD to serve m Michelle had to think quick there as.

We took a ball into the booth I was like where’s my paddle so I could block it she was ready perfect position1 big overhead for this side out from Tyler l yeah maybe a couple High balls there and Jesse trying to tell Tyler to to leave it out but one thing I think we want to.

Keep watching is Paris is doing a nice job now moving the ball around on every dink really finding spot so we’ll see if she keeps that up yeah they’re definitely utilizing that game plan that they had in game game number one and bringing it over to game number two right off the bat and uh great work for finding that in game one.

You know that was sometimes it’s tough to see another big overhead from Tyler Loom yeah just another third that’s too high right again at this level the margins if you leave a ball up on a third the fourth is probably going to put you away and the opposite there from Tyson right beautiful third dropping nicely.

There difficult for just to handle and then the close after to put pressure on the fourth one2 got her paddle on it but too big from Tyler Lon for the side out and it’s a little windy not too crazy but it does have a little effect on this whiffle ball yeah starting to see just a little bit.

Of movement in the ball right one one oneg I mean so good from Tyler right there to see that on it get the first one in and then able to put the second one away I mean Paris picked a pretty good spot but Tyler was ready for it two1 that’s the fourth overhead Tyler LS hit this in game number.

Two and being and seeing it in person I mean he hits the ball with a lot of force a lot of pace and angle two one nice Reach In by Jesse there again forth a little bit high but Jesse able to kind of go into one leg reach in extend that reach a little bit more and.

Then be able to put a ball down past Paris ni beautiful Drop from Tyler Loom yeah good spot again on that inside inside footo of Paris and really in between Tyson and Paris so there there was a little bit of confusion on whose ball it should be and then Paris reacted a.

Little bit late oh nothing you could do there off the net no yes and a time out from McGuffin and Todd as they’re down by three here in game number two um yeah I mean let’s talk a little bit about these players uh Tyler Lon veteran of the game uh I remember playing my first tournament.

With him uh first Nationals with him in 2017 and uh Tyson McGuffin another veteran of the game um Family Man both Tyler L and and Tyson McGuffin are great people but um you know McGuffin I remember him out back in 2016 at the SoCal classic that used to be played at the Bobby Rigs and this was before there was actually Pro tours so these two have.

You know been huge Veterans of the game and I like being a part of that and talking about it because this didn’t happen overnight this has been in the works for several years and I just wanted to give a shout out to them and I remember Jesse Irvin coming in hot little thing coming in in 2019 201819 and she’s also put so much time effort.

Into the game and Paris Todd here has also stepped up uh earlier a couple years ago in 2020 2021 so um all for great ambassadors of the sport and Pioneers so here we go back in game number two oh Jesse Irvin was sitting on it she was a little bit of an extra little extra sauce on that one maybe to try to get it.

Back with some Authority and just just sails out on her and the time out works for the side out Paris Todd Tyson McGuffin down by three let’s see if they could get back to their strategy to close the gap great Move On by Tyler there good reach and good communication one thing.

You may not be seeing or hearing at home is that Tyler and Jesse communicate on every ball yes communication definitely a key part in the game even during the points right constantly talking with your partner even on the timeouts off the.

Net’s changing up the plan going down the line unsuccessful yeah one thing I love about Jesse though is she’s just so patient when she she just takes it seems like just seconds of time every time to wait and see exactly where she wants to put it so calm oh but that four hand volley has not been working here for irin and game.

Two yeah and found Jesse off the line a little bit there so it got on her and then she wasn’t able to able to attack back oh oh what a break wow I mean we had a we had an eye formation for a minute we had Tyson McGuffin off.

The court and Paris holding down the fort then at the end Tyler able to get that punch down just a little bit of a mishit there caught Paris a little bit high and cut it off the edge of her paddle out 612 look at this Paris on the left yeah we’ve had that a couple times.

Um really not wanting to come across again when the serve has been deep so Jesse able to put that serve kind up in the back corner kept Paris back there and she didn’t want to get out of that sack and potentially get caught like we talked about earlier McGuffin and Todd down by six in game number two wow they took game number one.

And Irvin and L came back firing and responding um great job by them and you guys here at the PPA we have several Court streaming we’re not just here on YouTube you know on grand stand we have showcase court number one and two brought to you by Box Car production huge shout out to AB and Kyle who are operating over there they do a.

Tremendous job at bringing you even more matches other than the grand stand and on pickle ball TV we have the Epic matchups on Championship court right behind us here in this venue um if you’ve never been to a PPA tournament would you recommend coming to one now I absolutely would and I would recommend coming to this one to San Clen I may be.

Just a little bit biased but I if you don’t get if you don’t get your fill of pickle ball it is your fault cuz there are a lot of opportunities for streams that you can watch shout out to Rob Cassidy’s dad Dan Gardner who came all the way from Rochester New York because he knows this is the spot we are back here in game number two Irving is.

Serve oh and there’s that forand volley put away really good and one thing you’re seeing from an adjustment that that Tyler and Jesse have made is Tyler instead of trying to take that dink back across is the line to tr get away from that that Paris had established before and that strategy is giving them the momentum here to put themselves with an.

Eight-point lead here in game number two great observations Adam I love it I love it 912 go go go go go Jesse closing and almost on it but just got got that ball just below her reach for the side out see what they can if they can dig into this lead.

291 over hit volley from Paris Todd we have another opportunity to try to get as many points possible this is the time to do it yeah’s go getting pumped up yeah so Jesse’s dialed in those forand volleys now right so she.

Missed a couple but that one a crucial point on the side out right there able to come away with the the win in that rally and we’ll see if they can close it out on their serve here wow tremendous tremendous back here down the line return from Paris Todd yeah the thinnest of margins on that line 922.

Finds the spot and Irvin for that put away yeah hits that outside catches Jesse on the outside hip and then uh and then does a really nice job to just hit that ball with an angle just off the court that nobody could get to Great position okay and another opportunity for Todd and McGuffin to gain some points.

here crash is unsuccessful you oh and a missed overhead from Jesse L as she was or sorry Jessie Irvin as she was caught off guard yeah just caught it on the frame there you have two and a timeout is called from Jesse Irvin Tyler LOM so they are still you.

Know what way ahead but they haven’t been able to get away from nine let’s see what happens after this timeout we’ll be right back here at the Select Medical Orange County cup presented by fit Vine wine introducing Sketcher pickle ball the official Footwear of the carvana PPA tour they’re Ultra lightweight and.

Responsive for incredible speed they have Goodyear rubber outsoles with a specialized pickle ball design for increased side to side stability and Agility plus they feature shock absorbing phone and Sketcher famous relaxed fit design for incredible Comfort game after game conquer the court in Comfort Sketcher pickle ball.

The official Footwear of the carvana PPA tour yes welcome back we’re here in game number two where Jesse Irvin Tyler long are trying to close this out to take it to game number three second.

Ser 932 Jesse with a comfortable set there um the timeout talking with Scott crle who she works with quite a bit Scott giving her the advice to really get set in transition instead of trying to move through the ball get set get it back in and then come up M like that one she’s crashing um she’s.

Trying to find a little bit more pressure on that shot but it has been unsuccessful so great advice from Scott Crandle from uh bay Breakers coach for the bay Breakers and they had a game point but Todd able to save it about three shots off the net there yeah and right in the middle of that point a pretty strong cross Breeze.

The players all kind of handled that there but it is interesting to see how much the wind will affect the ball here see if that continues in the match picks up set up from Jessie there Tyler able to put it away and just again a little bit of local knowledge so we do get some of those offshore breezes here in San Clen in the afternoon especially it.

Starts to pick up a little bit for the next hour and a half or so so may affect this match even in the second and third oh Tyler not able to get to that beautiful walk from a guffin Tyler saying to himself that’s so bad but it really was so good from Tyson it was a really good love there go it’s in me.

Me you know it’s tough a little bit of confusion in the back right so Tyson and Paris both potentially on that ball I mean it’s an overhead from Tyler so it’s going to be hard to get back but that coming together did make it a little bit harder game number too and L and Irvin take game number two with a patient transition from Irvin so.

We’re going to go to game number three you guys you’re not going to want to miss the conclusion of this matchup we’ll be right back ever notice how seniors and health insurance commercials all look the same because all of these companies see us the same but not human they see me human.

this is what waiting for ready toide wow it’s a new look and it’s looking real good it’s a new and it’s looking real good it’s a and it’s looking real good.

Theame the game the game welcome back we are going to start game number three here in the round of 16 the winner of this match will move on to the quarterfinals 15 both teams are looking for that spot to continue and play tomorrow yeah and crucial this.

Tournament right being a cup worth a lot of points so every round matters for Point totals in that race to the Championships for the PPA championships again back here in s CL in December great hands from Paris Todd off of the paddle of Jesse Irvin wow with can the winner of this match.

Will move on and play against Georgia Johnson and JW Johnson the brother’s sister Duo from Florida the tall task playing against JW in Georgia certainly a well established and successful team also one1 Tyson McGuffin coming in hot great movement from Tyson laterally just.

Moving sliding across the kitchen one thing for players at home too that ability to just kind of move across lad without moving forward into the ball to avoid that kitchen fall just quality from Tyson there you know and Michelle Tyler known for the Ernie right and has not had an Ernie in this whole match that’s even.

The first time he’s moved for an Ernie I think Tyson playing against him being the veteran that you talked about before definitely making sure that’s not a way they get beat unsuccessful La attempt Jesse irin destroys her overhead and you know as a player myself I never want to give the opponent what they love to do right you.

Know you never want to give them that opportunity or chance to even do that so taking away that option from L you know it’s he must be like a man I just want that you know I want to get that earning1 but they’re here in game number three down by three come and a little combo there from t l yep fast hands there again and you.

Know Paris again continuing to try to find that inside hip spot like kind of center of Tyler there Tyler doing a nice job to slide out of the way and be able to punch that back 131 thought that ball was going to sell wide but it stays.

in 1 3 two 15 time two time oh Paris is looking for that Ernie but it hits the Nets yeah it’s it’s uh you make that jump you are committed yes if it’s too low then got to get creative there.

Unfortunately couldn’t save it I have that just back I have that back ball called out they appeal to the referees the referee that also saw that out you know one thing to to notice also Michelle Jesse tends to play you know one one and a half steps off the line right whereas.

Tyler is really crowding the line and up front but that is kind of her home she Retreats into that spot and then and then tries to dink from there quite often and and she tries to pull a sneaky shot by stepping in one step at the right time great point but just to continue that.

What that allows her to do is to really see the ball coming give her even an extra second to react to anything that’s sped up and then also is that comfortable dinking that she has also allowing Tyler to come over in front of her and take more space if you’d like oh that was a sneaky move from Tyson just long yeah Tyler Ducks right.

In the nick of time ball targeted right up high but gets out of the way wins the point the rally and an unsuccessful wob Tyler Loom is just there to punish yeah I mean and it’s interesting right CU in mix when you’re on playing against the left-hander sometimes it changes your patterns so for Paris that ball.

Typically tends to be over the back end but instead for Tyler right into his forehand not the place we want to put it one more second serve 332 let’s go Jesse ready for that on the inside of the game just faded out just a.

Little bit to her left so that she had that forehand loaded and ready to go and able to counter that successfully oh enough Paris called it out Tyson McGuffin saw so that’s going to be a point for LOM and Irvin as there’s a disagreement in the calls um from Team Todd.

Andin so Todd McGuffin are going to go ahead and take a timeout we’ve had two mixed doubles matchups here and both have gone to game number three you’re not going to want to miss the rest of this match you guys we’ll be right back here at this Select Medical Orange County cup bring pack all the things.

Come fly on your schedule reward yourself and girls whenever stay or go when you wna and more is on the way so when you’re ready to go go with heart go with Southwest welcome back to the Select Medical Orange County cup presented by fit Vine wine Jesse.

Irvin Tyler L ahead by two here in game number three they need one more for the end change the ball is just wide on that dink great time out oh referee air but that is a side out and McGuffin here to serve and close the gap as they’re down by.

Two1 I wish we had a tally count for all the overhead tons made I mean I think it’s next next to the Ernie that might be his favorite so if he’s not getting the Ernies at least he’s getting the overheads today Michelle oh tough side out as no points were scored and it is still 53 531.

oh man what defense what a rally it’s so much fun to watch like getting every ball back and then winning that point w amazing work by Tyler and Jesse There wow and we are here at an end change as L and Irvin hit six six points in the third game so as they switch sides we’re going to talk about our day here on.

Grand standand court because after this mix doubles match we have some men’s doubles zaye natil Riley Newman versus Jack Monroe and Julian Arnold and then we are following that matchup that epic matchup with some women’s doubles Lucy kovalova Callie Smith versus Brooke Buckner and her partner Chile Chile wing and um then we have two more matchups.

After that but what an incredible time we were just talking about what do we like better do we like the traditional format or Progressive and for me I think it’s a progressive H what about you Adam yeah I agree Michelle I actually really love the progressive format I mean I like I like it especially as a fan um I get to see all different matches singles.

Matches mixed matches men’s and women’s throughout the day and it’s fun to see them bring their best for everyone that they come out to instead of grinding through a full day of and especially now that these brackets have gotten so big there’s so many good players that no round is guaranteed anymore so it’s just a grind start to.

Finish and a quick point after the end change ahead by four here what do Tyson McGuffin and Paris Todd need to do you got to make 732 out out out and I think there Michelle that’s been a big part of this run it’s been a lot it’s been quite a few errors.

Maybe a little bit of like that like an early pole in the point rather than patiently letting something develop and construct and there’s Tyler with an impatient shot himself yeah it’s definitely about being able to play consist consistently uh getting accurate on your shots and having the patience to make the the highest percentage shot.

Selection and I think that’s why L and irin right now are ahead here in game number three but it is not over it is far from over as we’ve seen some epic comebacks throughout this entire week oh ATP.

Defended yeah oh and a big reach from Tyler loone so good so Tyler puts out on the outside line and then sees that immediately starts moving over predicting that that ball was going to come back across from Tyson and is able to get that and the body bag Paris great great anticipation whoa a tremendous passing.

Shot down the line from Tyson McGuffin wow clinical just silky smooth right there and another side out another opportunity for Todd and McGuffin to gain some points and close the gap wow tremendous pressure from Todd and McGuffin I mean Tyler Tyler and Jesse.

Getting so many balls back right now it must feel like the court is so small to try to put something away but Tyson true to himself just continues to put pressure on until he gets the one he can put away oh tough poach there from the Gin as he is extended a little too much yeah I mean it was a good third and he.

Thought that that Jesse might give him a little bit more but credit to Jesse for that ball down oh a rare Miss from Tyler Lon we saw a couple of those in game one but here in game three tough time to do that Jesse lost it off as she knew she hit to the wrong spot on that but.

Jessie Jesse I think asking wondering if that should be her ball or if maybe expecting Tyler to come across and take that actually especially on that Lefty forehand all right they were able to get some points there on that side out now only down by two tying pumping up Jesse Irvin to get this game number three.

Decides to initiate a speed up but goes to the net I mean an inch away from being perfect though right but great stuff by Tyson and Paris to just keep making them play one more ball wow a big down the line passing shot from Jesse Irvin giving them a three-point lead Paris Todd asking the ref as she.

Did not see the call The Ref did not see it either yeah and maybe that earlier call before Mak Paris second guess whether or not she should call it out right good good good yeah oh M guffin finding the backhand side of Tyler LOM wow such a professional shot right Tyler coming.

Across seeing Tyson recognizing that he’s moving centrally over and over again and then just holds that paddle holds flips it over his shoulder winner so clean all comes from early preparation right holding it because you’re so early at recognizing what side it’s coming to the right or.

Left and a speed up from Paris Todd again Jesse on the right so they’ve switched their their usual sides here no do one stuck go that’s a pattern as well that I’ve seen Tyson McGuffin do um going to the forehand of Jesse Jesse doesn’t know how to swing it over to Paris and Tyson’s.

There to put that second way see that maybe that’s the third time he’s he’s had that play here in this match up definely found he’s trying as he sees it she gets off the line hits that little roll dink that pushes her back further finds the forehand with a little speed up and then the put.

Away and now it is all tied up as McGuffin and Todd were down by five receiver such a great pickle ball this is what we come for oh my goodness and now L and Irvin will take a timeout we’re going to take a timeout you’re not going to want to miss the conclusion of this matchup don’t go anywhere we’ll be right back movement watches is proud to.

Be the official timekeeper of the professional pitot ball Association shop now at mvmt.com play hard for fun to win to live whatever you’re playing there’s penetra joint and muscle cream to let you play on deep penetrating relief without greasiness irritation or unpleasant odor inspired.

By nature and 100% guaranteed try penetra and play on we are back in game number three the Select Medical Orange County cup presented by fit Vine wine the PPA is bringing you the best action in the world as far as professional pickle ball and here we are 99 Paris TD to serve nowhere we’d rather be Michelle.

Nowhere and here we are at Match Point here in game number three oh the standing room only crowd on Grand sand court is seeing a great match right now an opportunity for Tyson and and Paris to close it out right here oh my goodness and there’s one.

Match point saved just a little bit of confusion there in the middle Paris reaches for it but leaves it up and Tyler Tyler puts it away oh oh my goodness and the second match point is saved with an 8tp point of the day Michelle and the timing of that as well oh my goodness.

What an incredible level of pickleball we’re seeing right now the everyone here is just going crazy on edge of their seats watching the end of this match right now excuse my excitement ladies and gentlemen Jesse Irvin not quite able to get there for the reset giving them this last.

Chance and opportunity to tie it up at least on this side out damn oh my goodness couldn’t quite get it and here we are game point Match Point number three oh miss third no no opportunity to score there tough one see if they can dig deep bring it.

Back go go go go there it is Paris Todd Tyson McGuffin defeat Tyler Lon and Jesse Irving in a three game match the crowd is going wild they’re going to go on to the quarterfinals and play against JW Johnson and Georgia Johnson what a game I mean Michelle there are no words to describe the ending of that I mean we.

Had lead changes we had side outs we had atps we had defended atps it was a blast to watch I hope you enjoyed that one cl oh my gosh I I mean game number three oh my gosh and not and to follow up another game number three from the match before it’s just epic pickle ball ladies and gentlemen and don’t go anywhere because when we return we have a men’s doubles.

Round of 16 matchup Zay nail Riley Newman versus Jack Monroe and Julian Arnold you know that match is going to get loud you guys don’t go anywhere we’ll be right back the Select Medical Orange County cup presented by fitvine wines is brought to you by Carana serving happiness all.

Season long by beard the official wealth management partner of the PPA Tour by Fela to play like a pro you need to dress like one by pickle ball Central your trusted pickle ball experts by rain clean energy for everybody by cerk we are pickle ball and by Sketchers conquer the court in Comfort.

The game CH the game change the game change ready yet not yet buddy ever notice how seniors and health insurance commercials all look the same because all of these companies see us the same but not human they see.

Me human play hard for fun to win to live what whatever you’re play there’s penetra joint and muscle cream to let you play on deep penetrating relief without greasiness irritation or unpleasant odor.

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Introducing Sketcher pickle ball the official Footwear of the carvana PPA tour they’re Ultra lightweight and responsive for incredible speed they have Goodyear rubber outsoles with a specialized pickle ball design for increased side to side stability and Agility plus they feature shock absorbing foam and Sketcher famous.

Relaxed fit design for incredible Comfort game after game conquer the court in Comfort Sketcher pickle ball the official Footwear of the carvana PPA tour follow your Vibe buy heart Seltzer flavor for every vibe.

oh oh oh oh.


Welcome back to the Select Medical Orange County cup presented by fit Vine wine we are here with a round of 16 men’s doubles matchup we have number eight seed zaye natil and Riley Newman versus number 12 seed Jack Monroe and Julian Arnold this is Michelle esal I’m here with my buddy Adam Adam what’s your last name Hill Adam Hill and Adam Hill.

Is a local here at the Lifetime Fitness in San clini thank you so much for joining us on the mic it’s so cool to have you here and giving us some insight on our matchups yeah my pleasure it’s a great opportunity to be here love sitting here and comment commentating with you we just got done with an incredible match right before this with.

Tyson McGuffin Paris Todd against Tyler L and Jesse Irvin went three and amazing hoping for the same kind of fireworks in this one today quick point right off the bat and a couple wide dinks yeah yep yep just a few just early in the match just finding you know Finding finding the moments figuring out the.

Patterns that’s why I’m here for that andyo from Julian Arnold there you go three points in first andyo Jack Jack Monroe still serving fun to watch Jack Jack will serve right-handed and then primarily play left-handed and a dextrous player yes uh Wes gabrielson I have to give a shout out to Wes gabrielson who.

Is one of the original Pros who is also aexist and and kind of does the same thing and uh Jack Monroe and him have actually played a lot together in the in previous tournaments back I’m talking about back in 2016 um when they had the triple crown back in SEI Valley where Jack Monroe’s mom and dad used to run that fun little.

Tournament that’s cool history Michelle so everybody played with all different partners right so you saw some rotating teams there that’s right so I remember Ben you played one with Riley and played one with Matt and then played one with you know this is before Colin John’s was even out on the pro tour you know so it was just.

Fun seeing the mixup and seeing the different matchups and maybe PPA in the future will bring that concept uh at some point but here we are down by three never till Riley switch sides yeah Riley and Zayn playing straight choosing to play straight up right now so not stacking one on either.

Side maybe they’ll wait and see what patterns develop and decide if they want to keep somebody find a match up they like but for now just just testing it one of Riley’s favorite patterns right there holding that two-handed backand flipping across the middle and then the pancake forand to put it away some really good energy from Julian.

Arnold and Jack Monroe here in game number one as they are up by one 431 good hands from Julian there Julian continuing his quest to find a paddle I think he’s played with a different manufacturer paddle in each of the last four tournaments in a row using a paddle Tech today.

Ball’s tied to the net zaye couldn’t quite find find a little bit of lift to bring that over the top so another point there for jul Jack going for a big serve and missing for the side out Julian won’t be happy with himself there that serve but still have the.

Lead no no no replay Don Stanley all over it head ref here the ball hits the net it hits the bar on the way down so that calls for a replay on it Don Stanley assisted by second ref Norman velg we love our refs here at the PPA never told missing you know few.

Shots here and there and that kind of adds up right yeah and Riley wanted that one he was he was there on the diagonal looking for that ball that is not the spot on Riley Newman Riley turns around and looks at the crowd as if to say I don’t think that’s going to work but you know yeah I was going to.

Say you got to uh pull a trigger so that sometimes you could look like you’re going to go there and then the next time you go to a different spot so yeah the game is cumulative right so maybe it doesn’t work on one but then we continue to find new spots and just that that one might be for the balance of the match we might get the point.

Later oh just wide there but a good look from Jackman R yeah and and Jack and Zayn know each other’s game very well they play together quite a lot together in Texas uh trained together a fair bit so you will have seen some of those tricks that Jack has yeah I know exactly what you’re talking about because they do have their.

Videos uh posted on their Instagram so if you want to follow along with Zane and Jack uh they do have some fun uh practice things that they they post on their uh content oh Riley Newman goes for the ATP I believe Julian Arnold was looking to Ernie the ATP but gets body bagged Julian almost in the stands there.

Riley hits him with the ball one trying to go inside out with his forehand dink but he not there in time with his footwork now a tie game serve little lucky there you think yeah Zayn seemed like he was all that one just got it just a little bit behind him on the swing quick.

Hand Monroe and Arnold pull that one off wow I mean Jack was under pressure there maybe an unfortunate speed up and then finds a way out of it with just blazing fast hands I pumped up Julian Arnold with that flick yeah trying to trying to settle the score from the earlier body back out out of bounds gets one on right his.

Right shoulder and I feel like you know I love this I love this energy I feel like Monroe um and Arnold are targeting a little bit more towards Zay right now as he’s been making the unforced erors yeah and with with Riley and the number of weapons that he has especially off the bounce on that backand don’t.

Want to give him too many balls to to deal with yeah and here we are with the first timeout of the game Riley Newman Zan nalto will go ahead and take that time out what are they looking to do in order to get this side out and hopefully gain some momentum for the first game yeah so like you said there earlier like I think they really want to be able to.

Get Riley involved even more let him find a way to come across and construct a point speed up the ball and then really get sit on that pancake forehand like we said before um we’ll see though because you know Jack Jack and jul obviously know these two players pretty well they have a game plan coming in as well like you said and have pointed out.

Really trying to find Zayn and kind of they’re even hitting what I think Michelle looks like a little bit of some kind of bait balls at Zay right now talk to me about what a bait ball is thank you Adam for mentioning that yeah so they’re almost hitting a ball that’s just up just a little bit that kind but we still that Zayn feels like he can.

Speed up and really hit at but it’s still down a little bit so that Julian and Jack can sit on top of and start hitting down and Zay so almost inviting a speed up so they can got it and that’s what creates the combos correct absolutely awesome awesome I feel like we’re getting some free advice here on the PPA this is.

Awesome I love hearing it and here we are back in game number one Jackman Ro to serve ATP defended and Julian Arnold is there for the put away great ball from Julian there Waits Waits Waits on that ATP hits it deep to Riley Riley leaves that one up a little bit and an easy put away for Julian yeah I saw Riley Newman.

With his pedal down looking for a dig off the ground but it actually came up waste High smart shot there and there you go game number one to Julian Arnold and Jack Monroe so we’ll see if Zan ailla and Riley Newman could respond with something new here in game number two we’ll be right back you guys don’t go.

Anywhere the game it takes dedication and training to stay in the game it takes grit and stamina to win the game it takes strategy and skill you keep focus on your approach drop and Champion shots and we’ll help you stay focused on your strength flexibility speed and downtime having a sports medicine partner in your court is key to helping.

You make it to the game stay in the game and win the game Select Medical is proud to be the exclusive provider of physical therapy of the PPA tour welcome back to the Select Medical Orange County cup presented by fit Vine wine we are here at the lifetime San Clin in beautiful Orange County California what do you think it’s about.

75 degrees Court feels really good there’s a great crowd here for this Progressive draw format and we’re about to to start game number two what to Riley and Z to do yeah another perfect day here in s so weather weather’s great for everybody here um Riley and Zayn just need to find that pattern like I said to let Riley.

Really get involved and create and then Zayn being able to sit and counter after Riley kind of starts some of the some of some of those speed UPS mm let’s see if they could do that here oh and a miss shot from Riley Newman I think he got what he wanted there the ball was up and sitting a little bit you just overcooked it a.

Little bit out of bounds but that looks to be the tone that they’re trying to set right there as they come out aggressive on the first point second serve wow big serve Jack wiro just a little cut off right there yeah on the heat of the battle a nice speed up from Zayn to start that.

One found Jack in kind of good spot back and forth there it is there’s Riley’s for hand right so if he can get if he can get into that pattern where he can get a ball up on that pancake it’s going to it’s not going to come back wow a speed up right in the middle between Z ntil and Ry.

Newman away from Julian Arnold Zan finding his Groove yeah a nice backhand flick there then and again working the point back and forth getting that ball up a little bit Julian moving quite a bit and then Zay caught him there at the end a nice drop maybe just a little bit too much reach there from.

Zann the difference though righty electing on that one un likee zay’s choice to just step back and let that ball bounce and then pick a better spot as opposed to reaching in a lot of times on that third if you can reach it great but if not step back find a new spot I call it respecting the third I like that.

the L off the bounce I think in that one Riley held up on the law because he was afraid he was going to hit Zane right so kind of cour awareness with his his own partner too um and then just kind of hit one back and try to play the point out from.

There that’s what Riley wants right there Julian Arnold giving him another look at it as remember in game number one he he tried it in game one unsuccessful and game two unsuccessful as well almost the exact same spot with the exact same result but like we talked about earlier.

Michelle that shot may have set up the one that he just hit right there because he was able to hold it show it and then flip it line sometimes you lose the battle but win the war slow and steady wins the race there all right so stacking now choosing to put Riley on the left when they have.

The the offensive opportunity here Jack and Julian able to counter that prob decides to come back over again so really just trying to find out what matchup is going to work for them right now I like that just keep keep finding it until you find something that works keep changing it the pro level though Michelle thirds.

Crucial it’s so crucial it’s like at the pro level you know the game really starts with the third shot the ser and return are always usually played high percentage in men’s and women’s doubles and it’s up to a good third shot in order to set it up you know people will take advantage if it’s unsuccessful with a really aggressive.

Four when I feel like this year is the year of the fourth shot what can you do with that third again is there to reset wow and an aggressive roll deep crossport behind Riley Newman yeah Jack just showing the creativity right so finds that lob in.

The back corner gets Riley stretch and Riley with an incredible left-handed save right in front of us in the booth and then Jack just patiently finds another role and sometimes that can be hard you hit a great shot that you think is going to win the point and then they get it back sometimes that can feel a little demoralizing instead Jack just.

Stays with it picks a new spot and hits an even better one to win that one great stuff hi go high oh and a missed overhead from zann that’s going to hurt in our rec games we call that unattackable ones that we know we definitely should put away but that’s a.

Tough one right there team are another Miss overhead and some frustration from Riley Newman as they’re going to call a timeout here in game number two down by three and we’re going to go ahead and take a timeout as well don’t go anywhere we’ll be right.

welcome back here at the Select Medical Orange County cup presented by fit Vine wine so some interesting stuffff happening on the timeout there yeah right there at the end Michelle it may not as seen as we cut to break but Riley hit the ball in frustration and then Julian walked by and asked the referee.

If that should at least be a verbal warning which I think the referee which Donley did issue but we’ll see if that uh turns into a little bit of back and forth between rally and Julian because R has been not I mean a little bit quiet right so and and maybe maybe that could be something that they bring out their energy a little bit to get into it a.

Little bit more because we know Riley can be at his best when he is really kind of getting getting in front of other people and making them feel his presence and that’s why we thought this match up was going to be super loud because Julian Arnold is pretty much the same good nothing is working on never till a.

Newman side but Jack really playing well I mean he is just hitting his spots speed UPS hands very very good 612 and a Mis return isn’t going to do it any better sometimes when it’s seems like it’s going about it all goes at once1.

Oh my gosh okay Julian Julian’s telling Don that Riley Newman celebrate and a side out and some intense hey bad decision making there but it looked like like uh you know calls like that could go a long way for either team so Julian was trying to you know see if.

He could reasonably yeah Rec ask the ref you know hey um he was celebrating when I was hitting the shot that that’s deems you know a point for our side Don Stanley wasn’t having it yeah and on that point Michelle actually thought that it might have clipped Jack’s paddle even on the way.

Through and I think that might be why Riley was celebrating because it already had a touch but but since that incident occurred not only did they get the side out but they’ve also got three consecutive points there and now a timeout is going to be called from Jun Arnold and Jack Monroe yeah so how much the momentum can.

Shift right and it’s interesting you never know which way it’s going to go in this one like you pointed out seems like it’s really shifted the balance of the momentum to Riley and Zayn so we’ll see if that continues that’s right and we’re going to go ahead and take a really quick timeout we’ll be right back you guys.

15 seconds one time out one time out all right you guys so we’re back here in game number two where never till Newman uh have the service possession and gain three points on the side out so will this timeout stop the momentum or will never till and Newan continue their run yeah we’ll see you know Riley has been.

Able to to Really counter for some winners and uh and a couple mistakes one mistake there by Jack that’s really just giving them a few points so we’ll see if they can keep it going a nice little speed up for the side out Julian lets him know with a little yep that that ball was in run off his.

Battle and there’s a tripping from Julian Arnold like butter um yeah well it was a good way I mean he was on it and I think he saw that very early and had almost a full swing to counter that one second serve just a Mis dink there from Julian Z going for he and Riley to grind.

Fight right here Jackman row is incredibly quick with his hands my goodness so fast get such a heavy ball with no back swing nice counter from Zay there saw that one slid across into it and then was able to hit back behind Julian Julian had hit that speed up and then expecting it to be on the inside and his.

Forehand so moved in but Zay able to get on top of it early put it back behind him well done we usually don’t see um the men stay on their side they’re going to go for it and in that one instance uh you know Julian Arnold got in a little trouble there right yeah tough.

mve just again right talked about the quality of the thirds whole point hinges on the quality of that third if you get it down and get in get established the team that can get in and establish the most is going to win the points second Ser a little overly aggressive forand.

Drive got away from him a little bit there but that’s Julian right it’s gonna go For Broke it’s working so far have the balance of the match nice little spot there from Zan yeah crafty little roll from Zayn just again held the paddle up could have done several things with that decides to hit a little roll behind.

Jack off the net Riley is not quite there to get it it’s unlucky nice defense but finally Julian Arnold finds the right uh spot for that put away in the side out yeah some great gets from zann there but pinned back behind the Baseline ball getting higher and higher until julan able to find a gap between them.

And here we are with Match Point number one with the 12 seat defeat the eight seed here for the quarterfinals they have definitely looked like the stronger seed today taken it to especially jackan Ro playing phenomenal pick ball second Ser Ry finds on the inside there nice speed up 10.

52 and it is just long from Julian Arnold for the side out and this is the opportunity for Riley Newman and Zay naol to catch up as they are down by five OP 10 one there’s one 10 is a lonely number we have seen some crazy comebacks yeah and jul Julian and Jack deciding to not let a run get.

Started right one is enough we’ve got the timeouts let’s use them make sure we can see if we can slow them down here a little bit smart will Riley Newman and Zay natil take game number two we’ll find out right after this break the RO POS sunscreen blocks up to 98% of UVB rays and helps prevent visible sun damage the only sunscreen.

With cello Shield UVA UVB Protection Plus antioxidants L Ro POS the official sunscreen of the professional pickle ball Association every time someone tells you they vacation in the same place every every year it should really make you wonder why travel like you mean it with IHG.

Hotels and resorts welcome back we are here at the Select Medical Orange County cup presented by fit Vine wine Riley Newman looking to close the gap here off his serve and whenever there’s an immediate stop off of the timeout you know you did the right thing by calling.

It Julian Arnold deciding to stay aggressive I like the look defin having a comment on every point now I like the last one he pointed out how good his own shot was to Riley and letting them know just how good he liked it and it is just long for Match Point number two.

10 S1 unsuccessful ATP attempt Julian looks back at it can’t believe that he didn’t make that one another opportunity to close this one out and there you have it a Miss return off the title of Riley Newman Jack Monroe Julian Arnold will go to the quarterfinal.

He will be here tomorrow great performance from them fantastic performance I mean went out and decid with a game plan they were going to speed it up they were going to stay in it counter they stuck to it and really if you go back I think the the reality is that most of those hands battles were won by Jack and Julian so the balance of.

Those and that was the difference in the match I mean credit to them had a game plan stuck to it executed on to onto the semi-finals or to the quarter all right you guys don’t go anywhere cuz next up we have a women’s doubles round of 16 matchup we have Lucy kovalova Callie Smith versus Brook.

Buckner and Zoe wayang so you’re not going to want to miss this you guys we’ll be right back believe in yourself you can do way more than what you think that you can J tamy is andreos H Brook.

oh think to make it to the game it takes dedication and training to stay in the.

Game it takes grd and stamina to win the game it takes strategy and skill you keep focus on your approach drop and Champion shots and we’ll help you stay focused on your strength flexibility speed and downtime having a sports medicine partner in your court is key to helping you make it to the game stay in the game.

And win the game Select Medical is proud to be the exclusive provider of physical therapy of the PPA tour l.

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bring it hack all the things fly on your schedule reward yourself and girls whenever stay or go when you want to and is on the way so when you’re ready to go go with heart go with Southwest.

Insurance I’m not actually a stereotypical senior I just play one in cheesy health insurance commercials in real life I have Huma because they see me listen to what I need it’s refreshing human welcome back to the Select Medical Orange County cup presented by fit Vine.

Wine we have a round of 16 matchup in women’s Pro doubles Callie Smith Lucy kovalova a household name here on the PPA tour versus Zoe wing and Brooke bu this is going to be a good match up here any insights in this match up here Adam yeah exciting to see the experienced team of Calli and Lucy coming out against the relatively new team a new.

Partnership between Brooke and Zoe you know I’ve seen Zoe play a little bit in uh in MLP recently and was really impressed with the way that she played on the left side she’s tall and has a lot of a lot of strength like she will move the ball around very good with her dinks we’ll see if she has an opportunity to create here but Calli and.

Lucy professionals they’ve seen a lot this before so I’m sure they have a game plan coming in targeting Calli Smith right away yeah we’ll see if they keep that pattern there to play a lot of the balls to C.

Some confusion there in the middle of that point as though we thought that Brooke was going to take that overhead but they recovered from it got back to neutral again able to win the point an attack from the bottom of the net feels like yeah almost feel like that one was kind of hitting your way out of trouble so a lot of times if we.

Get pressed we might try to hit our way out it’s not the best solution when we’re under pressure probably want to hit the more neutral shot to try to get back 0 one and the ball St incy lays off that one intentionally and the Heartbreak as it hits the back of the.

Line1 what a drop sorry one of the things that I’m always looking for this in in these games is who are we returning to and who are we dropping to and generally speaking so far Brook and and Zoe have chosen to drop almost every ball to to C and the time they don’t they didn’t get the point right but that third is always.

Kind of going towards Cali maybe respecting that that poke that Lucy has when she kind of reaches in with that back hand there and Zoe on Q changes it up and hits a drive behind Lucy which is a great play right we’ve played every ball so far to C Lucy maybe getting a little bit comfortable with that pattern doesn’t expect and then Zoe reaches and.

Hits it back behind her on the forehead for a winner nice little off Pace speed up there from Zoe yeah and one thing to see in developing these patterns already is zo he’s able to hit that ball with that roll Dink and is pushing C off the line on every dink so Kell’s having to retreat where Zoe and Brooke are sitting.

On the line ready so they’ll be able to win that battle of real estate there at the kitchen line and Brooke Buckner with a huge heavy middle passing shot which is going to give cie and Lucy the time to take the timeout as they’re down by five a quick start here from like we said from the new team from Brook and Zoe but you’re seeing that Zoe’s ability.

To really move across and then kind of manipulate the point with her dinks and again I think if she can keep that up if Callie’s always retreating off the line and Zoe’s able to stay on the line with Brooke they’re going to win this match they can see in that pattern and I’m also seeing Brooke Buckner with her middle dinks over to Lucy kovalova.

Backhand foot and um that has also been a play when it does come over to Brook so some stuff to figure out from Lucy kovalova and Callie Smith as again they are down by trailing by five here in game number one Zoe Winger and a good time out to stop the momentum of Zoe wing and Brook buckner1 ooh good look from Zoe Wing but misses.

Just wide on that backand for yeah had a ball she wed up high for sure so here you’ve seen Zoe and Brooke return every ball to C so far I think generally that’s because C’s a good mover and able to come in and poach and they want to make sure for me wrong once again but that’s why right there that’s why they’re returning every ball to C.

Because Callie will come in and Lucy hits a great third she puts the ball down a little bit Cali can come in and poach then she’s going to put a lot of pressure on by returning to CI we keep her back so we don’t get her into the net and there’s the adjustment from Zoe wow Lucy was caught extended there on that.

Forehand side yeah great playing by Brooke there taking the ball back behind Lucy making her move right if you can get her on the Move then sometimes you can force that popup right we want to get our opponents uncomfortable never let him get static and and comfortable thinking oh great down the line volley from.

Cie Brook Buckner asks the ref and neither ref saw the ball so the call Will Stand and another point for Callie and Lucy as they’re trying to slowly but surely close that Gap and now only down by two yeah and a high third there just puts some under pressure from the beginning a shoulder High shoulder High.

Third isn’t isn’t going to let you get into the net very often 5 31 good pressure from call Smith that she was looking for an earning yeah absolutely Brooke hit that same spot in the middle that middle dink probably five times in AOW and thens to change it and C very smartly sees Brook kind of.

Change her body position shows the Ernie and then Brook reacts a little bit and leaves that one short oh the setup was there but Brook buner Shanks it yeah got the popup that she wanted but just couldn’t make the contact that she was looking for unfortunate what a counter by.

Lucy Zoe had set of a pretty nice ball got what she wanted hit it back through the middle and then Lucy used that movement against her because Zoe had pinched so far middle Lucy able to calmly take that ball back behind her that’s Lucy kovalova signature two-hander not today backhand high level great movement up the line from Zoe.

Wayne yeah great reach again using that link to be able to reach in and really make that kitchen feel small feels like there’s not a lot of place to drop that ball in safely so much control from Zoe Wing finds a nice spot there as Lucy as Call’s trying to take her space and come in finds her feet get gets her caught up.

In the movement great spot ATP defended oh and Lucy kovalova almost makes that shot in but miss is just long yeah she did and again just a little bit of a reach right I’m not I mean the attack definitely there but maybe attacked and hit just because she was still leaning a little bit middle from.

Those earlier dinks and a forced speed up from Calli Smith yeah there again that ball that drop too good right and then Cali trying to decide should I let it bounce so I take out the air takes out of the air and unfortunately speeds that up into the waiting waiting pattle of Brook Buckner.

Oh nice play and recovery from Callie Smith 742 oh and Brook Buckner calmly but surely just initiates down the line yeah sees that Gap as kiot slid just a little bit to the middle middle kind of holds the padd again hits that little Inside Out catches C out great shot from Brooke.

There a head by four oh no an unlucky sha or lucky depending on which team you’re rooting for and here we go with a five-point lead something I haven’t seen is um as they take a timeout is you know when Lucy has opportunities just letting the ball drop and maybe speeding up to Zoe I don’t I haven’t seen that look yet I.

Don’t know if it’s a good one or not as uh Zoe is very very um just strong she’s just just confident on every shot she’s not making a lot of errors but you know you you wonder you know like can you like speed up to her and maybe find something there some combinations off of that yeah it’s a great call Michelle I mean last night so Lucy and Cali beat.

Christa gecha and Daria walchuk to get into this match and really the difference was Lucy kept reaching in with that backand and poking it at the player in front of her generally Daria and catching her kind of up high and then being able to hit a combo so I think you’re right and like you know we’ve said before if it’s if what you’re.

Doing isn’t working let’s change something let’s try something new I I would like to see Lucy maybe reach in and try to speed some things up and just see if she can find an opportunity there and as we come back from the timeout Zoe way Brook Buckner are going to stay with their game plan as it’s been working here.

And they got what they wanted as they were a little bit more aggressive off of the side out but Cali just missing that that last shot just long and here we are with game point number one 1042 oh and Brook Buckner decides to speed up on a crucial game point opportunity I mean she had she had it there it’s it’s.

A good 104 shot we’ll see if they can get a side out and get another opportunity risky yes yeah Lucy looking to come over and maybe take that ball um just not quite able to get there and really kind of Cy couldn’t quite see it couldn’t make good contact in second serf and that aggressive play play from.

Callie Smith hopefully they could keep that momentum keep working off of that point Lucy tries it but is unsuccessful they’re down by five so why not give it a try yeah I’d rather see it though on her backhand right that little poke as opposed to that forehand out there it’s a much higher risk shot with the height.

Of the net on that side there it is right you asked for it and there it was Lucy finds that speed up test it Zoe leaves it up a little bit and C’s able to put it away so see if they can build on that here third game point and that’s going to do it for game number one Zoe Wing Brook Buckner solid as ever here in this round of 16 we’re.

Going to come back with game number two you guys don’t go anywhere I new ball game two time in 02 Zoe Wing right off the bat game number two staying solid yeah and just again back to the.

Same pattern Zoe dinking the ball out to C waiting for that ball in the middle that she can then hit down on and put away missed backand dink Lucy kovalova not the best performance I’ve seen from them the last five years I’ve been watching them right but you know maybe they could figure it out here it’s still early on in game number.

Two oh unlucky off of the net yep yeah unfortunately another second net cord that’s gone against Cy and Lucy there two one wow incredible play that’s the point that they need to get into every time a lot of patience and a lot of mixing up of the dink.

Oh they earn his side out there great stuff two one you interesting there Michelle development so Kelly took three balls in a row down the line straight to Brook so maybe thinking from a game plan standpoint maybe we won’t give the ball to Zoe quite so much to move the point around we’ll.

See they have to get there though they had to get there got to get in first and it’s it’s easier said than done cuz the task is really tough against these aggressive returns and the game has elevated here ah playing an out Ball but Brooke uses it as a combo yeah Kelly shakes her head she knows that one was.

Out hard to lay off though when the ball’s coming that quickly there it is Lucy able to reach in and poke that ball out of the air that backand she’s won a lot of tournaments with the the effectiveness of that backand like to see her use it more.

An epic lob stays in off the paddle of Brooke Buckner and a tremendous point a clean winner lob Michelle that is a an excellent excellent shot again game number two and ahead by four and just like game number one now ahead by five will they call the timeout just like last time and regroup they will continue play Adam.

And that lob sets him up for the side out yeah Lucy says I’ll see your lob and hit one of my own not to be outdone fantastic spot 01 oh that one miss from Zoe well they have they have had two tape winners so they were due to have one on the tape not go their way Calli and Lucy will breathe a s of.

Relief on that one as they score their first point very nice from Brooke there saw that setup got that two-hander loaded and ready just a lot of a lot of pace and the ball comes off of Brook’s paddle like a rocket she is hitting that ball with a lot of force the quality combination from Zoe again.

Her ability to move inside and set it up and stay with the combo um just really really high level 511 oh and they caught Zoe off guard there she took a huge back swing y y risky ch risky shot but it worked out for them yep you can see KY and Lucy too again returning primarily to Zoe trying to keep her back so that she can’t come.

In poach and also I think out of respect for the drive of Brook Buckner which is a weapon yeah started there again with Lucy reaching in with that back hand finding that poke out of the air and then really changing the point um that’s it if Lucy gets to see the ball right right and you.

Know Zoe and Brooke have been doing a really good job at isolating it’s tough I’ve been in that position where it’s like you kind of have to be supportive partner and when it’s there that’s the opportunity you could do it but you could only wait for so long just so clean from Zoe there a little.

Roll to the outside that gets that gets Lucy stretched off the right side of the Court then an inside out to the side of C that gets C pushed off to the side of the court and then plays the ball back across C’s movement just great use of the full length of the Court there by Zoe zo leaves one drop high it’s one of the first ones that she’s really left up.

There but really love to watch the way that she’s able to create gaps that’s what you want to do we don’t want to speed up and go straight out all the time we want to try to create gaps in our opponents they catch Lucy coming out of the coming out of there on the stack there nice Ball by by Zoe recognizing.

That she was just a little bit late to get to the line great spot from call Smith yeah great spot know one thing that we’ve been seeing Michelle and we’ll see it again here is just the contrasting styles of dinking so Zoe and Brooke really hitting a lot of Top Spin roll kind of heavy dinks whereas Call’s primarily hitting.

More of a cut Dink and again dinking that ball from back off the line where Zoe and Brooke are right up on top of it oh my goodness but Lucy kovalov again any opportunity that Lucy has been getting she’s been taking advantage and setting it up for their team agreed she trying to find a way to be offensive anytime she sees the ball.

There ball was called out and the ref overturns the call so second serve will go to Lucy kovalova 262 and a side out I’d really like to see cie drop that ball maybe middle or to Brook instead of always diagonal just giving Zoe a lot of opportunity to create there you go that’s a Cy Smith we know.

Just being aggressive and just letting loose a little bit more but hopefully they could do that when they’re on the service possession right unlucky come on another another unlucky net hord that’s three that have gone against them they have had two that have gone for them but when it happens to you feels like you.

Forget about all the ones that went your way you only remember all the ones that went against you and I’m sure we could all relate all the pickle ball fans at home thanks for tuning in Zoe there again able to come across really being big in the middle super aggressive play from Zoe.

Super solid I’m I’m very impressed um have not seen her play I didn’t catch MLP in the last one so um definitely a player to look out for for sure she is on the rise sneaky attack from Brook Buckner Brook’s found that window down the line behind c a couple times today and both both times have been for for kind of crucial point.

So that one gets them you know within Striking Distance of closing this match out 922 didn’t know what to do there she was had so many options rare Miss mhm but an opportunity for C and Lucy they’re trailing they need to do it.

Now need to make moves and there’s that aggressive play we were hoping for on the service possession yeah yeah Cali they’re really imposing her will on that one choosing to continue to keep the pressure on with the speed up yeah and an aggressive D throw by CI to set that one up right so instead of just.

Kind of giving it back she took a cut moved that ball across got Zoe out of position and set up the rest of that point great ball by Kelly it’s like Callie’s sense of urgency just like just came up I mean I wanted to see this play earlier on but now Brook Buckner Zoe Wing are going to call a timeout they see that the.

Momentum has shifted they see Calli Smith has kind of woken up here in game number two and we’re going to go ahead and take a timeout we’ll be right back you guys don’t go anywhere get up pick up the paddle and get served with our pickle ball.

socks 591 and the momentum has shifted here on grand stand Court Lucy kova and Calli Smith getting a point after the timeout that’s huge 691 some great gets by Calli there to keep.

Them in that and that’s this is this is what happens in pickle ball right why runs happen because you’re feeling good everything’s working well and then the other team starts to chip away and get a little bit tighter and some of those shots you were making before that felt comfortable now get a little bit harder oh and the wind just came and and.

Held that ball on the side of CI Smith and Lucy kovalova down by two now not bad of a comeback but still looking for more points yes and a side out much needed as Brook Buckner Zoe Wayne are only two away from a spot to the quarterfinals you feel Michelle like they’ve got to get it here.

Right because the momentum that Calli and Lucy have if they get the ball back I think they might be able to close this game and here we are at game or Match Point number one yeah great play by Brook and Zoe there just dinking until they get a ball that’s hung by CI just a little bit High Zoe jumps on it puts it down wins a.

Point oh they do it Michelle yes Zoe Wing Brook Buckner big congratulations as they move on to the quarterfinals and will be playing against Elise Jones and Arena tereshenko tomorrow my goodness and we are here on Grand standand Court I mean this court has been as epic matchups have been on here and.

The next epic match that’s coming up is Paris Todd and Tyra Black versus the brasha Sister Mary and Maggie brasha so they’re coming up for the round of 16 women’s Pro doubles you guys don’t go anywhere we’ll be right back with some more fantastic pickle ball imagine that becoming energy producers.

Would be as easy as biting into an apple imagine water that is pure and inexhaustible recycled and accessible everywhere in the World Imagine imagine the World of Tomorrow sustainable and Des pick up the paddle and get served with our pickle ball socks.

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Physical therapy of the PPA tour oh all right welcome everybody back we’re excited to have you with us here at the Select Medical Orange County cup presented by fit Vine wine we’ve got a great women’s doubles match for you coming on right now with the Brasa sisters Mary and Maggie playing against.

Paris and Tyra and earlier Michelle we actually got to see Paris uh in her match in her mixed doubles match where she played with Tyson McGuffin in an epic three game battle against Tyler L and Jesse Irvin and it was a barn burner from start to finish wasn’t it that’s right we also saw Tyra black um or before that match before we jumped on um.

Play an epic that’s right mat with Dylan Frasier losing to Christian alshan and Katherine Pento in the third wow right so both both Tyra and Paris have played some some gritty three- game matches so we’ll see if they have can come back in for this women’s match now mered to serf getting those feels yep like we said earlier all depends on.

That third if you’ve been with us today we’ve been talking about this quite a lot how important and the third shot is when we’re trying to get in we got to make sure we find a way to get that ball down so that we have time to be able to transition and get into the net we want to be able to establish at the line and then attack from there if if the the.

Receiving team can keep that serving team back then they’re likely to win a lot of side outs little equipment time out there Tyra one1 and if you’re new to pickle ball Paris Todd and tyod black in the red uniforms and the brasia sisters matching with the black tops.

Some really nice defense there by peris and Tyro to start the point pin back but find a way to reset four or five balls in a row and then get in able to get it back to neutral and then found an opportunity to attack and ultim win that point really well played oh and it’s just wide and when we were watching Ty’s match we um I think we.

Were we were on the sideline talking about uh how that was setting up the points is just going to Tyrus forehand dink crosscourt so Mary found that right away there you and the brush sister is definitely known for being very patient will be a lot make sure that they make a lot of balls generally don’t make a lot.

Of mistakes trying to keep the ball in so we’ll see if that continues with Mar and Tyra they’re always playing super high percentage oh unlucky off the net Two Out 3 one.

32 and a Mis return for an easy Point hate to see it yeah the second one today so giv him a couple points so far on those Returns the lot yeah that lob set up that whole point to get the opponents out of position yeah unfortunately Mary I think hit that lob a little bit out of Defense.

Because she hadd been stretched a little bit on that outside Dink and then Tyra and Paris able to take it over from there time out is called from the bres yeah tough tough start there come out and and Tyra and Paris have really found some good patterns been able to to put up quite a few points there early mhm down by six let’s see what Vinnie Brasa.

From Los cab has to say to his daughters as he’s been coaching and um if you have an opportunity make sure on YouTube to find uh I I forget what it’s called but it what PPA is doing right now is they’re following along with the players and kind of following like Tyson has his family the Brash has the sisters and I hear Jesse’s coming Jesse Irvin’s coming.

Out with her just following them along and seeing what life is like in their shoes the journey that they’ve gone through to get to this point in professional pickle ball and it’s exciting to follow along off the court right and and get those interviews and that interaction so make sure you check that out it’s exciting stuff yeah great.

Call Michelle it’s exciting to see that behind the scenes look to see what some of these players go through and you know what that’s like having played at the highest level as well yourself so definitely a lot that goes into this to be able to play for these athletes back from the timeout but they cannot get the Rhythm here yeah again just so.

Much pressure there from parison Tyra really able to line up and hit that drive and then be able to finish out and a side out for the bres they need a lot of work right now in order to catch up by the seveno lead and this crowd decidedly decidedly partisan for the brasha Sisters the local favorites for sure so a lot of.

Their friends and family in the crowd it sounds like definitely it sounds like that nice dig there from Tyra she was caught she was jammed but she was still able to successfully get that ball over 172 and that shot is good yes with a good ball there so but like to see Maggie’s really starting to impose a.

Little bit by reaching in hitting that back hand that back punch that she has and Mary able to get on top of that two H and put it down the line for a winner see if they can build on that that’s a that’s a good look from Tyra she sees both players well behind the Baseline and takes that drop volley yeah that’s that cumulative effect of.

All those points before right getting buried back behind that line and Tyra using that against them nice reset oh and she overcooks it Maggie all over that ball right there just goes long but definitely ready for that speed up saw that coming good by Mary you know Paris and Tyra.

Have left a few of their thirds a little bit High I’d like to see Mary and Maggie take a little bit more advantage of that with their fourth really put them under more pressure from the get-go than what I’m seeing right now year of the fourth oh my goodness I I believe there was four balls that came off the net and and not going to the way of the.

Brushes yeah tough point there and they did better on that kind of got him pinned back but tyr and Paris did a very nice job to reset the ball get it back to neutral and then a lot of good shots in hands to reset a lot of those a lot of those shots but ultimately Paris and tyer come out on top and that one goes in for them yeah you.

Win some you lose some right on the balance it probably all evens out second unfortunate net Court there and Maggie not quite able to catch up to it to get to the ATP 29 two’s reach it looks like she’s not even.

Moving her feet when she’s takings keeps her in position and gets the side out ahead by seven points Point yeah able to get on top of those two handers and just getting a lot of pace with that swing but also being able to hit down on it very difficult for Mary and Maggie to reset from that position.

O and a miss volley for the game 112 I I have a feeling boses are going to come back stronger here in game numbers two so don’t go anywhere you guys we’ll be right back right after this every time someone tells you they vacation in the same place every year it.

Should really make you wonder why travel like you mean it with IHG hotels and resorts wow it’s a new look and it’s looking real good it’s a new look and it’s.

it’s welcome back to the Select Medical Orange County cup presented by fit fine wine ha I’d like a coup of fit wine Vine right now and here we are in game number two and I like seeing that type of attitude and that kind of confidence.

Coming in game number two game number one didn’t quite go their way but that’s why I like two out of three games it’s because you get to figure it out get to change things give different looks and tire block with a put away yeah again the third just a little bit High Mary tried to reset but not able to dig out of there to get it back.

To neutral t or Tyra keeps it the pressure on and puts it away haris is all over it yeah Maggie reaches in and leaning forward right with that backand and then Paris able to counter that and Maggie not able to get back to the middle and Mary had not able to slide over and see that not knowing that speed up was coming.

Aggressive play yeah Paris Paris and Tyro both being willing to even speed up and and hit from the transition zone trusting their hands to be able to get in great pattern for Mary there able to move the ball around put the ball.

Outside of Paris and then back outside of Tyra create the gap between the two of them then lean in and hit that winner Well Done by Mary there and a miss third and an opportunity only gave up one point I like to say play binary pickle ball if you can only give up zeros and ones every time then you’re going to be okay.

Stay in the match able to do that there not giving up the big run what do you call that binary pickle ball zeros in I love it I didn’t know it had a name that’s what I call it a great Swing From Paris there on that two-hander able to catch that ball coming down onto Mary Mary leaves it up.

And P able to put it away one Z One ATP for Mary BR great patience from Mary Waits until that ball gets almost down to her shoelaces before she hits it opens up the angle almost H it all the way into the other service box great ball Mary that’s a nice ball from Tyra there.

Sees Maggie pushed into the middle a little bit waits for it h that little inside out down the line very nice spot two2 that serve just long or that return just long here we go it’s a good Ball by Maggie there seeing that drive a little bit High able.

To get it on top of it for her volley so important when you have somebody who’s driving the ball at you if you have a chance to be able to hit it back and put a little put a little downward trajectory on it to really relieve the pressure yeah unfortunate Miss there by Mary getting the ball back you work so hard to get the ser and then and then.

Lose one 3 some good spots from Tyra yeah Tyra doing a nice job to reach in and just keep moving that ball around even in the hands one thing that’s really fun to see with this professional athletes Michelle is how often they get pushed off the line with that lob a great lob by Mary but.

Then Tyra and Paris able to work their way all the way back to neutral then Maggie with a great ball to finish it but it’s so great to see their ability to keep a point alive and a speedy ball right in the middle yeah a nice shot from Paris she just held that two-hander had a few different places she could take it Alexa.

Take it through the middle splits Mary and Maggie a great shot all right and a timeout is called from the Brasa sisters we’re going to take a quick timeout you guys don’t go anywhere better than a game great tasty Miller it’s less filling Miller Light tastes great never understood this argument Let It Be both Miller and.

Miller I like it introducing Persona IQ the smart knee address your knee pain with a replacement that contains sensors which capture helpful information such as your range of motion stride length walking speed and step count to ensure your new.

Knee is performing at its best it keeps you connected to your Healthcare team so you can receive important reminders and personalized recovery guidance it’s not a GPS it doesn’t collect where you’ve been or where you’re going persona IQ a smarter way to regain mobility and Paris Todd Ty black still have the momentum even after that.

Timeout 52 great reach from bras this is a sight out to do some work and get some damage get some points on the board just keep it close stay in it don’t let Paris and Tyra stay so comfortable a nice spot on that overhead from Tyra.

Black yeah she that the the lot from Mary there not quite the depth that she was looking for to the back of the Court Ty able to get that overhead that there honestly Michelle set up by the quality of the return from Paris Paris had a really good ball to the back and the brushes were kind of behind the whole time just trying to.

Catch back up to get to neutral Tyron Paris presser Advantage there Ty finds that outside spot on Maggie 601 there is a powerful shot from Mary bras Mary swings all the way through that one gets that two-hander gets on top of it 602 Point tough drop from TY black yeah.

It’s hard things aren going your way sometimes you press a little bit right to try to make something happen and ultimately that can sometimes cause even more errors so yeah yeah and you know also from the brashes like I want to see them having more fun out here you know this is their home court and you know like I don’t know the I I’ve seen them.

Play so much better together you know and it’s is it a tough thing to play with your you know sibling like day in and day out like coming out of these tournaments is that something that might be happening or yeah I mean they’ve been playing together for quite some time right so I think that they’ve you know I think like any siblings probably some of.

That that you work through a little bit but I think that they also have the benefit of knowing each other really well and so knowing their game so maybe that there’s any kind of difficulty there maybe that gets offset yeah definitely not their not their best so far but it’s definitely time to to kind of show it here yeah it’s not always.

Easy to play in front of your home crowd either right cuz you you want to you want to give them something to cheer about and so sometimes maybe you’re pressing just a little bit more um but honestly right now too like you got to say Paris and Tyra have played an exceptional match of pick too yeah very impressive play from both.

Players and you know making it far in every single every single tournament oh really aggressive on that last shot see again theis choosing to speed the ball up even from the midcourt definitely looking to press that Advantage okay K that be the one so two.

Neck hords in there fought through it just a little bit of a grindy point is that the one that’s going to unlock them the the momentum in the Run see if they can build on that now sometimes that first point is just the hardest one to get they come in bunches yes still on the side out though still if they can do it.

Here 172 Here Comes Maggie Brasa Maggie finds a great spot outside crashes and closes like to see that that she’s playing that ball in and then trusting it to get in and follow through with that to close quickly puts Tyra under some pressure and gets the gets the point.

Out tough there Mary pull the ball pretty early from a little bit off the line and stayed in it for a little bit but just got progressively higher and higher until Paris able to put that ball away 721 the angle wow great shot from n able to pull that ball all the way across that’s one.

See if they can get another set out start cutting into this lead again try Mary go right back 822 wow incredible display of patience yeah a great patient point from all four players there and then at the end there Maggie able to just get on top of that and put that ball outside past.

Paris but a great drop by they only let him get one point see if they can they can dig into this lead again oh unfortunate just a slighty dink that kind of skid it away from Maggie there couldn’t quite catch up to it on the back side 28 two hey and that’s you know another skiny SL.

Effect just slic in versus slice in right there like he’s able to come out on top of that one and slid into Ty a little bit 32 okay we have a little run here little run get a couple of Errors like we saw in some of our earlier matches if we can get a team that’s been rolling and start.

To get some points on them maybe they start to feel a little bit tighter side out Magie moving back a little bit on that maybe just a touch out of position try to attack her way out of it cut the net they can hold him here again still in this two away from a spot to the.

Quarterfinals winner of this match will be playing against number four seed Megan Danon and Eda Wright 941 that must have when you can get a nice overhead clean foot away that is a great feeling and what a great angle for Mary there.

942 out go out ball called out referee confirms 49 491 oh my goodness from Chaos on grand stand Court an ATP defense and then that turns into a slam dink as it hits the top of the net and just Falls softly into the kitchen as Paris and Tyra had.

Retreated to try to cover that Maggie changes there right so she hasn’t hit that shot but she does have that have that in her Arsenal that little twohand roll dink she’s been mostly hitting cut dinks changes it up a little bit catches them a bit by surprise wins a crucial point and Tyra and peris take a timeout yes and they are ahead by.

Three but Mary brasha Maggie Brasa have made a little run here and like we said you know it’s never over you lose game number one and you maybe you find some momentum in game number two and the crowd is you know in of the brasas so the energy has definitely shifted I I see a lot more positivity in both the Brasa sisters and can that carry them to.

Take them to game number three yeah if the crowd has anything to say about it it certainly will cuz they’re over there doing the wave they’ve got chance going now I mean it’s uh this this crowd is having a great time here at this match and they are just trying to will Mary and Maggie to Victory here uh certainly those local favorites but those patterns.

Of their finding now have been a little bit better um and again just kind of changing that up right not always staying in the same pattern hitting that same D I like that Maggie went for something a little bit different there and as they come back out to the court a big Ovation from the crowd right like really trying to trying to boy them up.

And get them going this is the last women’s doubles match on grand stand Court we’re following up with a men’s doubles round match but let’s see what happens here in game number two as it brushes look a lot more confident after the timeout time in.

691 a great and Michelle like you said earlier such an important one to get coming out of the timeout to get that point and stay on the first serve now 791 Mary doing a great job to reach in hit that little backand poke finds that Paris can’t counter hits it out and parison Tyra decide to switch there trying to force a different look.

On the bres great call good point Michelle oh and that side switch has helped him out with the side out Tyra black Paris Todd looking for two points to go to the quarterfinals there’s that epic overhead from Mary Brasa over to the commentary booth and again love that they’re attacking that forth a little bit right.

Like not just not just conceding it but putting a little pressure on so he can get that ball up the Mary can put away ball stays in oh and they’re one away from taking the match nice resets but couldn’t quite get it yeah nice forehand flick attack there from Tyra that really set that up 1072.

A and a miss from Maggie brasha for the match Tyra back Paris Todd moving to the quarterfinals yeah Mary and Maggie tried to make a good run they brought it back in got it close I feel like if they could have gotten the ball back one more time might have been able to have an opportunity to take that away but uh but Paris and Tyra like you said recognize.

Recognized kind of what was happening in the patterns made that switch got Tyra back on the left where she was a little bit more comfortable able to Dink and and kind of take over the way she had done before and ultimately close the game out yes impressive play by all four players but Tyra and Paris will be moving on to the quarterfinals and we.

Have our last match of the day coming on grand stand Court we have a men’s Devils matchup oh my goodness we have a gentleman named uh dear oh dear yes someone you know this tall play yeah yeah this tall player with this incredibly Big Surf he’s partnering up with the Tyson McGuffin we’ve seen we saw him earlier today um win the mixed.

Doubles match and they’re going to be playing against the Yeehaw Rafa Rafa hwit oh boy new partner Eric Anson so that’s going to be a fun little battle here and you’re not going to want to miss it so don’t go anywhere you guys we’ll be back with some men’s doubles that becom energy producers would be as easy as biing into an.

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Association e Cliff bar gives you energy but you get the win the most important ingredient is you imagine that becoming energy producers would be as easy as biing into Apple imagine water that is pure and inexhaustible recycled and accessible everywhere in the World.

Imagine imagine the World of Tomorrow sustainable and desirable oh I have bad bunions wish they’ disappear LA s future me and no bunions how lapiplasty lapiplasty corrects bunions at the source meaning you’re back in.

Sneakers and weeks lapiplasty weeks the future of bunion surgery is here learn more at lapiplasty tocom risks include infection pain and loss of Correction and welcome back to the Select Medical Orange County cup presented by fit Vine wine we are ending the day off here on grand stand court with some men’s.

Doubles round of 16 matchup you have Rafa huitt and Eric onson looking to defeat an upset decal bar and Tyson McGuffin so this is going to be a fun match we got a lefty righty team versus duckle bar and tyon McGuffin what do you think about this match up here yeah Michelle I was on the call for this one yesterday when deal and Tyson played.

Against um Greg da and Anderson Scara yeah really fun match to watch great energy out there and uh you know they played a lot of balls to De I was surprised de just really kind of constructive points and impose his well on it but you know he definitely can reach in there hit the ball hard and uh and do some damage for sure so I think.

We’ll look to see if he can he can reach in there for Rafa and for Eric they’re going to want to try to stay away from that a little I know Rafa likes it when the game gets going fast so yes this is going to be so great and we’re looking forward to this and uh round of 16 day did not disappoint here at the Lifetime Fitness.

In San Clin everyone uh showed up and they were pumped up the crowd was going wild the whole day and Championship Court just has this Vibe there’s like these grass seats and it’s so lovely here and Adam Hill thank you so much again for jumping on and and you know calling his matches it’s been fun hearing.

Hearing different voice yeah it’s been my pleasure had a great time being here fun to be here with you and uh seeing all these great players these great athletes out here showing us the the kind of pickle ball that uh that folks can play it’s inspiring for you know teaching here so fun to have the tournament here to have the members and.

The folks that play see this level of pickle ball to understand kind of like what can be done and what’s possible pickle ball court yeah so much fun it’s it’s high intensity highle pickle ball and you know it’s so fun going out to the rec play now and people imitating their favorite pro player that wasn’t a thing until just recently where people.

Are imitating their favorite pros and and you know saying come on or the the famous Raa hu round them up you know and and it’s been so neat to see the growth of the sport and we appreciate all the viewers at home for tuning in and joining us live on YouTube that’s also a big deal you know where that that wasn’t a a thing until maybe like five years.

Ago I was on my phone live streaming all these matches that’s right you were the one getting it out there for everybody there was a few of us now we’ve got show courts and everything else like side courts so here we go oh my goodness and that’s how we started out Tyson sets a tone early Rafa putts the ball back to.

Tyson Eric and Rafa’s energy is is so good Tyson McGuffin caught a little off guard there as Rafa was hitting an out ball big drive from de Bar yeah and then and then the big man crashing right so you have that drive that’s one thing to deal with but then him coming in behind it really got to think about where.

You’re going to put that next one I’ve seen the slower returns um so that the player gets established up to the line after the return the return is never like that hard it is deep but it’s also loopy and slow for a reason aggressive Tyson doin yeah Tyson swinging that one a little bit High out there on his forehand so he takes a.

Whack out and is able to put that down ra not able to counter it a ball above the height of the net to de’s forehand is not going to work we going to have to try to find a little bit better spot there it it might work to a certain level but when you’re in here in Grand stand Court the PPA it is a.

Noo great ey by Tyson Tyson recognizing his paddle up at the line recognizing that ball is higher than his paddle wisely realizes as a gauge that’s probably going to go out gets out of the way wins a point letting balls go is such an important skill as you progress in this game yes agreed a nice ball there by Rafa Tyson.

Can’t quite catch up to it super crafty from Rafa hwit great pressure from onson and hwit yeah nice job by Eric there Rafa jumps the corner on the Ernie and Eric wisely sees that and moves over for him to cover that space knowing the ball’s probably coming back on that side of the Court yeah just there again we talked.

About this all day high drop always going to get put away dialing in the third shots drives or drops whatever it is got to dial it in they have to be super accurate and there is an accurate one from Eric onon yeah backed off on the left side of the Court pushed all the way out hits that looping drop to give himself time to get back in and.

Creates an error for de great spots from Rafa hwit Rafa hitting that nice little looping diving ball with a lot of Top Spin at Tyson and then Tyson only having the option to hit up on that a little bit comes off his paddle RF able take advantage able to get two on the board there in a tie.

Game and another drive from duckar I’m going to I’m going to start it I’m going to start the tally there’s two two drives both of them on Rafa’s inside hip as well thinking about spots and look at this level it’s not just a drive right it’s a drive in a specific spot you have a very small window you need to hit into so the.

Margins that these players are looking for are extremely small oh too big of a swing there from Eric onon yeah he wanted to make a statement there I think on the counter there for Tyson he too quick yeah oh wow I’m just seeing a lot there’s no settling into these points no there’s not a lot of dinking right it’s.

Kind of full gas one more right here go yeah and Michelle thinking about for you know our players at home when you’re in these games that where there’s a lot of fast hands really want to avoid the big swings you don’t create all that much more Pace on the ball anyway than if you just keep it Compact and in front the speed comes from hitting that ball.

Out in front early and getting it to the spot quicker instead of taking this big wind up and meeting it a little late and giving the opponent time so yes definitely agree with you on that exactly 100% that’s not going to do it Rafa knows that’s not the right spot and goes to the.

Bag what’s Rafa doing not sure if he’s looking for another paddle if we’ve called a timeout whatever he was looking for he did not find it maybe some sunglasses as the Sun is setting right into his face he’s on the side where he’s getting all the glare all and that’s where we are too yeah.

Right behind Raa that’s a great call that cross court is not working for Rafa Hua into Tyson mcguffin’s backand but that ball being put down definitely will work for the side out trailing by four they need to catch up here yeah you work so hard to get the serve back you really got to make those SS it’s a tough one see if they can get.

It here Second Chance yeah unfortunate there for Roth I love that he hit the ball hit the drop he saw that de was backing up recognizing that movement from De came hard on the crash and then jumped the ear and unfortunately just CAU the caught the top of the tape but a really good move from Rafa.

There and as your one of the things for our players at home really looking at your opponent seeing where they are makes a big difference in the shot that you should hit or your movement in between out oh and de barmis is just wide giving another opportunity for huitt and anen to get some.

Points I like that look from Rafa yeah he hadn’t had success with that going diagonal so at tyon so he tried on the outside to De it’s a great look let’s collect some data and see if that can work there’s a little combo that RAF has been looking for every Point yeah got it a little bit off the tape a little bit lucky there but did make it work.

There no come on come on de using his length there again reaches in able to take that ball straight down in the middle Ru Knight able to counter but hey got a point there started to you know bite into the lead just a little bit see if they can get a side out here not give up any points great ball from Eric onon on it yeah.

Very nice so differently than the game yesterday with Greg da and Scarpa who played most a lot of their balls to deal you can see that Rafa and and um and Eric are really trying to move the ball to Tyson quite a bit more to keep it away from from De interesting is it because the Lefty righty righty combo they want to see the ball coming.

More from that side of the court or do you think it’s from the player o I think it’s a bit of a combination right so one I think that they probably feel like deal has a little bit more that feels a little bit more dangerous trying to keep it you know off him as much as possible but it also creates a better pattern and angle.

For Rafa to reach into there with that left hand when he hit shots like that I wouldn’t want to hit it ball to him either right de has so many weapons you don’t know where he’s going to be hitting that ball too maybe that’s the reason definitely have to respect the.

Length of the Y I mean that ball is in the middle of the Box T’s still able to reach that so just not not a lot of window there great play from duckle bar Tyson McGuffin Rafa hu and Eric ons since were able to get a point there on that last side out Eric getting big yeah great step by.

Rafa there and then Eric comes over and closes the middle and then plays both angles to get the to get the point there the rally or to win the rally Rafa is like I don’t have I don’t have time to react that that guy so big that’s why women get off the line they play off the line to give them just a.

Little bit more time to react it may be awesome aelle a commentary on the pace off the paddle right for de so definitely a lot of conversation about the about the speed of the paddles and how hot they are right now and uh that paddle that that de has combined with his physical attributes right and reach definitely.

Coming off with a lot of pace when you’re sending across the acoss 14 ft away doesn’t feel fair and you know there’s been a lot of talks about like the Yola paddles but not only the Yola but there’s been talk about a lot of different paddles that have been too hot and Rafa great shot right there um instead of dinking attacking the back.

Hand but Rafa also an OG player coming you know playing several years has seen the different technology on the ATT you know what I mean so it’s it’s frustrating yeah what an ATP there by Rafa such good patience to wait find that ball on the outside yeah you know the sport still trying to figure out which direction it wants to go solve.

Some of these some of these things but always amazing to see how good these players are even with those paddles speed of the paddles down by two can you hear the whiffle ball I I you know lately I’ve been noticing you could instead of hearing the ball.

Hitting the paddle you could actually hear the whistle of the ball because there’s so much Spin and speed you hear a little whistle come on baby come good leave by onson and now a tie game here and duckle bar is going to go ahead and take a timeout as he approaches the bench with Tyson McGuffin and we are going to go ahead.

And take a quick timeout don’t go anywhere you don’t want to miss the rest of this match blocks up to 98% of UVB rays and helps prevent visible sun damage the only sunscreen with cello Shield UVA UVB Protection Plus antio L Ro POS the official sunscreen of the.

Professional pickle ball Association and that is so important after the timeout to gain a point after that and here we are with the onepoint lead that bar is not going to let it down he is not not going to give up here and Tyson McGuffin dear you know they’re coming back with.

Heat that drive was outrageous so low like inches over the net and dipping such a great ball good read from Rafa H can’t believe it he felt like he was on that speeding up again to entice McGuffin this time McGuffin wasn’t ready for it he found that one caught him a.

Little bit in transition still coming forward might have been the difference between when Tyson’s totally set and ready for that 99 off the net and it’s called wide Drive second serve.

and that’s not going to do it for the third or the fifth shot with another side out both teams only need two points to clench game number one let the PPA we do replay the ball if it hits the net on the serve goes into the.

Service box and the ball is long dangerous try from deal bar they need one more to get this side out and save themselves from a game point against them the attack from Ra was so good but it sailed just long so here we are game point number one for McGuffin and Bar.

A and game number one goes to Tyson McGuffin and de Bar 119 great comeback for Raa Eric what a comeback I mean again lead changes back and forth it looked like one team’s got it under control and then it switches in the momentum I mean this is just spun pickle ball to watch on the last match of the day Michelle yes indeed and we’re going.

To come back with game number two right after this watches is proud to be the official timekeeper of the professional pickle ball Association shop now at mvmt.com.

Ever notice how seniors and health insurance commercial all look the same because all of these companies see us the same but not human they see me theame the game the.

Game we are here on grand stand court on the PPA tour for the Select Medical Orange County cup presented by fit Vine wine Tyson McGuff and declear take game number one they’re looking to close it out here and go home to go to the quarterfinals tomorrow yeah a lot on the line here Michelle again Cup Cup points at play.

Here so really trying to establish and win as many as they can to secure their positions for the PPA championships here later in December big tournament oh unlucky off of the net twice y for Eric Eric survives the first one and then gets caught out on the second one as that comes back across.

him there you go though Michelle binary pick ball only gave up one I love that try to stay in it zeros and ones was a sneaky ball from Eric yeah but Deo all not ready laser focused come on the quick hands in the exchange I think Tyson is seen enough.

Times of Rafa speeding it up diagonal at him he finally went for his own diagonal speed I was totally thinking that which is so funny that back into Rafa But ultimately Rafa prevails on that one as the ball Sails Long oh oh the net gods are not in the favor of huitt and Anson for this game it’s.

Been a tough start for them let’s go boys lock in let’s do this good choice 211 even though you missed the drive you still got to go for it when it’s been so successful big aggressive play from huitt and onson there is no dinking with.

Them they are just going to start it and try to crash and make a combo yeah full gas just Full Speed Ahead all the time I love it it’s very exciting watch it it reminds me of MLP play how the points are really quick and there’s no kind of like establishing a point or or.

Getting into it’s just so quick and fast and furious yeah de takes a big swing at a ball that was potentially going out we’re good we’re good one stop tied up again game number two we knew that was coming with a dead dink taking advantage of a high ball yeah Michelle for and what do you.

Mean by dead dink for the folks watching yeah it’s a ball that does not stay low and it bounces up high and it’s a ball that you could attack um you could dink it back but um definitely something that you should attack because it bounces as high as net level and so it’s easy to just hit uh straight into somebody oh big swing again from Ax he’s.

On it let’s just say that he’s he’s quick he’s on it he’s just being overly like big right now with his big back swing you there’s a attack this time unsuccessful s a message I like it if you guys are following along at home we see certain patterns here and hopefully we are doing a good job of explaining.

Those patterns and it’s fun watching it’s like a little chess game de’s won quite a few of those patterns with the drive but that time Rafa had said no more right Rafa was on it and you know you’re G to keep doing a play until it becomes unsuccessful right yeah make him prove it bar he sees Eric onson covering that.

Middle and goes right behind him yeah Eric Eric did a great job to read earlier one and get outside and get well outside the court to get the reset but then uses that movement against him and just slides him out great patience hand off the eye formation was Ro the that just going one V2 up there.

But it turns into mono on mono with Tyson Tyson comes out on top of that battle Miss return come on back come on Rafa couldn’t quite get out of the way of deckle Bar’s shot right there he jumps that kitchen line like it’s no one else’s business but he Ernie is the Ernie body bags him while he’s still outside.

The court that was that’s a fun one that’s a great one to see ahead by four just wide back to back eares there from De and back toback points both successful great stuff this is a hot and heated match here on grand stand and Court players are going to take a timeout.

Huitt and onson I mean they I mean I don’t think they’re going to change a pace of play what do you think no I don’t think so either I mean I think they feel like that’s where they’re comfortable and that’s where they live and look for a lot of the match I mean it was 11 to n in the first game right and they were down and then they brought.

It back together so you know sometimes if it’s not working right now it’s all about the balance like we’ve talked about over the whole match so they may be able to narrow this Gap and come on back but um super exciting really fun to watch I mean I really kind of hope they don’t change cuz I want to see the speed I think it’s a lot it’s a lot of fun to.

Watch it’s just so it’s just so so quick and we’re used to that dink rally might be a little boring and there’s a lot of patience involved with that but this is fun I I love watching this pace of game I I’m like can’t believe the athleticism and how quick the hands are my goodness it’s what makes pickleball great like this is great but dinking is amazing too.

Because the skill to keep it out of unattackable but this is this is hot and fast it’s great oh de crossed the plane so it doesn’t matter if Rafa shot was in or out deckle bar crossed the plane as he hit that Ernie um his follow through came to Rafa Hua and Eric on inside and.

If you had three Ernies in a row on your bingo card coming in tonight good for you cuz you just won the big prize that’s three times in a row that de’s tried to Ernie one two of them if you’re playing the drinking game every time de cross no just kidding you you.

Little patience here cross attack unsuccessful for hu I mean I think maybe they heard us say that they weren’t going to do any dinking and said well we can dink too we don’t have to play Everything fast and then had a grindy Fest Point um that get in the middle by when he got low to hit that cut reset was unbelievable to keep.

Them in that point just such a high quality point there coming in big de Bar the man the myth The Legend come on yeah big surf from De you can see when he steps into it and comes into the court as you can definitely tell when he’s gone for it it’s a lot of pace on.

That one and a match point here you oh and the ball goes wide for the match deckle bar Tyson and guffin moving on to the quarterfinals of the Men’s Pro bracket so that will will be played tomorrow along with the rest of all the wonderful quarterfinal matches here on the PPA tour we’re here at the Select.

Medical Orange County cup presented by fit Vine wine that concludes the round of 16 on grandstand Court what a great day of matches I mean we had three game three game battles we had atps we had Ernies we had it all we had overheads I mean just a wonderful day at pickle ball hope you had it hope you all enjoyed it too and and we’ll see you back here.

Tomorrow yes and make sure you follow along um on Facebook PPA Tour on Instagram also on their web page where you’ll find all the information on tomorrow’s matchups um all the matches have to end today for us to schedule out the matches for tomorrow so that’s why you have to be a little patient and wait for to see what the matchup times are.

For the quarterfinals so thank you again Adam Hill thanks Michelle thank you so much for joining us at home we hope you had a great time and we’ll see you tomorrow w.

Welcome to the Select Medical Orange County Cup presented by FitVine. Today’s match-ups will feature the top-ranked pro pickleball players, including Federico Staksrud, Anna Leigh Waters, Ben Johns, and Mary Brascia.

Location: LifeTime Rancho (San Clemente, CA)

To see the storylines for the Select Medical Orange County Cup presented by FitVine, visit https://www.ppatour.com/storylines-for-the-select-medical-orange-county-cup-presented-by-fitvine-wines/

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Select Medical is one of the largest operators of critical illness recovery hospitals, rehabilitation hospitals, outpatient rehabilitation clinics, and occupational health centers in the United States based on number of facilities. Select Medical’s reportable segments include the critical illness recovery hospital segment, the rehabilitation hospital segment, the outpatient rehabilitation segment, and the Concentra segment. As of March 31, 2024, Select Medical operated 107 critical illness recovery hospitals in 28 states, 33 rehabilitation hospitals in 13 states, 1,922 outpatient rehabilitation clinics in 39 states and the District of Columbia, and 547 occupational health centers in 41 states. At March 31, 2024, Select Medical had operations in 46 states and the District of Columbia. Information about Select Medical is available at www.selectmedical.com.

FitVine® offers delicious, zero sugar, full alcohol wines designed to fit into an active and balanced lifestyle. As a leader in wellness wine and a proud Certified B Corporation, we believe you shouldn’t have to compromise on taste or quality to find a great wine that lets you live your fit, in whatever form that takes. FitVine offers a full portfolio of red, white and sparkling varieties that pair perfectly with all of life’s best moments. Learn more at www.fitvinewine.com.