Wild day of action so far from Washington DC up next it’s Ben John’s and the Carolina pickleball Club taking on the Texas ranchers here at the Washington tennis and Education Foundation in East Washington DC this match was slated to start at 400 p.m. local time but due to the delays from all the dram Breakers and bonus pickle.

All we’re now starting it here at 5:00 p.m. local time hoping to get back on schedu because there are no lights here which means we might have to stop close to the 8:00 p.m. marker but we’ll we’ll get to that we’ll cross that bridge and we get there let’s discuss the matchup now shall we Michelle McMahon alongside Rob Cassidy and here is Colin Johns who.

Is playing next to his brother Ben Johns he was taken as the 47th overall pick the best one of the best men’s right side players in the game and and he plays alongside Ben John’s a lot to say the least he is also jet lagged he was overseas in Europe for pick a ball getaways one of his companies and so welcome back to America Colin you get to.

Suit up and play alongside that man right there world number one Ben Johns has over 126 PPA career titles to his name he is the uncontested unanimous world’s number one former MVP of mlp’s 2020 3 San Clen event as well he’s won four titles here in Major League pickle ball and it was a different draft situation this.

Year and he was taken as the number one overall pick the Carolina pickle ball Club went all in on that pick understandably so here’s a look at the Texas ranchers and the ladies lineup you got Eda Wright one of the best female players in the world she is so fun to watch originally from New Zealand and a former top tennis.

Player as well was introduced to the sport in 2018 by her uncle attended BYU university in Hawaii and there’s China piznik former tennis pro a prolific career she’s had on the pro tennis side of things her career got cut short due to a car accident so she took up pickle ball and her limited Mobility from that car accident is not as big of a factor.

Here on the pickle ball side so we’re so thrilled to have with us and there’s Andrea Coupe and Jesse irvan who are suiting up together for the Carolina pickleball Club Andrea coup has had excellent results in women’s doubles lately made it all the way to the final at a Grand Slam in Atlanta this season Jesse Irvin is a staple in the sport.

She’s been around for so long and also originally from North Carolina Jesse Irving so the relocation for this Carolina pickle ball Club originally in Seattle is nice fit for Jesse Irving one of the many story lines there yeah I’m already seeing some better energy out of this Carolina pickleball Club this afternoon and I just based on.

That alone expect some great things about uh from them in this match yeah it’s the first time we’ve seen the Carolina pickleball Club come together and the first event for a lot of these teams can be tricky for a lot of different reasons and so far a slower start to them they started the tournament with a loss to the New York.

Hustlers who by the way have been in an absolute Terror this tournament yes but they’ve all so struggled in some other matchups too for Carolina and they’ve got an interesting schedule ahead they they play two matches late on Sunday that’s tomorrow night they also took a loss to the Dallas flash on Friday afternoon.

That one is in regulation Augie G played unbelievable in that match as did the Johnson siblings so we expect to see a motivated looking Ben Johns here in the team format that’s going to be good just Premier pick Premier level pickle ball always delivers and uh that last one was such a.

Wild ride and we’re in for another one here yeah a lot of dream Breakers so far there’s Dave Fleming the coach and general manager of the Carolina pickle ball Club staple for us in the booth two game on here we go one Zer.

go one one and according to the coin toss Carolina won it they got to react so that will come into play when Ben Johns gets his pick of who to match up against so to speak.

Tina piznik has secured a gold medal in women’s doubles won it in Utah alongside Leia Jansen in late April ah another manufactured point off of the unforced air from Tina piznik don’t say that too often yeah next to never but you know at a right Tina pnik you know rocking a.

Hard place where you going to put the ball T out point three 3 three great finishing touch for Jesse Irvin former tennis pro for C setting up Jesse but the counter at a right all about the counter four.

Four another point for piznik and right piznik one of those players making her way up from Challenger to the premiere she’s there for a reason what a play and a right steps in effortlessly with a backhand touch did she learn that shot from you Michelle definitely not no nope wish I.

Could say that oops out point five Texas ranchers had a hot start to the tournament took down the Utah black diamonds in regulation they also beat the DC pickle ball team in a dream breaker this morning match that was supposed to conclude last night out point seven.

75 Point misses the court with that overhead 85 85 now TR just short for Jesse Irving 95 okay Coupe manages to put one away no.

Easy task with this Vulcan ball in this heat here we go 69 nice oh point 10 just methodical stuff from the ranchers 10 six slowly but surely.

Putting points on the board in their favor what can Jesse and coup do out s deep turns that’ll do the trick 710 wow and right the enforcer on the left two points away from the end change and a right also one of the great moms we have on the pro pickle ball.

Circuit 10 great pressure there from Carolina Andrea Coupe and Jesse Irvin looking to avoid a bigger deficit on the end change games to 25 win by two and on your serve for Jessie she had the opportunity she.

Wanted couldn’t maximize though in Texas one point away from the end change she gets so low and leaning forward to get that first volley and might need to recover the posture for the second one but like you said yeah getting what she wanted side out N 9 12.

Side out Point 13 time out switch in 139 1 minut there you have it 13 is struck and change occurs ranchers maintaining their lead here slowly but surely what do you like it so far about their side this methodical solid pickle ball it’s low risk and all all take it’s it’s it’s very good very good.

Stuffff you know the rally scoring I mean this is it’s very back and forth if you’re wondering what the noise is we got a full band set up outside not affiliated with major league pickup Ball but that’s the uh that’s where the base is coming from Washington DC is happening on this sat it’s a little concert on the hill awesome here in.

Washington DC the Washington tennis and Education Foundation is hosting us this weekend this crowd has been excellent the DC pickle ball team will have another home match after this one scheduled start time was 6:00 p.m. I’m not sure we’ll exactly get to that but we will see it is the Dallas slash against the DC.

Pickle ball team current challenge is that we don’t have lights here so can’t play in the dark dangerous to do that especially with pace of play nowadays position but to your point it’s almost like old school pickleball it’s not a ton of speed up not a ton of hands battles that’s it’s smart solid play that’s.

Keeping him that lead love to see it so clean for Tina pck effortless touch through the middle former world number 29 by the way in pro tennis China piznik back at her Peak 149 in tennis it’s in January of 2004 also an Olympian for Sylvania.

159 good scrap here fully reset oh just a sitter right around all that work to miss the exclamation point ball here yeah it was the.

One 10 and a right by the way won two titles in Major League pickle ball with the Seattle Pioneers at the time now the Carolina kickle ball Club uh-oh oh almost bailed herself out of trouble JY Irvin Andre CP were there for the cleanup committee his Nick sharing some notes.

Oh gets a laugh breaks the tension gets pic to laugh love it oh man C down to business yeah keeping Texas back at the Baseline no chance to get back to the kitchen Well Done by Coupe and a laser back hand from Jess Irvin she’s had trouble with that elbow.

This year she’s been nursing that injury at least at the beginning of the Season Jesse Irvin 126 miscommunication now Carolina football club within three.

What for 14 16 IR hamers it down the middle holes within one and with Ben John’s on your roster you’re guaranteed almost to win two games the problem is.

You have to win three right so it becomes even that much more important to 15 16 get a win here in women’s doubles I would think on the side of Carolina I like that logic a lot yeah.

17 175 so good from met right sorry I don’t see that 1815 we monstrous command of the kitchen and a right has she is had so many Health struggles last season so glad to see her back healthy here this.

Season right changed her diet a lot to accommodate with her health and it seems to be helping quite a bit and here Coupe and irin in a bit of a hole here against the Texas ranchers so going back to that conversation point of Ben Johns and the way he builds his teams he’s almost spanking on that they can win three out of four but which which combination.

Would feel more pressure in that scenario when you you’re either looking at Colin John’s to win his mix in a guaranteed fashion or you’re you’re looking at these two Jesse and Andrea saying we need we need wins out of you guys to to start securing some of these regulation wins yeah yeah it’s a it’s a very strong women’s doubles team that.

You can really put some belief in trust to get that point on your on your on your side of the the games but uh yeah fortunately have those options because Colin Johns is one heck of a mixed doubles player you’ve used your timeout he does his best thing when he’s got B out there he can really control a mixed doues game as well so um you know.

Structure the team strengths strengths on all across the board I think Andrew CP and Jesse Irvin still capable of pulling this one off two matches they have yet to win a match though so still trying to find their rhythm so good from Tina pnik laser beam focused laser beam forand that is an awesome off the-.

Bounce tag got to practice that one more often for sure 2015 oh it’s long for Irvin Texas four points away from taking the first SE Carolina pnik and Wright seem to be just seamlessly getting it done and forless touch for Jesse.

Irvin and credit to quangang here in his debut at the premier level he’s been crushing it to say the least Texas undefeated so far in this tournament that’s awesome he’ll be out next with pabloz the Lefty 2216 Point 236.

2416 oh Point G Texas takes it 2516 such domination from Anna Wright and Tina piznik and the results show for it for the Texas ranchers just the composure from edite and Tina pisik just pours over into their skill and just.

Getting it done through sheer repetition the consistency is so good and weaving the web allowing Tina pisik to put it through the hole whenever she wanted to that’s going to carry over for the rest of this match I think coming up next SP John’s and Colin John’s reunite on the major league pickle ball side more on this men’s Devil’s match up against.

Kuong Twang and Pablo TZ in a short minute after the commercial break a back on Championship Court here in Washington DC the John’s Brothers teaming up against Pablo tez and Guang.

Dang Ben and Colin John’s they’ve been dominant together have secured over 30 titles together on the carvana PPA tour as a team and one of the Staples in the sport there he is the king of the game Ben John’s 127 gold medals on the PPA side and Counting you see that superer 7.29 I didn’t even know it went that high.

Insane 21 Triple Crowns to his name and the John’s brothers are close by from where they grew up as kids they’ve got some family support in the house here as well there’s Colin Johns plays to the right wing of his brother he is the older and eldest of the John’s family there’s Pablo tez the Lefty for hands in the the middle for these two and kuang.

Dang will be pairing up for Pablo tez in place of the injured Christian alshan yes hoping Christian alshan has a great recovery something he needed to take care of so we’re glad that he’s doing that and I hope he will be back soon and kuang dang he’s been excellent there were some speculation there on who.

The ranchers would pick up in the absence of Christian Alshon you had Yates Johnson floating around Spencer Smith as an option kuang dang can’t even believe Quang dang was missed in the Challenger level draft that to me is is a crazy sight to see yeah it’s crazy how players were overlooked so we know what the John’s.

Brothers will do they commit to their game plan they don’t miss much and they’re very disciplined in their approach against whoever they’re playing so what do you do strategy wise if you have a lefty pabloz and the forehand ability of kuang twang well I’m expecting uh sorry Michelle I got to go with the.

Vietnamese pronunciation don’t do the Vietnamese pronunciation does it break your heart Wang Yung kuang dong whatever you want to call him he’s a force and I expect him to do some amazing third shot drives uh and setting up them for the crash just Relentless firep power but also in the D rally he’s going to be.

Cross Court with Ben John’s and he’s going to be able to take it to that backand we all know it’s one of Ben John’s favorite shots but it’s still somewhere you have to go you have to hit and be willing to to stay in that exchange with him so I think he’s up for the challenge the things he did against uh James Ignat earlier uh this week was.

Was pretty impressive so looking forward to it Hometown event for the John’s Brothers here in Washington DC just in the outskirts from where they grew up Pablo tez and kuang dang up for the task against the world number one men’s Devils team across the board in Major League pickle ball in PPA as well first serve will be Pablo tez over to Colin.

Johns in the corner one Z how about the discrepancy here this is the combination for dang and TZ 12.9 compared to the brothers 14 and John steps in with a backhand roll patented shot we’ve seen so many times times.

Before 3 13 ranchers two three time up point four 4 two through the middle Pablo tez that’s the advantage of the Lefty on the.

Right threads it Ben thought he was going to his left got it how about that angle for Ben John’s two-point Gap now for Carolina a whole new team I’m already seeing just a totally different energy coming from Ben and Colin here we go.

Good night then John cleans it up every time in the hands battle down the line this time no different John’s Brothers lost in the men’s doubles match to the Dallas flash to JW Johnson Augie G earlier this tournament oh oh and that’s the one he misses paas.

Playing lights out in that sequence great Ernie fended off by Ben Johns ah to the middle this time Ben John’s all the options 47 I’m sorry 74 point for Texas they pull within two CR we go Seattle Pioneers have this match here today then they’ve got backto back matches tomorrow.

Night 4 and 600 p.m. on the time slot there interesting schedule yeah starting not the Pioneers they the Carolina pickleball Club excuse my there’s there’s another John’s in the crowd Maggie The Pianist from the John family as told by Hannah Johns our good friend from the broadcast crewp out six another epic Ernie from.

Pablo tez keeping him in it out n 96 come on 10 six oh fivepoint Gap now on the side of.

Carolina oh a couple of hands battles down the line on B it’s going to happen you know it comes down to you know percentages how many of those you win if you’re winning four out of six of them you’re in a great place 12 127.

Great play by Colin Johns on the right for the end change lead 137 talked about this being an almost guaranteed win for Carolina with Ben Johns in the mix and so far that’s holding true let’s take a look at the head-to-head numbers in this matchup team duper wise looking quite similar 25.5 s compared to 5.49 games and match.

Percentages W 0% still for Carolina we only have a two- match sample size so far for them they took two losses one to the Dallas flash pickle ball club and one to the New York Hustlers that was yesterday one in a dream breaker to the hustlers and one a regulation to the Dallas Flash the most shocking win in that one or loss rather would be the.

John’s Brothers right to Augie G and JW Johnson so they don’t like lefties maybe thing about those pesky lefties 15 seconds he has said that that is the future of the game many times and of course Ben Johns himself is fantastic left-handed player right ball is long called by Colin Johns that was.

Close they could challenge they have three challenges available to use Point challenging the call you stand by your call I thought it was out live but love this because Texas Rangers are challenging the out Ben joh has a fantastic reputation of making great line calls AG both brothers to they don’t.

Uh they’re generous most often than not of course still human in that category we’ll take a closer look at 147 got no problem oh yeah that’s that’s long no problem going through the process and I see it long anyway not my choice but that’s that’s what I see and Ben’s the one that’s striking to hit the ball so his focus is on just.

Hitting his shot back right so it is Colin’s job to right right right announce what he’s seeing and that I believe is accurate V John’s trying to get a little a little look see here at what the referee crew is.

Seeing likes to collect the data and joh here’s Ron with what we saw on the screen here we go guys let’s get L after video review the call stands the ball was out Texas Rangers lose a free uh free challenge you’ve got two left Tex strangers you have three three challenges left be serving at 14-7 just a moment time in.

147 side out point eight tough ball tough spot might have even been out 8 14 here’s the crosscourt got to do it oh man next chapter Tails gets it from below the net couple of times he’s hit that shot from down.

Low very deceptive the pace that he gets it at I believe a new paddle situ situation for Pablo teas too not playing with the cerk anymore sponsorship to know more about how this one’s playing seems like it has more.

Power 14 14 out Point 15 had a little bit of roll going there tough way to give it up 15 12 point 16 12.

Point 17 12 oh my I think he got it man haven’t gotten the ball back since that missed serve from K 182 1 minute yeah timeout called on that.

One do since the hand is part of the paddle are considered as such Ben I think caught it on a bit of the hand there got the deflection how about this packed crowd here in Washington DC they’ve been with us since 10:00 a.m. this morning unbelievable it’s about 5:45 p.m. eastern time here in DC and they haven’t missed in the heat.

In the upper 80s we’ve reached here today excellent pick a ball on display lot of dream Breakers so many close matches I think our record was 3129 in the score line for the ladies a match ago what’s your favorite part of Major League pickleball having played in this league format Rob Cassidy it’s something we haven’t seen in a while and it’s.

Definitely the crowd and the atmosphere here it’s it’s more electric than it’s been in a while and it’s it’s really nice it’s refreshing to uh to be around for sure here we go John to Surf 19 12.

Let’s go one 13 19 2013 fire fight D gets the better end of it 14 Texas still trailing by six though 142.

Wow of a from back corner that’ll wake up the crowd that’s an insane lob definitely part of the equation of taking down the Ben uh the uh the John’s Brothers we seen some nasty lobs this tournament strong out call from Colin John go John’s Brothers closing in on a.

Game two win even out the scoreboard here Point 16 right here let’s go 1621 out point 22 22 16 there Bo ranchers making their late move here.

1722 just a few serve possessions remaining oh and there’s one point 23 237 oh Pablo T how did he get there that forehand though 1823 holy smoks PA.

T point4 John’s Brothers take the hands battle got one more let’s go game point Carolina Duke explaining what they should be doing oh that’s an immediate Challenge from Ben John’s they’re usually on it when they believe a ball isame will’ll have another look.

Yes okay CH all right p is saying that ball was in Ron con giving them a chance to stick with their call and so antimima ending to game number two but the John’s Brothers will take it so to mix doubles we go Carolina has their pick when it comes to the mixed Devils match up we’ll discuss what.

Exactly that looks like on the other side of the short commercial break don’t go away we’re just getting started here from Washington DC make sure to Che outage all all.

The the by got here’s a look at the premier level standings and what all these teams are playing for the New York Hustlers at top the list with 16 points to their name after a huge win over the DC pickleball team who now has full position in second.

Place in the Premier level of course so much pickleball left to be played we don’t have the Carolina pickleball Club on the list yet because theyve only played two matches yet this is their tournament debut and they’re being tested here early and figuring out their team strategy but it’s a jockey for position at the top of Premiere your.

Thoughts Rob Cassidy it’s it’s awesome to see the hustlers up there and we just got to watch them Clash with DC pickle ball team and of course the Texas ranch is not too far behind like like I said earlier today the the the quality teams the hay making teams are are starting to step out and and separate themselves from the rest of the from of the the.

Rest of the pack and it’s it’s good to see it’s good to see well remember you get three standing points if you can win a match in regulation that means if you can win three of the four games here in gender doubles and mixed doubles if you can’t you split two games a piece we go to a dream breaker as we’ve seen so many times on Center Court here today that’s.

The fifth deciding game it’s a singles format and I reluctant to say the Carolina hurricane or sorry excuse me the Carolina pickleball Club um didn’t build their team around singles so they’re looking to clean up in doubles and those words from Ben John’s by the way right so self aware about it.

But now Ben John’s chose this matchup he wanted the Lefty pabloz and at a right oh my I mean he makes impossible shots look easy and with effortless ease he just sends that ball back on defense another level ooh call that a shank or in Dave.

Fleming’s word a shank apotamus two sign out point three 31 time out point two here go here we go two three yeah let’s.

Go 3 three side out point four 4 three Reser 4 three Ben John’s taking over oh Jesse wants that one oh my he got it through the middle Pablo taes adds another to tie at.

Four just SCS up and takes that two-handed through the middle keeps it on court that a right no Jesse knows it got to stay out of the way of Ben John’s Edna and Ben were teammates on the Seattle Pioneers a couple of seasons.

Ago where they secured a couple of titles that crosscourt battle is an interesting one that the first was playing with Kyle Yates I got to get out of the way more 5 five 5 five ooh thought that ball maybe looked a little wide yep oh oh and the right had a.

Sitter off the defense the ATP from Ben John’s not the first time today we’ve seen her miss that Checkmate ball that exclamation point ball all that hard work great setups Jesse Irving got a hit check in the middle of that sequence from then that’s good pressure yeah if there were a player on.

The women’s side of things I think at right is the most Ben John’s esque in that category love it oh oh my goodness just when you think they’re out of it Paro is an Eder right forming as a an excellent mixed Devils team they.

Played a bit on the PPA tour together as well so they have that experience together oh that is out and Eder rright loves playing with lefties because she gets to command the left side of the Court as a female she likes that whether in women’s or and mixed with the Dual Alpha situation oh boy out point seven let cord to tie it.

Pulled within one rather still thinking about that Ernie from Pablo tez one dink to TAA sideline and he tees off on it Jesse irin enters the mix another two-point cushion great Jesse’s there for the atps and the Ernies this is the largest we’ve seen Ben play in a long time just extra Court coverage yeah he doesn’t have to.

With analie waters on his wing usually we she sometimes plays like a dude on the right kicks him out away sometimes s everywhere right now wow and the ranchers right now doing a.

Really good job shifting him left to right forcing him to cover a lot of Court putting some miles on those legs too with the little movements another a good play by Pablo teas it’s been excellent down the line on Ben John’s if that’s the way Ben’s going to play you got to keep him honest.

On his sideline there’s Ryan digen the general manager of the Texas ranchers he joined us in the booth a couple of times as well another two fourth for Point love it well the draft strategy this year was a bit different it was determined by a Dutch auction with.

The 12 highest bidding teams that landed in Premiere I’ve never been to a Dutch armor well that’s how the teams the 12 teams that are in Premiere landed in Premiere and then with the picks it was a dynamic bidding system for each draft slot so Carolina went all in on Ben John’s clearly so their last three picks.

Were in the the 40s range 48 players available and Carolina will take the three-point lead with them into the end change so with going with Ben Johns you had your choice at the bottom of the draft so to speak so Jesse Irvin Andrea Coupe and Colin Johns were all available at 43 44 and 47 for Colin Johns and that’s why we have the team.

That we’re looking at for Carolina I would have to say that they were probably pretty happy with the team they got having Ben Johns as their number one pick yeah definitely shame on the other teams for not picking up Colin John’s before that moment just down three points it’s tight game here and what you referred to is.

Kind of a must-win for the Johns team yeah and the combined super scores though would suggest that this is a closer matchup than might expect with Ben John’s at the table at a right certainly bringing that score up with her ability and Jessie Irvin such a consistent right side player though that’s what Ben likes to.

Play with he likes that consistency if it’s not going to be anal he wants to play with a very consistent right side gal that is going to embody systems in which he likes to play with it at a right would not be denied incredible mix doubles by pabloz at a.

Right having that match experience helps got oh missed it wide crafty point on both sides the ranchers 123 one point away from tying it they won’t two-point lead continues for Carolina.

14 12 right Rises to the counter occasion then’s not happy about something what happened I understand that but that’s I understand that but he heard the football so he stopped playing somebody else without footfall I believe that was called.

From maybe grand stand here we go okay got it so there was a footfall called I believe on grand stand that Ben could hear potentially yeah it came from somewhere it could have been grand stand could have been someone in the crowd.

1 oh my goodness this is the scariest B I’ve ever seen oh some great defense from right and T Ben Johns will earn the sign out and the point and yes your point was frustrated after that mishap 153 Shades creeping in on the.

Court too something to keep in mind could be impacting the visibility ATP from Ben John’s the way he’s able to skirt that ball around the post is unmatched Immaculate execution how does he do it 163 he grabs it on the the very edge of his paddle almost that side.

spin 14 16 clean set for Jesse Irvin I’m very impressed that there’s only a two-point difference with the mode that Ben Johns has achieved right now on champ champion court just a testament to how well Eda Wright.

And Pablo tez are playing right now 157 and a right closes onepoint game continues and again it’s the setup from tez down the sideline of Ben that gives him that ball that’s so good SL John.

See what they do here 18 16 oh Friendly Fire Pao tez takes a little pickle to the back of his head 19 just making sure he’s still awake partner oh no where’s Jesse going there got to stay.

For Ben right sorry leave that ball for Ben it was an option okay she could have also slaughtered it herself but yeah I think uh The Playbook is calling for Ben to take that right now 18 19 oh what a shot from right tie game 19 all Carolina in.

Trouble wild take for the Texas ranchers the drop is high and off the net and out that is tough first lead of the game over to the Texas ranchers 2019 the score very much for the opening there and a right ties it back up at 20 a must-win situation for.

Carolina 2020 Jessie trying to speed it up onz she just wants to play the game that is tough because it’s not 2120 what the doctor is ordering yeah Ben Johns was punished for the choice closing stretch here game winding down Carolina ties it back up at 21 here we.

Go let’s go 2121 oh what a shot from Ben John’s lead back to Carolina and it’s official Ben Johns has the best atps in the game yeah just makes them so effective from nothing Well credit to Eda right she’s been so Rock Solid just stinking to the backhand.

Side every Ball’s going that direction right now and a right she’s lined up for that one and Ben looks frustrated on his side side out and tie game 22 22 using the timeout to catch his breath keeping that flame lit the way he I’ll say was no easy task.

Oh man oh my goodness T can’t believe he missed it there’s tension on the Carolina side of things is they clashed paddles on that put away it is Ben’s forehand it is it is Jesse’s side of the Court okay.

Oh miss opportunity for Anna right and a game point swings to Carolina this game to me determines who wins this match in my opinion even though the numbers wouldn’t suggest that oh Carolina takes it in some more antil climatic fashion.

2522 but there was still some tension to your point on the side of Carolina despite the win there it was a wild mode watching Ben Johns uh do what he did and uh you know Jesse Irvin’s main role is to get out of the way that was crazy I’ll tell you I’ll put a little more faith in this Colin Johns match more than uh more than most.

You can expect Colin Johnson and Andrew C come out firing okay we’ll hear your word for that Andrea CP and Colin John’s up next against Tina pisik and Quang twang we’ll see if Carolina can take their first regulation win in DC e.

E e it all comes down to this mixed treles game here is the Carolina pickleball Club up a game on the Texas ranchers Colin Johns and Andrea Coupe are looking for their first regulation win on their side for Carolina meanwhile the Texas ranchers are unbeaten so far on this.

Tournament hang dang is stepping in for the injured Christian elhan so a much different looking team there with Tina piznik your overarching thoughts for this one yeah you know we’ve seen that new energy amongst the Carolina pickle ball Club so Colin Johns is going to come out firing with Andrea coup we will see if.

The fire in team of Wong dong and Tina piznik can pull it out well Rob Cassidy coming up on the major league pickle ball schedule we’re headed to my hometown Grand Rapids Michigan July 11th through the 14th we’re joining the beer City open and merging the events around that so to speak and it’s an excellent mid-season.

Tournament for for so many reasons the number one reason in my opinion is that the premier level teams get to compete against the Challenger level teams everybody is mixed into the same tournament so we will see some crazy matchups happening in good old gr Michigan and that’s a an electric atmosphere one of the best places to.

Host a tournament it is on the amateur side of things sold out immediately upon posting and once that tournament is gone live and it’s such a fun place for us to go it’s so Andrea coup’s Hometown she currently resides in that West Michigan area she’s very involved in the beer City open as well or at least historically.

Was and she is teaming up with Colin Johns here in mix jels nice yeah the beer City open one of those tournaments that major before the majors you know that was that’s one of the big ones it’s always been a blast it’s a great organization great structure great tournament and uh brings out the best players so looking forward to it yeah.

All 22 teams will be action for that one so we will have a look at all the pro athletes at the pick a ball level the top 48 game on bong twong on a mission in the first Point Texas takes the first point of game number four they find themselves in a must-win situation Carolina has at.

Least collected a point in the standings that’s the thing about his play is he’s always going to make you play you are going to have to show up if you want to beat this G yeah yeah yeah yeah love to see it go go there’s the fire now Tina pisik to serve with the ice.

Well interesting storyline within the story is Colin John’s is the mentor so to speak of Tina piznik in pickle ball they trained together a lot in Austin Texas and Tina has learned a lot from the game with Colin Johns training there and so Tina I think on that call was handing it back saying it was good take.

It back some context there it making Andre play down the line with the Ernie touch that a lot one on the left side of the Court this Ernie is so good his third shot Drive consistent it just radiates from you can tell how much practice he has on it how.

Well versed he is in that shot why wouldn’t doesn’t matter if the other team knows if you’re going to do it or not P down the sideline like the sound effects too oh yeah Colin John is going to need a minute after that one wow yeah fivepoint hold to climb out of for Carolina who’s still in search of their.

First regulation win it’s their first tournament though Texas ranchers had Atlanta under their belt a different looking team with Christian alshan in the mix jail and fans remained faithful with us here late into the evening 6:30 p.m. our last match of the day was supposed to start at 600 p.m. and we are not even close to being done with this.

One looking to be potentially a dream breaker here as well coming up next it’s the Dallas Flash and the DC pickle ball team going at it there’s the mixed doubles duper combined for pnik and D 12.31 compared to 12.44 pretty even so sorry no go ahead his ability to create from you know out of the air off the.

Bounce doesn’t matter he’s going to come even if it’s not hit to him he’s going to relocate over there so well and still create from it it’s like cp’s job is to what keep it away from him good luck good Lu everywh in 61 Master vers the student here with John and.

PN finally miss the game they’re going to have to play right there Wong one of the young rising stars in the sport he’s had some keynote wins and singles 36 what can you do against that seven do you take your chances and initiate on him first here we.

Go still firing off there’s some ice more fire more fire there’s the X holy smokes point of the match and there it is again that two hit combo is Unstoppable right now wow team Fire and Ice making it.

Work that fire is not cooling down usually you expect at least a miss here and there with the aggression it’s just not happening he 18 years old is it’s a nice shot from Colin Johns climbing their way back in okay like we said you know earlier game.

Of percentages you’re not going to win every single one but if he can keep it above 50% even it’s going to be worth it he’s well above 50% at this time another one on the board oh Ranch waser battle tested in the dream breaker too mentioned they took one this morning.

Over the DC pickle ball team that’s going to do it Wong swong packs an absolute cannon on the forehand side 10 point six 61 six out point.

Seven 71 up Johns misses a sitter can’t believe it to the bottom of the net too such a long point in pnik with the Finish ball was almost unexpectedly High to Colin johns’s forehand oh boy Ernie gone.

Wrong oh just barely missed it a pisik she’s really good at taking those dinks out of the air taking away time from the other side picks her angles apart love to see that attempt also love to see Ben JNS exchanging some words with big bro Colin sharing those observations those tiny moments are going to add up if they want.

To keep this good energy and take this match oh pisik survived there we go there we go Texas looking to push a dream breaker here 138 the lead and if Carolina has any hope in winning this one in regulation what needs to start happening on their.

Side for calling Johns and Andrea CP they got to keep the energy up it’s the style of of Wang Yu demands hard work and that’s what you got to commit to you have to keep the footwork commit to defending that drive and shutting it down if you start to slack off in the footwork department or get late to your spots or even if you set those hands.

Down for just a moment he will take advantage so doubling down on the hard work we’ll keep them in it it’s been good vibes here at the MLP Washington DC this weekend and fantastic weather to match it it feels great out here right now yes squeezing in two events in two months it’s been a great start to the year glad to have both.

Leagues working together PPA and Major League pickle ball and pickle ball even made its way to Roland garos really last week with Jay deiler yeah he was the he’s the French Ambassador for the sport over there and so had some pickall courts set upside set up outside the French Open Martina naala is formerly not super high in the.

Sport of pick B we one or over according to Jay from the French Open there’s a cool feature there on pickle ball TV you can stay tuned for that he’s the man for the job J deila Charming you’re absolutely right about that devastatingly handsome and a good pickle ball player you diamonds.

Yes ranchers playing inspired pick a ball not helping our time constraints though if this one goes through a dream breaker we’ve got one more match to go on Center and not a lot of time left to play pickle ball with no lights perfect counter needs to build on it nice the notes from the sideline.

Little stack action you don’t see that too often at the MLP yeah we saw and Johns doew it against a lefty nice we did see him do that against CJ Clinger the left and Jackie Koto when they matched up against the New York Hustlers it was pretty effective nice give him a different look why not yeah it’s nothing you have to.

Long-term commit to even if it’s for a couple points oh my goodness Well Done by Andrea CP to keep that ball out of way 106 oh c takes her shots but it’s not.

Enough 171 there we go 18 out 1 11 seven-point difference Colin John’s deciding not to stack this time when takes the net oh Tina pnik grabs.

It and way to be there for patina the shop from wangu of course gives the ATP option but it was his only option Tina pisik able to read it and shut it down and it’s spilling over into the next point the timeout has already been used huge deficit.

Out Point 12 do tie time can they put five on the board here on this serve possession 1221 looking for that five streak here no oh great get by Colin great point stick to that play that combo off.

Of the paddle of CPE is definitely working he going to request a quick time out just to leave no doubt stop this momentum before it starts I like that call seven-point hold now on the side of Carolina there’s Duke the father of kuang dang always advising his son on the.

Sideline not an official coach listed for the Ranchers but always there for Wang and all of his events strong background for him and table tennis I believe on the Vietnamese national team and they are bringing pickle ball to Asia they took a a long trip this past year Wong.

And his dad and his brother correct position they toured throughout Asia playing the sport reducing people to the sport I love that it’s pretty cool I mean we haven’t even scratched the surface yet of where this thing can go oh no and there’s people working hard to spread the game the right way like.

The dang family is a weapon so is he making a campaign for himself at the premier level Christian elhan is fully healthy are you going to go in to try and get Wang Dang in the waiver wire the way he plays pickle ball Michelle there’s a spot for him on any.

Yeah any and works so hard too 18-year-old Relentless work ethic strong rip Ranchers with the the game point chance to tie it or excuse me tie the Ser rather two games a piece and go to a dream breaker ah.

cool finally with a perfect counter 154 but that should not discourage the ranchers from going right back to that don’t let him touch the ball don’t let him touch the ball easier said than done game point two here for Texas 245.

I’ll take it on the leor the ranchers force a dream breaker I believe it’s the third we’ve seen here on Center Courts to a fifth deciding game we go what a performance for the young kuang Twang and the steady Tina piznik has his aner yeah I felt like the team Fire and Ice was just in unison out there and it was obviously working why change the recipe.

When that’s the result you’re getting so I think that fire is going to spill right over into this dream breaker if you will singles it is should aside the winner of this one more from Washington DC at the premier level after this Colin Johns turn that frown upside down sh.

it’s dream Breer time here in MLP Washington DC fashion the Carolina pickleball Club they have the world number one the best singles player in the world across both genders he is Ben Johns and Wang Dang is a pretty good singles player himself for the Texas ranchers let’s revisit the rules though.

Rob Cassidy for those who are unfamiliar with this dream breaker structure games are played at 21 points you have to win by two and you also have to win on on your serve we’ll do a singles rotation similar to a batting order in baseball where you put your top of the order out and they’ll duke it out for Four Points a piece and we’ll go to the next.

Rotation and we will continue that until one team gets to 21 or wins it by two on their serve it’s going to be a fun one so who’s better built for singles the Texas Ranchers with Pablo tez kuang dang at a right and Tina pisik or Carolina who has Ben John who you would expect to get at least majority of his points Colin.

Johns Andrea coup and Jesse Irvin three players not necessarily known for their singles games calculating calculating it’s going to come back you knew it was coming yeah the uh we’re going to give it in a slight favor to the Texas ranchers okay as they have that three repeat of Wang Yung Pablo tez at a right that’s strict fire Ben John’s.

Of course only going to be able to play 1/4th of the points in this singles match if Colin Johns lights it up I’ve seen Colin play some Immaculate singers so can’t count him out it’ll be quangang against Ben John’s first big serve to start for kuang dang and funny enough last time kuang ran into Ben John’s was in Atlanta he was eliminated in The.

Quarterfinals took three games though seen some battles yeah here he is a you notice the little bit of a pedal switch he has a doubles pedal and a singles paddle for the Avatar yeah Avatar baller is the nickname three straight for Kong Twang and the Texas ranchers it’s a monstrous start against.

The world number one on that short list of players who has defeated Ben in singles and he just took the 40 how is that a way to start for Carolina so remember the ranchers got to choose the order here since Carolina got a pick and mix Pablo tees and Colin Johns come out for.

Four says I got you brother I’ll get the first if Colin could get that forb to tie it up one that be something says no no will even it out at one that 4-0 from our Aces is going to linger around for the rest of this.

Match great play by Colin Johns to get two one point remains between these two a three one Edge for Colin would be massive yes two there it is will collect three out of the available four that’s big Andrea CP don’t sleep on her singles game at a right was the match up that Texas opted to go with.

Eda will take the first three points for remain Inside Out goes coup former National Champion out of UCLA in her tennis background also a full-time lawyer chance to come up big for her team here she goes cross with a third shot drop and a right all over.

it second four Andrea Coupe gets out the door with two points a two-point split Jesse Irving comes out now against Tina pisik who you’ve got in this one oh this is the one this is going to be a little wild 5 oh man it’s 50/50.

Here what a play Tina pnik on the counter Jesse Irvin had on a court to work with but was on the run it’s going to be a scary second lap around yeah Ben Johns and can’t imagine Ben’s going to get sweeped again but we’ll see that’s deep Jesse Irvin will take one.

6 what a play Jesse Irvin plays it perfectly that was chance to tie it here for Carolina they need a win for team morale they do yeah wind never hurts that’s it and and Ben John’s team.

Is able to erase that 04 and that’s the beauty of team sports right you don’t have to carry the load yourself and Ben’s not used to that all right how will he avenge The Sweep this is it round two oh missed the third Quang twang will take the first yeah we’ve seen some epic battles.

To your point between these two oh my goodness oh just missed it almost had it that was a crazy point on that ball to take it out of the air can’t believe he got a paddle on it two nothing Wong dong is up inside out it’s called good Ben is happy to take that one out Point N.

910 n10 Carolina could tie it Reserve replay let’s here in Major League pick a ball another big serve from Ben that’s a good response he’ll happily take two of the available four points on kuang Swang Colin Johns now who went three and one on Pablo tez in the first round oh almost got it what a play by.

Pablo time out to 10 111 one minute Texas ranchers take a one-point lead on the end change games of 21 and remember win by two situation here so the X Factor could be Andrea and Jesse down the stretch there are several x-factors going on in this dream breaker right now the battle.

Between the two Aces the Avatar and Ben John’s of course the second Aces here Pablo tez versus Colin Johns it’s going to come down to it on every player got it time in 1110 all right for Pablo Colin will take one CJ they Callum Colin Johns TI it at 11 oh no Le cord that one’s tough and.

The one player that hates Le cords the most is Colin Johns tell you the less you hate him the less they’ll happen no oh God oh God God I told you oh my goodness he really doesn’t like those Le cards tell you what oh my goodness I don’t mean to laugh just slapping just the.

Occurrences two-point lead now for Texas deep to the corner with a play by Andrea CP her team needs her now chance to tie it to 13 two points for CP nice and easy points but I’ll tell you on any given day Andre C to be the best singles player in the stadium 133 yeah don’t.

Sleep on the singles prowess of Coupe striking oh yeah she got it wow Precision could CPE get the sweep into the net goes right Andrea CP comes away with a 4 nothing sweep on right that could be the Difference Maker for Carolina our second 40 of this dream.

Breaker the first two I’ve seen all weekend we’ll see what the former world number 29 does here Tina piznik out against Jesse Irvin 360 move into the drop shot come on oh my J why I like what Jesse was doing there 14.

15 oh yes oh yes that’s in no Jesse oh so close to getting there two nothing Tina pnik she could negate the four nothing sweep Andrea Coupe just earned a sequence AG go Tina gets to the kitchen first three nothing now for piznik and the ranchers on top by.

One 16 15 and Jesse Irvin rally to take one here yes she will and they will take a tie at this point in the match out comes Ben John against kuang dang top of the order 62 Advantage though on the side of kuang because of the first round sweep nice B Johns threads the needle he.

Takes the first 176 impassible then opts for the drop 17 on 177 down the stretch oh Wicked passing shots from quangang I don’t know how he hits these with such Precision from the Baseline.

You almost hear his follow don’t let up keep going keep doing your shots you have that shot and keep doing it last point and it’s an epic roll from Ben Johns on the backhand side two and two we’re split again Colin Johns comes out against Pablo tez Four Points a piece I’ve never seen a painted so casually by Ben.

Johns Miss return Colin Johns takes the opening point that end game now we won’t see most likely won’t see the Avatar or Ben back out here Colin John stands tall at the kitchen for a match point Carolina looking for their first win of the season in DC.

2018 oh the double Ernie unbelievable how did Pablo T is Hing the play off the Ernie now Carolina has to win it on their serve one last Point here so athletic what oh my Colin John’s clutch performance three and one on Pablo tees now Andrea coupe with a chance to close.

Out the match it’s the person you want to have the ball a 6-2 edged in total on Eda 2019 Match Point number two at a right ties it up 20 a piece that’s massive must went on the serve Ry scoring still happening so Wright gets a point for her team tie game into that goes Ed a right Andrea CP.

Will take a point back and another Match Point Match Point number three and a right is clutch to my goodness this is impossible to predict who is going to take it 2121 Match Point number four for Carolina that’s the last Point play.

Between these two they split two a piece Jesse Irvin and Tina pisik come out for the next rotation Jesse Irvin with a chance to close it out how much pressure she feel right the crowd has been Rowdy this weekend but now you can hear a pin drop here we go oh thein secures the victory Carolina.

Finally gets a win for their team in our nation’s capital doesn’t get much closer than that folks it was a hardfought battle on both sides but the John’s brothers and CPE and Irvin persevere through and get the win unbelievable performance for the Carolina pickleball Club it required an entire team effort there especially when.

B Johns came out and got swept at the start of the dream breaker what a moment I think it’s a Monumental win and it’s a huge starting point for this team to develop into what they can truly become so congratulations to the Carolina pickle ball Club moving forward wow and a big happy birthday to Colin John who is what enjoying a celebration today and.

He gets to celebrate it with a big win in front of his family we will speak with the winners on the other side of the break Washington DC another thrilling dream breaker on display and the Carolina pickle ball club they’re on the board they get their first victory of the tournament Colin John’s the birthday.

Boy and Andrea Coupe join us now to talk about it my goodness you couldn’t make it any closer than that guys Colin starting with you how big of a relief is it to get the first team win out of the way yeah we were definitely very close um yesterday but definitely feels good to get a w in the the win column so hope to uh follow it up with a couple more.

Tomorrow Andrew Coupe great performance by you such a hardfought match tight down to the end what was it that gave you guys your team the edge in taking this Victory uh I would say it was definitely a team Victory um Quang is amazing singles player and he worked Ben a little bit so the rest of us had to step up and show that we can play Four.

Points a single so you don’t have to play a full match yeah you were a clutch part of that you collected eight of the 12 points available for your team Andrea can’t sleep on your ability to play singles in Colin I know you’re experiencing some jet lag now from your your trip in Europe but you get to get.

This win close to your family who is watching front and center with you now what does it mean to be performing in front of the John’s Clan close to home um it feels extra special for sure we don’t really get a chance to play in front of family all that much there aren’t a lot of tournaments in this area so to have a lot of friends and family.

In the crowd it means a lot two matches tomorrow Andrea where do the Carolina pickle ball Club go from here you know we I feel like we are getting better maybe the scoreboard doesn’t show it but we we are playing better as a team and we’re starting to figure each other out so the more we play together I think we we’ll see Improvement uh we’re not we’re.

Not the rest of aren’t like Ben and Colin we haven’t played every match together that’s a fair point and making your tournament debut here as a team well congratulations on getting the first W two matches for you guys tomorrow thank you thank you let’s sh a visit of what happened today here to start the New York Hustlers shocked the.

St Louis shock winning in regulation on Center Court 3 and one there then the Vegas night owls had a thrilling dream breaker score line there against the Chicago slice in five and the hustlers and Jack sock did it again in dream breaker style over the home team the DC pickle ball team and the Carolina pickle ball Club wraps our coverage for the.

Evening as we take a look at our schedule for tomorrow the Dallas Flash and DC pickle ball team match that was supposed to start at 600 p.m. tonight we are going to play that in Kansas City in August no need to push this into the
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