Okay we’ve got the men’s 60 plus open skill level game here at the US Open in Naples this one game to 15 thanks to engage pickleball for sponsoring this video on team Halen pickall Channel one Zer makes it two Z can click the link in the description use code team Handlin to.

Get 20% off your ordered engage pick ball three Z 4 Z 4 Z 5 Z once again again this is the open skill level so these players are 60 plus.

But they could be anywhere up to 50 skill level 501 very aggressive play on the near side takes us to 601 in our first timeout of the day time in 601 David 46 call what a shot what a shot laas in.

701 okay 701 nice yeah good defense 702 802 now switching sides switch signs 802 side out 081 it’s the net dribbler for.

082 side out 801 I think I think they got this I’m going to go watch there one more 802 that’s it good playing Craig all right side out see if the near side can respond here and get on the board.

081 goes into the net 08282 side out 8 Z1 8 Z2 guys one more stop 902.

Shot that ball stays in so side out 091 do guys make r that ball goes wide 0929 goes for the angle ball goes out the side so it’s side out 901 come on you guys go.

9 Z two wow point 10 Z2 this game does not have a ref because it is an elimination round game ball lands one 0 10 one oh I.

Miss 0120 10 two down the middle and can’t quite grab it side out 10 01 102 1102 this is one game to 15 side out too short of yes for.

01 watch wow another net dribbler there can’t catch any breaks on the near side 1102 012 out 1101 1201 EXC I believe that ball was out very close.

Yeah 1202 side out another chance here for the near side team to get on the board 021 wait 11 or 12 there’s a point near side is on the board 1121 great placement on that shot takes.

1122 1122 that goes into the Nets of his side out 1211 that ball lands out the back on the near side 1212 1312.

goodly careful careful stop that ball went out so it’s going to be 1131 13 113 left there you go beautiful ball stayed in so it’s.

2131 231 oh you had that 2132 good shot ball goes one side out 13 to1 again 1421 game point here Nancy and G second call cour.

19 susce shot great placement on that overhead 1422 there we go side out not over not over want to get more play in 241 24 another nut dribbler.

Killer 242 242 side out 14 to1 swing and a miss to finish out the game Far Side takes it 152 thanks for watching
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