I’m not going to turn this on I call my producer I thought it’ be funny to turn it on inside but if I did turn it on you would see the oscal oh crap Slinky turn it off you just got to turn it off mom cut the power the folks at Titan sent me a ball machine four weeks ago I’ve been using it to drill I’ve shot some.

Tutorials with it what do I think pickle ball lovers let’s not forget to have a good day and let’s get started right now you probably could see my face I’m holding the tight end ball machine let me show you something the osculating head right so when you’re drilling you can’t see where it’s shooting which is a huge plus right other ball machines you.

Could see it’s turning and it’s not simulating a real match one other thing the battery the battery it’s genius right it pops in and out right if I could pop it out right so it pops right out of the ball machine into this charger it’s interchangeable so if I’m really drilling a ton or coaching a bunch of students I can make a lot more.

Money right because I can have three of these batteries because B machines batteries usually suck period they suck so I do love this feature on the tight end ball machine and it’s a huge plus it’s plastic in my mind that’s a positive right it’s made extremely well but it’s plastic so I might wear over time when I have a student and I use the.

App I know it’s going to work I haven’t had problems that’s pretty cool right I don’t want to look bad as a coach on YouTube this is the tight end ball machine this is the front right I turn it this way you have the oscillating head I’ll show you that a little bit I know let me flip it over back this.

Way and again this is what I love about the tight end the battery charges and just pops in right here right pop it out and it’s that simple and I really think it’s a good idea one other thing it’s very classy let me try to do this without breaking anything this zipper up top is really really nice right if I’m driving.

Or if I’m transporting it and look how deep this goes look how deep this goes and again it’s plastic it’s not super heavy but I am super strong not trying to make it seem like a feather this machine is app based you download the tight end app it’s that simple here’s a tight end app I hit.

Pickle but you can see the screen up here right there’s 12 customizable drills and then there’s one Mega drill so you can put all the other drills together into a mega drill with six balls and it’s crazy it’s an awesome workout and I think it simulates pickle ball extremely well the best I’ve seen so far so if I want to do.

Slinky hit six right and you can see the screen up there from there I can go into that of six customizable balls and customize it right and you can see I’m doing it right there it’s pretty cool I did try to program some drills it did work but that is a learning curve so I would tell you to stick with the 12 drills the mega.

Drills if you’re really geeky right you would love it I’m just not the smartest to clarify you download the Titan app it has 12 preprogrammed drills I want to practice deep serves hit D1 hit start right if you’re on the court it’s beautiful because the machine is on the other side and you don’t have to move there right.

You can change it up you just hit stop switch drills and if you want to customize the drills this is what I’m doing right if I want more Top Spin if I want it deeper and something really cool you can do and I’ll show you in a second right I customized that one I went back you can simulate what’s going to happen right.

That’s pretty cool so if I’m at home I can simulate it and then go to the courts right and not waste time and not get really angry I’m good at doing that so it’s pretty cool yeah you hit save I don’t want to save it I go back one more thing the mega drill top right hand corner I combine three activities right and it’s.

Crazy you’re on court it’s mixing things up with the osculating head you don’t know where the balls going so it’s really like a real pickle ball tourament and I love that sound so I set the Titan on a mean slice right you hit your serve they had a mean backand slice and what most 35s do it goes straight down right because.

It’s so much slice right so I that even missed but I’d recommend Drive the third shot at 60% for an easier fifth shot drop this is a tight end robot I set it for a hard Top Spin drive right here we go I have this segment coming out this week my point is you can practice drills with the tight end that you can’t practice.

With a 35 or 40 player right it’s extremely tough to find those 5 O’s and you can practice the shots they hit the second shot 5 O’s hit that’s going to make you miss is a mean Top Spin lob even on the third shot sometimes with these carbon fiber paddles right so how do we defend against that another shot you can’t practice against a 35 player.

They usually don’t hit those mean Top Spin lobs that 50 players hit and if you get the Titan and you’re committed and you want to be a 5 I would recommend we’re going to do drill four on the tight end that’s Top Spin heavy Top Spin targeting the inner foot boom pretty good pretty good I hit a lot of spin on that I’m really work on cutting under.

This a little bit more with that heavy Top Spin it’s really tough so there’s a ton you can practice with the Titan however as I said before it is tough to Tinker with I’m trying to work on spin dinks I did get it but it did take a while right I had some trouble it’s working but honestly if you’re practicing dinking do.

You want to use a tight end it will help but you probably want to drill against a really amazing 50 player right so I’m just giving some honest feedback on this there’s a ton you can do but am I really going to drill with dinkin probably not yeah honest feedback I’m not the best but I thought the Titan was pretty good so that’s the review if you’re going to.

Buy de on description it helps us out right so I can keep doing this because literally that’s all I do pickle ball pickle ball lovers do you use a ball machine which one do you use what’s the best leave it in comments save 10% on any paddle Keeps Us in business and saves you 10% the only win-win and life and let’s not forget to have a good day.

Watch introductory review of Titan Pickleball robot. Free shipping and a free machine cover for each customer order from the link: https://titanballmachines.com?sca_ref=4985103.K3j1Z9oh2j

Improve your game!
This channel is dedicated to all the gold seeking Pickleballers out there who dink responsibly and stay out of the kitchen. We have all levels come through the channel, but we concentrate on the 4.0s, 4.5s and up to 5.5s.
I started this channel quite by accident, I was recording my games to do film study and get better. I did not have time or money for lessons from pro pickleball coach, so I started watching all my screwups. People that I was playing with started to ask if they could watch too and I said sure. That helped all of us a lot to improve our game, strategy, mental toughness, and techniques. Now we have new pickleball videos published several times a week. We occasionally have pro pickleball players on the channel. Mostly its non pro pickleball players on their quest to 5.0 pickleball. We have all levels come through the channel: 4.0 pickleball, 4.5 pickleball and up to 5.5 pickleball with the pros.

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